Example sentences of "and [pron] be [art] same " in BNC.

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1 Toby and I are the same , two people we were yesterday — we 're still your friends " " Not the same .
2 cos Edmund and I are the same age
3 He talks as if I 'm free to go at any minute , and I 'm the same . )
4 Perhaps by my middle-aged presence , the suggestion that Flora and I were the same age ?
5 I felt that he and I were the same sort of person , that there was something in my brain and heart , in my blood and bone , that connected me to him for ever .
6 Matt and I were the same age within a month but Alfred was two or three years older and Maurice quite a bit younger .
7 You were like ice , and I was the same .
8 well and yours is the same look
9 It is n't often that a new cruising ground opens to yachtsmen , particularly one that has hundred of deserted anchorages , summer water temperatures comparable to the Med , and which is the same sailing distance from Britain as Gibraltar .
10 I have seen before and after your boasted strokes of policy ; and you were the same man , and would have been the same man to me and to yourself if you had never done them .
11 who plays most beautifully and who is the same age and the same size as Wolfgang …
12 ‘ In that , you and she are the same . ’
13 It was grown now , and a good bit taller than me , but when I was young and we were the same size it had been my static catapult defending the southerly approaches to the island .
14 If you find the same language in distant countries , you may be sure that the inhabitants have been the same people , that is to say , if you find the languages a good deal the same ; for a word here and there being the same will not do . ’
15 And they 're the same .
16 ‘ They wear similar clothes , and they are the same build and colouring when you come to think of it .
17 Well I suppose probably people li like nursemaids and er and er what they used to call in those days mothers ' helps , who used to sort of be a general skivvy around the house and would look after the children , and , and , and they were the same , they had to be in I think at , at sort of ten o'clock at night .
18 But I looked today in erm cash and carry sport and they were the same price .
19 Right , second baby has a P K U gene from his mum and a normal gene from his dad and he is not affected , but he is a P K U carrier , right , third baby gets a normal gene from his mum and a P K U gene from his dad and he 's the same , or she 's the same P K U carrier , but not affected , unfortunately the last baby gets a P K U gene from , from mum and a P K U gene from dad and this baby has got P K U and that is a simple , simple sort of exercise of how genetic disorders sometimes appear and sometimes do n't
20 And he 's the same off it .
21 I went to this man today and he 's a real doddery old soul and he 's the same age as gran
22 and he 's the same age as granddad , I could n't believe it and he was saying about well I 'm seventy one this year actually younger than my dad and he looks really old and we were
23 And when it comes to appointments , they just get on the blower to somebody and say ‘ give me your views ’ , and it 's the same circle of people they know and trust .
24 And it 's the same thing over and over again . ’
25 And it 's the same kids who are complaining that the A&R system is not working for them , that A&R men do n't understand .
26 Indoors is much easier ; they put the air conditioning on in the morning and it 's the same all day and night , except for the lights .
27 And it 's the same in the specification column at the end of the article , with inches , pounds , square feet , horsepower , knots and metres .
28 Like , it would be nonsensical to get Paul Weller to go play live on a kids ’ Saturday TV show , and it 's the same for all our artists : there 's a right environment for them and a wrong one , and it 's important not to force them .
29 And it 's the same with Civic Forum .
30 And it 's the same for the boy ; I thought I could keep him from it , but I see now I ca n't .
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