Example sentences of "and [pron] [noun pl] of the " in BNC.

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1 I found myself gazing at the harmonium and my memories of the happy times I 'd spent listening to Miss Louise play came flooding back and I wept more .
2 The continued consequences of the Prague spring and its depletions of the Czech officer corps , if no threat to the reliability of the Czechoslovakian People 's Army , are bound to have implications for its effectiveness .
3 Its hillside position is exceptional and its views of the surrounding countryside entrancing , but it is best known among Italians as the place gentle Saint Francis is said to have tamed a mean , ferocious wolf which had been terrorising locals .
4 Had he not plodded his way to the fairs and markets , to the countless isolated communities in villages and hamlets , the English race would have been immeasurably poorer in its literature , its recreations and its memories of the past .
5 Following unification a reassessment by both Germany and its neighbours of the country 's foreign policy role was necessary .
6 Especially the Royal Academy , he wrote , with its Presidents and its private views and its Signed Goblets and its Concerts of Spanish music to go with the Murillo exhibition and its Concerts of Russian music to go with its Tatlin exhibition and its Concerts of Dutch music to go with its de Hooch exhibition , and its Silk-screened Scarves and its Special Offers and its Jigsaws of the Raft of Medusa and La Grande Jatte and its Good Taste and its Tondo and its Education Department and its Restaurant with its Tasty Snacks and its Cold Buffet and its Glass of Wine and its Napkins Designed by a Living Artist , and its Proximity to Cork Street , with its Galleries and their Private Views and their Favoured Clients and their Phone Calls to New York and their Summer Shows and their Autumn Shows and their Winter Shows and their Embossed Invitations and their Highly Polished Floors .
7 He had overseen the steady expansion of the Junior Department , presiding over its growth and its tours of the site with equanimity , and its success with pride .
8 Her life in prison is limited to the immediate , and her memories of the past .
9 Their attitudes to teaching and their conceptions of the effects of classroom activities are taken into account .
10 The various headings in that pro forma remind justices and their clerks of the essential matters they have to decide and provide a logical pattern for the statement of findings and reasons .
11 The research involves interviews with personnel and technical managers in 20 companies located in central southern England , designed to gather information on employment policies , career structures and their perceptions of the labour market behaviour of professional engineers .
12 ‘ Contrary to what people often think , we spend more money on cases of ex-employees and their families of the electricity industry than the industry actually contribute to EEIBA funds . ’
13 This does not follow , however , from Simmel 's approach ; for him , the Walbiri 's intimate relation to the objective forms taken by their social products , and their classifications of the landscape , might well have appeared more ‘ cultured ’ than the attitudes of his German contemporaries , who , in spite of having at their disposal the enormous possibilities of mass culture , did not possess the means for assimilating these into the development of person or group .
14 These images were inherited by Edward I and his successors , and also reminded them and their counsellors of the ideal qualities attributed to one of their illustrious predecessors .
15 His delicious Pas des Légumes performed at a special performance to mark the market 's passing brought to mind the long history not only of the ‘ fruit and veg ’ , but also of Harlequin , Columbine and their colleagues of the commedia dell'arte , inhabitants for many years of the Theatre Royal , Drury Lane , and the King 's Theatre , Drury Lane , where the first ballets d'action were staged .
16 The difference between public responses to perceptions of bias in the press and on television was reflected in the complex relationship between voters ' allegations of bias and their ratings of the ‘ usefulness ’ of the press and television news .
17 Students were interviewed in groups at the start of the Semester to assess their level of understanding of transferable skills and their expectations of the benefits that development of transferable skills would bring to them .
18 It was United 's first league win and their points of the new season .
19 The interviews with the class teachers centre on their parent involvement and multi-cultural practices and their assessments of the children 's behaviour and achievement .
20 In this renaissance the influence of the East seems present in a new way : not the effect on craftsmen and their patrons of the style of imported objects , but the emulation of a way of life seen by travelling Greeks who reported the great enduring buildings and statues of Egypt and the eastern monarchies .
21 This is an organization that listeners may not realize , which meets probably a couple of times a term , and which members of the university and people outside community meet , have some supper together , perhaps , and actually hear some talks , either from people inside the university or outside , about topics of current interest .
22 Whether these bourgeois tried to ape the life style of the aristocracy or , like class-conscious Krupp and his fellow-magnates of the Ruhr , built themselves castles and industrial-feudal empires parallel to and more impressive than those of the Junkers whose titles they refused , they had to spend , and in a manner which inevitably brought their life style closer to that of the unpuritan aristocracy , and that of their womenfolk even more so .
23 It seems that Arthur , and his Knights of the Round Table lived in GLOUCESTERSHIRE , and NOT Glastonbury , which has always purported to be the REAL Camelot .
24 Newman 's greatness did not lie chiefly in fresh theological insight , but in the enormous impact of his spirituality , his hymns , and his studies of the church fathers .
25 Peter Townsend has had a life-long commitment to the needs of the poor and the powerless , and his studies of the elderly ( 1957 ) and the poor ( 1979 ) are the result of that commitment .
26 We are still some way from forming a just estimate of the influence exercised by Curtis and his friends of the Round Table on the imperial policy of the British government .
27 TANU 's campaign — and the adoption by Nyerere and his ministers of the Swahili language for most great state occasions — gave the language a status it had not previously enjoyed ; but secondary education , the University College in Dar es Salaam , Parliament , the higher law courts and other important institutions still used English , which was not to be easily displaced .
28 Finally , in 1544 Stumpe consolidated his interest in the property by paying over £1,500 for a royal grant to himself and his heirs of the whole site of the abbey .
29 There a 15-year-old Jehovah 's Witness , and his parents of the same faith , were refusing to allow doctors to give the boy a blood transfusion without which there was a strong risk ( on the medical evidence ) that the boy would die .
30 Nigel Mansell had been disqualified from the Portuguese Grand Prix and his hopes of the championship dashed .
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