Example sentences of "and [pron] [noun] [to-vb] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 We went in and we paid seven pounds for me and my mum to get in , we did n't pay for the kids cos if they know they 're gon na sit on your lap , they get in there for nothing , but once we get in there we give them their own chair anyway , providing you go in like it 's not in the first week , the following week when the show is quieter and not so many people going
2 They stopped beside the resting horses and looked down on the vale of Grasmere , a prospect described by great poets as an unsuspected paradise , depicted by painters as a jewel set in nature , sought out by the fashionable , protected by the sensible , evoker of sublime epithets , a small , ovaloid dream lake ringed by mountains proportioned in a measure which touched the intelligence as much as the eye ; if any one place deserves the description , then Grasmere Vale could claim to be in the very eye of the Romantic storm , in its beauty , its seclusion , its inhabitants and its capacity to draw in and draw out some of the greatest artists of the era .
3 THE Government 's Green Bill would seriously damage the independent role of National Rivers Authority and its ability to clamp down on pollution , the organisation 's chief scientist , Dr Jan Pentreath , said yesterday .
4 In a management buy-out , the relationship between the banker and the management team differs from a normal corporate relationship in that the banker has a special need to understand the new business and its ability to pay back the monies lent .
5 The information obtained will enable the offeror and its advisers to build up a public profile of the target .
6 Regardless of what the manufacturers of integrated software may tell us it can still be a time consuming process to off-load the document from the wordprocessor and pull in the data base and its files to look up a simple telephone number .
7 The maternal words ‘ If you do n't study hard , you 'll end up on the check-out counter at Tesco 's ’ had had , if not the intended effect , the result of causing Camille and her friends to look down on shop assistants , bank clerks and bus drivers : for more recondite reasons of their own they also held in contempt estate and travel agents and people who worked in advertising .
8 She showed immediate enthusiasm and , well , one thing led to another and before long I had invited her and her family to come over to Tintagel to meet Dawn and see her fly .
9 We can never be a hundred per cent sure with security , we are , it is a public building , we do encourage er patients and their relatives to come up on to the children 's wards as part of the treatment er to make it a much more homely atmosphere .
10 He crowed to me : ‘ The Queen wo n't allow any negotiations between Andrew and Fergie and their lawyers to go on without me being present . ’
11 In some situations , such as providing purely factual information , this may be the case , but insensitive memos have been known to have an adverse effect on the motivation of others and their willingness to carry out instructions .
12 ‘ It 's much easier for men because they have their clubs and their networks to rely on .
13 Work with people with disabilities and their organisation to draw up a charter of rights for people with disabilities .
14 Because of the limits on income support payments there is increasing evidence of a shortfall between benefit levels and home fees , with resulting pressure on individual residents and their families to make up the deficit .
15 Oxford police recently reported their concern to the city 's magistrates and their determination to crack down .
16 Because of the Government 's apparent lack of enthusiasm for all things European , and their determination to go along a slow track , will not Scotland lose out again without any chance of the central bank being cited in Glasgow or Edinburgh ?
17 Peasants had shown themselves fully capable of organizing resistance around their traditional village institutions , and their determination to take over the nobility 's land was their own .
18 The speed at which bacteria can mutate and their readiness to pass around packages of genetic information means that bacteria are poised to react to selection pressure with rapid and substantial genetic changes .
19 Nationalists in Nakhichevan on Jan. 19 had declared the region 's secession from the Soviet Union and their intention to set up an independent Islamic republic .
20 My childhood was all about manners and how to hold your knife and fork and which glass to drink out of , and we had to curtsey , and as for my father , well , if I was looking like this — with blonde hair hanging down and the red lipstick — he would say I looked like a slut .
21 The electorate is able to choose a candidate , a party , a programme , and a government ; the electorate knows roughly what the government will do once in office ; and so the electorate knows who to blame and which party to vote out of office at the next election .
22 He had a cottage in the Cotswolds waiting for him and his wife to move in .
23 However , he may not be that popular in England after his ungracious comments before and after the World Cup final and his decision to drop out of the Barbarians game — not to mention the ‘ try that never was ’ against England in the 1987 World Cup .
24 To the accompaniment of one of Alan Dell 's Big Band programmes Patrick told Peter Jennings about the murder and the theft of the letters , the switched bodies and his decision to come out to Romania and try to pick up the scent of John and Angela Bonnard .
25 So far , driver Sam Webster was pleased with his young mate 's performance and had noted with approval how he used his firing shovel to spread the coal systematically round the firebox and his ability to fire up through the firehole door trap without having to open the door .
26 Every diplomatic effort was made to get him and his army to retire back over the frontier , but without success .
27 Congressmen and senators did not like being bombarded with an estimated eighty legislative proposals in Carter 's first year and were unim-pressed by his resistance to compromise , his aversion to bargaining and his threats to go over their heads directly to the people .
28 Finally , when the walls of Amal 's room began to vibrate from the sounds of the bass from the stereo , she decided to go downstairs to ask her brother and his friends to turn down their music .
29 Gowie is given every opportunity by his teacher and his classmates to join in with the others and make a useful contribution to the school ; but every gesture of friendship he rejects .
30 A BAF spokesman , Tony Ward , said : ‘ We will have to talk to Livingston and his advisers to find out whether they are still going to go ahead with the appeal . ’
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