Example sentences of "and [pron] [verb] last [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Well this time next week of course , we 'll be in Italy getting ready for Notts against Brescia and I remember last year when I went over with Radio Derby to cover Derby County 's game against
2 They just do it 's only round the corner and I remember last time I said I 'd take you and I did n't .
3 They , they just do , its only round the corner and I remember last time I said I 'd take you and I did n't .
4 Will the Secretary of State impress on the Prime Minister the need to raise with Mr. Yeltsin the substance of the conversation that my hon. Friend the Member for Cynon Valley ( Mrs. Clwyd ) and I had last Tuesday with Mr. Bikov of the Russian Academy of Science ?
5 I suppose while this is for me cos on the sponsorship issue is , would sponsorship have any impact in terms of what I might purchase so if I went to the Scottish Opera or the ballet or to the theatre and I bought a programme which I usually do and one of the things which is interesting about the evening that erm Alan and I spent last time at Scottish Council was that half the people attend Scottish Opera buy a programme and the programmes that I have sponsored always .
6 Now controlwise , we can look at various things , and I think last year we had various discussions on different things , but , naturally , you 're looking for smooth , positive control of the vehicle .
7 Relationships , similar figures , now we we looked at that , and we looked at scale , erm , and I think last time we were looking at things like though , not too long ago we were looking at price of council paper and this sort of stuff , which one shall we buy ?
8 My lover and I dined last night in Cambridge at the Master 's Lodge of his college .
9 I 'm not and I bought last night !
10 And she said last year I 'd pulled that on the furniture , and like the first year you 're old enough to really wrap and there was a tap on the window and Theresa went out and she went , and come back and she went oh my God Father Christmas is out there and she said
11 Christmas time and she did last year
12 He can handle that computer scrabble beautifully , Bobby and he played last night on his own and he scored one thousand , was it three hundred
13 And he said last night : ‘ It could be the first all-ticket tribunal !
14 That incident appears to be behind the decision by golf 's ‘ Wild Thing ’ to clean up his act , and he said last night : ‘ I will check into an alcohol rehabilitation unit and return to tournament play only when I am comfortable my life is in order . ’
15 Ironically , Sheffield referee John Key awarded the free-kick to Liverpool for a foul by Elliott and he said last night : ‘ In my opinion , Elliott came in dangerously .
16 And he did last week or the week before .
17 And it succeeded last night , courtesy of Iain Dowie 's excellent strike in the ninth minute of this World Cup Group Three game — and four world-class saves from Wright afterwards .
18 It is evident in the vitality of the arts — hardly a city in the country now lacks for an international festival — and it contributed last year to the remarkable election of Mary Robinson , only in her mid-40s and impatient with old ways , to the ( largely honorary ) post of president .
19 But it has n't worked out that way and what happened last night was so … ’
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