Example sentences of "of being [vb pp] [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 We did have hopes of being re-equipped for this Tripoli show , ’ — by coincidence he was writing on the very day Tripoli fell — ‘ but they did n't materialise , so we shall have to seek the bubble reputation elsewhere .
2 Revealing that they had cystic fibrosis at job interviews reduced likelihood of being employed for those with mild to moderate disease .
3 The Pioneer Corps was non-combatant , though volunteers had to accept the risks ‘ of being employed in any theatre of war ’ .
4 The Directive is perfectly capable of being applied in such a sensitive way .
5 Aesthetic appearance , rarity and durability may have been the physical attributes which led particular substances to be categorized as precious , but it was the fact of being recognized as such which made them effective as symbols .
6 On August 19th , Palme Dutt — revealing a capacity to assess political realities independently of the Moscow line which , in all his long years as Britain 's foremost guardian of Communist orthodoxy , he was seldom to repeat — insisted the issue was ‘ not essentially a revolutionary class issue , but simply an expression of war-weariness and horror at the prospect of being dragged into another war . ’
7 Finally , as if all this was n't enough , the effects of being covered with this diseased , filthy mucus are identical to those from falling into the Miasmic Marsh ( area 63 ) — although they are not cumulative with those effects .
8 Counsel conjured up for us the picture of the accused person , after a gruelling day in court , returning to the cells to be met with the sight of an official of the Serious Fraud Office , armed with a further batch of questions , which he would be forced to answer on pain of being prosecuted for another offence .
9 Among many blessings , which I count from time to time , is the good fortune of being born in this age of progress ‘ in all directions ’ and the fact that I was born with an innate curiosity .
10 It must be capable of being repeated at some later date .
11 The arbitrary implications of undefinable rights are particularly evident where the right claimed is by its nature not capable of being satisfied by any degree of compulsion exercised within the relevant society .
12 He says that the sheds need a good clean up , some of the cattle are showing the effects of being kept in such muddy conditions .
13 In Filliter v. Phippard the word ‘ accidentally ’ was interpreted restrictively so as to cover only ‘ a fire produced by mere chance or incapable of being traced to any cause . ’
14 The problem of administrative inconvenience resulting from the quashing of decisions with retrospective effect might also be capable of being overcome in some cases by some form of prospective relief ( that is , relief which only operates in the future ) .
15 She had no intention of being accepted by this family .
16 These ‘ cairns ’ , as they are called , can reach enormous proportions , those on the tops of hills being capable in some instances of being seen for many miles .
17 Maybe they are fed up of being seen as this natural type of band .
18 And later — much later at the National Theatre playing the young Captain Absolute — did that grow out of being seen in these performances ?
19 Because conflict often involves the awareness of being wronged in some way , unresolved past experiences of unfairness , injury or maltreatment can have a powerful effect as we react and respond to more contemporary occurrences .
20 Thus a seminar , in which a number of speakers exchange ideas and information , is still a one-to-many mapping , because only one idea at a time is capable of being absorbed by each individual recipient .
21 It is certainly true that the priorities favoured by one style of management have no guarantee of being upheld by another .
22 Guinea-worm infestation , however , had been dramatically reduced , with under 3,000,000 current sufferers , and the disease was on the point of being eradicated in several countries including India and Pakistan .
23 She was conscious of being pleased by such things .
24 Other writers answered the question of the universality of sign language with less certainty : ‘ though all nations do not use the same mode of signs , one having a knowledge of the signs herein delineated will experience little , if any difficulty in understanding other modes , and of being understood by those who use a different mode ’ ( Michaels , quoted in Battison and Jordan , 1976 : 54 ) .
25 Given the recent record of local government in Manchester and Liverpool , constituents in Lancashire and Cheshire would be appalled at the prospect of being governed from either of those places .
26 Similarly , a figure of three lines enclosing a space , which is the idea we have of a triangle , has various properties as a consequence of being constructed in that way , properties such as having internal angles equal to two right angles , and external angles equal to internal opposites .
27 Now you 're petrified of being stopped by any of them cos you know it 's
28 The governments ' answer , it seems , is to go back to the ERM as it worked for most of the 1980s — a more flexible ERM , in which exchange-rate realignments happened now and then , instead of being resisted at all costs .
29 That is a natural part of being that particular creature , of being surrounded by that particular configuration of mental and tattvic apparatus .
30 My Lords , this appeal raises the question whether two decisions of your Lordships ' House upon the proper construction of certain provisions of the Theft Act 1968 are capable of being reconciled with each other , and , if so , in what manner .
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