Example sentences of "and [pron] [noun] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The M and M I did n't like This trick I obtained from Paul Daniels , and my sister the Amazing Avril uses it in her children 's shows .
2 You know , and my story the following morning included road blocks .
3 ‘ I do n't think they wanted to kidnap me properly — just to give me and my family a nasty shock .
4 And my Lord a short part I wish to refer you to and that is on page a hundred and seventy nine which is er the section when the judge was dealing with er the law of duty and the judge Mr Justice said during the trial I express some concern to what evidence has been called it is not necessary to refer to lawyers professional liability by .
5 Nevertheless , advocacy of focusing on issues rather than institutions became more insistent with the development of the Politics Association and its offspring the Political Education Project under the direction of Bernard Crick .
6 When I read Coot Club and its sequel The Big Six as a child , I was a little disappointed .
7 It was here that disenchantment with the liberalism of the New Deal and its successor the Great Society began setting in , which eventually culminated in the landslide victories for Ronald Reagan in the 1980s .
8 The Prince of Wales was involved in setting up the agreement under which , had the sale gone ahead , Crown Estate commissioners would have leased the land to the Nature Conservancy Council and its successor the Scottish Natural Heritage Agency .
9 The place is beautiful and its studies a precious part of human heritage .
10 With hindsight , the emergence of any new branch of science seems inevitable , and its development a logical progression .
11 Concerning Pw ai1 and its ORF a similar situation can be observed : the ORFs of the corresponding introns from M.polymorpha and S.pombe ( Fig. 2 ) show significant similarities to the algal intronic ORF ( Fig. 7a ) .
12 Attaching such a condition as the one reproduced below is permitted on planning grounds , even though it is in conflict with the Use Classes Order and its imposition a useful preventative measure :
13 But without the chorus and its music the Dionysiac impulse — and thus the very essence of tragedy — can not survive .
14 In this Agreement and its Schedules the following expressions have the following meanings :
15 When will the Welsh Office , and its agent the Welsh water authority , prosecute those people successfully and give the public the confidence that their water is clean and fit to drink ?
16 And , if they have read the passage , they might well be forgiven for entering it as further evidence , if evidence were needed , in support of their view that evolutionary Socialism is anathema and its proponents the prime enemy .
17 The ideas carried in the individual features , including an end to mass unemployment , a planned economy , a comprehensive system of social security and health care , a clean sweep of all that was old-fashioned and squalid in housing and the urban legacy of the industrial revolution , and many more , represented a virtual glossary of progressive views current in the Britain of the 1930s and its contributors a fair cross-section of the high-minded and socially concerned individuals who had been advocating these and similar ideas well before the outbreak of war .
18 The state of a living cell is a direct reflection of the state of its host 's metabolism and its nature no different from that of the organism of which it is an integral part .
19 Its markets have been the developed world and its aim a quick profit .
20 This poster is now exceedingly rare and its owner a lucky man .
21 The mansion subsequently became a symbol for the FSLN and its retention a powerful factor in the confiscation debate .
22 I did n't advertise for a partner but I went to the single 's and divorcee club and met my second husband and its magic the second time around .
23 Clytemnestra let out an unearthly keening howl , her lips snarling back and her tail a stiff prolongation of her backbone .
24 Hence the ungrammaticality of the structures in ( 31 ) which purport to offer us adverbal adjectives : ( 30 ) the Dean met Mrs Smollett and her uncle a Persian Kite costs $4,000 ( 31 ) Angela resembles her cousin dark the Prince admired his Chief Justice merciful
25 With the experience of revolution in France and her colonies a few of the more enthusiastically radical abolitionists — notably Clarkson and Thomas Cooper — adopted the higher risk tactic of accepting both the virtual inevitability of slave revolt and its justification .
26 Martha could see from the humourless stretch of her grandmother 's mouth that she judged Mrs Joyce and her offspring an unwelcome addition to the neighbourhood .
27 Her face registered gathering anger and her tone a blistering contempt .
28 Her information various — her eye watchful in minutest observation of nature — and her taste a perfect electrometer — it bends , protrudes , and draws in , at subtlest beauties & most recondite faults .
29 her hair is teased into spikes and her face a pallid mask of make-up , livid colours on her eyes and mouth .
30 And she went , her heart thudding in her chest with slow , painful beats and her mind a confused whirl .
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