Example sentences of "and [pron] have [vb pp] for " in BNC.

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1 They 've been touring and doing the same thing for forty , fifty years and nothing has changed for them , and so I do n't think it 's a real resurgence in the US , but it 's great to see it happening over here . ’
2 I 'm not going to go into any length about the community arts budget , that is one area of service provision that we feel , and I 've said for the last two years , does not provide value for money .
3 Now you are actually going to be guinea pig for me because I 've been doing these for about ten years and I 've decided for ten years is getting perhaps a little stale .
4 And I 've payed for years and years for myself and four other people besides !
5 ‘ Well , I have n't actually spoken to him , but I spoke to Joanne — that 's his secretary — and I 've fixed for you to see him this afternoon at four .
6 Er , you know , it 's just a , and I 've paid for that and that and
7 This has happened to the car at some time in its past , as a result of which the crank shaft 's worn , the engine 's a bit dodgy , but I buy it 's not apparent when I buy it , but the engine breaks down after I 've bought it and I 've paid for this warranty , you 're going to come back and say ‘ oh , this was a defect inherent in the vehicle before you bought it , excluded by the warranty ’ .
8 ‘ Bore da , Miss Emily , I 'm Joey and I 've worked for your father since I was a boy .
9 Yeah I said well I earn half of it as well then and I 've worked for half of it , but I ai n't paying the bills either
10 Paul and I had gone for a walk along the sand , northwards on a calm , bright autumn day after a ferocious storm the night before that had ripped slates off the roof of the house , torn up one of the trees by the old sheep-pen and even snapped one of the cables on the suspension foot-bridge .
11 When the pass came and I had arranged for a fortnight 's holiday I travelled to the Pacific coast in a day coach : overnight to Calgary , and on for another 24 hours through the glorious panorama of the Rockies to Burrard Inlet , English Bay and Stanley Park , Vancouver .
12 On the Waterfront and Rebel without a Cause had appeared in 1954 and 1955 , starring Marlon Brando and James Dean respectively , and I had fallen for them both .
13 Knowing this , I was still impotent , for I had nothing to put in its stead , no one to turn to for advice or support , and I had learned for myself nothing of life except that I was bad at living , and that where I loved I met only rejection and disaster .
14 This is something for which my hon. Friends and I have pressed for some time .
15 Both Ian Allan , chairman of AIR , and I have felt for some time that this division was not helpful to the railway movement and it was agreed at the ARPS Council meeting held on 25th April ( which I missed due to the pleasure of attending my secretary 's wedding ) and the AIR Board meeting two days later that we adopt a proposal put forward by David Madden , a member of ARPS Council and director of operations on the North Norfolk Railway , to set up a joint committee to handle affairs of mutual interest , which we agreed should be called in good railway tradition : ‘ The Railway Clearing House ’ .
16 This case raises serious and complex moral issues and I have asked for a detailed study of the House of Lords judgement in the light of Catholic moral teaching .
17 I feel that some sort of ceremony of blessing of the place may be in order , now that the remains have been given a proper burial , and I have asked for his opinion .
18 The documents are technical , and I have arranged for them to be placed in all public libraries in Cardiff , and notices to that effect have been placed in local newspapers .
19 Thou didst touch me , and I have burned for thy peace and growth in mystical knowledge concerned a process of recognition of the nature of God 's involvement with his creatures in time .
20 But while Tony Lesser is once again listing the Treasury 's objections to the topics Jane and I have proposed for discussion papers , a picture suddenly comes into my mind , with the most painful vividness , of Summerchild dragging himself across the hard wet ground , on the morning of June 24th 1974 , to the locked gates of that yard behind the Admiralty .
21 It grew out of the teaching of stylistics to undergraduates at Lancaster , which and I have shared for several years .
22 My discussions with the café owner have always been amiable and I have paid for car parking ( when asked ) and have gone about my business in an unobtrusive manner .
23 Hatton had been walking along in the dark and someone had waited for him among the willows and the brambles , the stone ready for use .
24 exercise that you do in terms of assertion in terms of helping build people 's assertion is what we call a broken record exercise , okay where one person wants something and the other person is trying to change their minds , okay , you get it in conversation when people do n't take you seriously and you 've asked for something and they do n't take you serious they try and avoid the point , they try and change the subject .
25 And you 've seen for example in central , Sheila , that their , their productivity level has improved
26 And you 've read for me in bed before now have n't you ?
27 ‘ Well , you know what my mother 's always saying : everything in life has to be paid for , and you 've paid for the happiness that 's going to be yours in the future .
28 But you 'd got hold of him , and you 'd squeezed him till the pips rattled , and you 'd done for him as a man .
29 Yeah it 's lovely , some money 's worth there , I think me and you have paid for that car
30 ‘ I have listened to you , Mr Cameron , ’ he said finally , ‘ and you have spoken for the people of Tayside .
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