Example sentences of "and [pron] have [verb] for " in BNC.

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1 They 've been touring and doing the same thing for forty , fifty years and nothing has changed for them , and so I do n't think it 's a real resurgence in the US , but it 's great to see it happening over here . ’
2 I 'm not going to go into any length about the community arts budget , that is one area of service provision that we feel , and I 've said for the last two years , does not provide value for money .
3 Now you are actually going to be guinea pig for me because I 've been doing these for about ten years and I 've decided for ten years is getting perhaps a little stale .
4 And I 've payed for years and years for myself and four other people besides !
5 ‘ Well , I have n't actually spoken to him , but I spoke to Joanne — that 's his secretary — and I 've fixed for you to see him this afternoon at four .
6 Er , you know , it 's just a , and I 've paid for that and that and
7 This has happened to the car at some time in its past , as a result of which the crank shaft 's worn , the engine 's a bit dodgy , but I buy it 's not apparent when I buy it , but the engine breaks down after I 've bought it and I 've paid for this warranty , you 're going to come back and say ‘ oh , this was a defect inherent in the vehicle before you bought it , excluded by the warranty ’ .
8 ‘ Bore da , Miss Emily , I 'm Joey and I 've worked for your father since I was a boy .
9 Yeah I said well I earn half of it as well then and I 've worked for half of it , but I ai n't paying the bills either
10 Paul and I had gone for a walk along the sand , northwards on a calm , bright autumn day after a ferocious storm the night before that had ripped slates off the roof of the house , torn up one of the trees by the old sheep-pen and even snapped one of the cables on the suspension foot-bridge .
11 When the pass came and I had arranged for a fortnight 's holiday I travelled to the Pacific coast in a day coach : overnight to Calgary , and on for another 24 hours through the glorious panorama of the Rockies to Burrard Inlet , English Bay and Stanley Park , Vancouver .
12 The offence was grievous and innocent , I drove the wrong way round a roundabout , which sounds appalling but there was not a single other car in sight to , in a sense to steer by so to speak , erm but there was one policeman , and he stopped me , and he fined me , and I had to search for my purse , which I had well hidden , this being Italy , erm underneath all the bedding and the tents and the cooking pots , found it in due course , presented him very shakily with these thousand lire or whatever it was he wanted , and , and this is really the point , drove off very shakily too .
13 My family and I had to wait for three weeks in Bombay before getting a boat for England , but during that time I was able to do some useful PR work with newspapers and radio .
14 Mrs Hutchinson , who has two daughters , aged 16 and 21 , said : ‘ At first , Frank and I had to cope for everyone else .
15 On the Waterfront and Rebel without a Cause had appeared in 1954 and 1955 , starring Marlon Brando and James Dean respectively , and I had fallen for them both .
16 ‘ We bought it in Paris and I had to stand for hours while they fitted me .
17 Rhoda and I had to fend for ourselves .
18 And and I had to pay for it of course .
19 Knowing this , I was still impotent , for I had nothing to put in its stead , no one to turn to for advice or support , and I had learned for myself nothing of life except that I was bad at living , and that where I loved I met only rejection and disaster .
20 No sooner was I off the train than the guard blew the whistle and the train started and I had to run for it .
21 This is something for which my hon. Friends and I have pressed for some time .
22 Both Ian Allan , chairman of AIR , and I have felt for some time that this division was not helpful to the railway movement and it was agreed at the ARPS Council meeting held on 25th April ( which I missed due to the pleasure of attending my secretary 's wedding ) and the AIR Board meeting two days later that we adopt a proposal put forward by David Madden , a member of ARPS Council and director of operations on the North Norfolk Railway , to set up a joint committee to handle affairs of mutual interest , which we agreed should be called in good railway tradition : ‘ The Railway Clearing House ’ .
23 This case raises serious and complex moral issues and I have asked for a detailed study of the House of Lords judgement in the light of Catholic moral teaching .
24 I feel that some sort of ceremony of blessing of the place may be in order , now that the remains have been given a proper burial , and I have asked for his opinion .
25 It 's not right and I have to lie for him !
26 The documents are technical , and I have arranged for them to be placed in all public libraries in Cardiff , and notices to that effect have been placed in local newspapers .
27 Thou didst touch me , and I have burned for thy peace and growth in mystical knowledge concerned a process of recognition of the nature of God 's involvement with his creatures in time .
28 But while Tony Lesser is once again listing the Treasury 's objections to the topics Jane and I have proposed for discussion papers , a picture suddenly comes into my mind , with the most painful vividness , of Summerchild dragging himself across the hard wet ground , on the morning of June 24th 1974 , to the locked gates of that yard behind the Admiralty .
29 It grew out of the teaching of stylistics to undergraduates at Lancaster , which and I have shared for several years .
30 My discussions with the café owner have always been amiable and I have paid for car parking ( when asked ) and have gone about my business in an unobtrusive manner .
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