Example sentences of "and [pron] [adj] [noun pl] for " in BNC.

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1 Your boots , or your braids , and them white ones for try the other one .
2 Ards were the form side when the Cup kicked off in January and my dark horses for the final .
3 The magazine will just have to lurch along snuggled up to me and my ageing haemorrhoids for a few weeks .
4 The scientists involved blame the press and its lurid headlines for giving people the wrong impression about Zeta .
5 It is likely that the vendors will also wish to understand more fully the purchaser 's interest in the acquisition and its future plans for the business .
6 For Paul the issue which dominates the whole letter is one of the truth of the gospel , and its consequent implications for practical Christian living .
7 All teachers should also be briefed about LMS and its possible implications for them and their work .
8 The official communiqué referred to developments in global financial markets , " especially the decline of the yen against other currencies and its undesirable consequences for the global adjustment process " .
9 Clare was the great exception , an articulate peasant , and he might have described that world for us in all its natural beauty and its deep associations for the human race — twelve or thirteen centuries of unbroken continuity — but he came almost too late for this kind of England .
10 In addition , the appointments of Lee and Baker by the Board and its emerging plans for rural areas development may have prompted the District to consider developing other parts of its region .
11 A report 's due out next week on Grendon Prison , and its unique methods for dealing with inmates .
12 Although , historically , man has modified animal behaviour , and its physical characteristics for his own benefit , we have only now begun to weigh the ethical consequences of our activities with animals .
13 By a written agreement dated 26 May 1988 the first plaintiff company ( ‘ Istel ’ ) agreed to buy the entire share capital of Abbey and its subsidiary companies for the sum of £2,550,000 .
14 Sir Michael spoke enthusiastically of the University Plan and its clear goals for the end of the decade .
15 Receptive to the idea of ‘ doing something ’ about North Sea oil and its likely consequences for Orkney , of coping with the practical problems of planning applications , of conducting the old County Council and the new Orkney Islands Council along businesslike lines , and conscious of the growing body of government planning legislation , they accepted the idea of planned zones .
16 The process leading up to this and its likely consequences for teaching are discussed in detail in the article by Walsh .
17 Feminists usually criticize cognitive science 's androcentrism , and its oppressive implications for women in the areas of employment and social control , and try to correct these biases .
18 Victorian eugenists and biometricians such as Francis Galton and Karl Pearson expressed concern about higher working-class fertility and its supposed consequences for social welfare and national average ability .
19 My expectation of the DipSW is that students will have some idea of what HIV is and its social implications for people , and some idea about confidentiality and transmission . ’
20 They returned to Tunbridge Wells via Cheltenham , where Lulu Harrington gave them tea and her fulsome apologies for being unable to remember the full name and address on Beatrix 's fourth letter .
21 Ian 's kid sister , who was playing mothers and fathers with her friends in the crawl space under the porch , said it was marvellous , so they had to be content with this infant praise and with taking her and her mud-covered friends for a ride round the block .
22 THE PARENTS of murdered toddler Jamie Bulger have spoken publicly for the first time about their tragedy and their new hopes for the birth of another child .
23 These techniques are based upon the premise that anxiety results when a person perceives a discrepancy between the demands placed upon them and their personal resources for coping with those demands .
24 Once again the Association is most grateful to Mr and Mrs Frank Cannon and their fellow trustees for their generosity in providing superb holidays for Association members at the Chateau de Monviel in France .
25 Even if we tabulate only those time-words and their associated tempos for the movements where there is unequivocal evidence for such tempos , in H400D and the two Strasbourg motets that is without relying on those movements calculated by reference to tempo relationships we see a remarkable degree of unanimity .
26 R. G. Wallace and Kevin Jeffereys have disagreed about the relative responsibilities of politicians — R. A. Butler and J. Chuter Ede — and their civil servants for the reforming intentions of the Act .
27 That 's to say someone is leaving and we are going to take that post out and put it into the food section , and on b , I would say to Matthew that before committing us to a budget of two and a half thousand against a background of ten percent cuts , I would suggest that the health educational help-line and their day-long courses for E H Os might be made good use of in the forth-coming year .
28 The Health Alliance for Democracy ( HEAD ) openly questions the implications of national issues such as land reform and the presence of the US bases and their nuclear weapons for the health of Filipinos .
29 The failure to sign the tripartite agreement was attributed uniquely to the duplicitous tactics of the governments of Britain and France , and his final articles for Ce Soir , a series entitled " La France trahie " , provided Nizan with the opportunity to vent his anger on fascist spies , infiltrators and collaborators undermining the fabric of French society .
30 She would , instead , walk away from him with her head high — and his unsavoury hopes for the future dashed to the ground .
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