Example sentences of "of being [verb] by the " in BNC.

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1 Nobody knew how much they burrowed into one 's past , and this ignorance coupled with a fear of being rejected by the Legion was enough to make most people tell the truth .
2 Tired of being buffeted by the eddying crowd , she moved over to the wall , where a sofa seemed to dare her to sit on it .
3 This feeling of utter helplessness , of being buffeted by the whims of some other person , was new and decidedly unsettling .
4 The United Kingdom was an original party to the Convention but did not accept the compulsory jurisdiction of the Commission and Court until 1965 and then only for a three-year term which , however , has so far been regularly renewed although not without some hesitancy prompted by the embarrassment and ignominy of being condemned by the Court on a number of occasions .
5 Then once having disposed of the bogus Robert Gravier , the real Mr G. could live on his swindled millions without fear of being chased by the law or his many creditors .
6 Britain 's potential for generating wind energy , which is the highest in Europe , is in danger of being neglected by the government , according to Friends of the Earth .
7 It seems that Napoleon III briefly entertained the idea of being crowned by the pope , as his uncle had been , but Pius IX showed little enthusiasm for this scheme .
8 Instead of being inherited by the process of Mendelian genetics , it is ‘ inherited ’ by imitation .
9 Although one consequence of their detached status was that the Commissioners tended to be remote from the day to day process of policy formulation in the higher echelons of the Home Office , they had the advantage of being perceived by the Prison Service as providing a collective leadership in which the professional element in the service could and did play a significant part .
10 They remained , therefore , on the outskirts of the town , until , terrified of being crushed by the mob , they decided to seek refuge in the open fields , but they had hardly agreed on this when fresh ash clouds , denser than ever , overwhelmed them and brought total darkness .
11 He knew we could n't abide his ways , and he was sure one of us was going to take a hack at him , so he begged for the honour of being killed by the enemy instead . ’
12 I realised that I was in danger of being fooled by the maps .
13 In Russia , people have had to build mikvas secretly , some of them have built a hidden one t-n their home , and have had to live constantly with the fear of being discovered by the KGB who would imprison them because of it .
14 A limited liability company therefore allows its members the privilege of being shielded by the ‘ corporate veil ’ from unlimited liability for company debts .
15 Are we going to withdraw from the risk of being contaminated by the modern alternatives to following Jesus ?
16 And second , perhaps even more subtle than the dangers of making misjudgements about the early ulema and hierarchy under the influence of the distinctive character of the later hierarchy , one must avoid the danger of being led by the nature of the biographies themselves to dehumanize the ulema , a danger present in all the sources hut perhaps particularly in Ata'i .
17 That 's the one that 's the one danger that I see , that instead of being led by the turnover of the product , we 're being led by the funding we can obtain which I think is a is a weakness in the system .
18 Lord Griffiths , committee chairman , said : ‘ The major step is that clients should have the choice of being represented by the same lawyer throughout .
19 Preparation of an internal control questionnaire in which the auditor devises a series of questions to assess the strengths and weaknesses of a system and to test whether an objective of control is capable of being met by the system .
20 BUCKINGHAM PALACE 6 October : Brigadier RW Morris ( Representative Honorary Colonel of the Royal Australian Army Ordnance Corps ) and Mrs Morris had the honour of being received by The Queen .
21 Senhora Neto-Kiambata had the honour of being received by The Prince of Wales and The Prince Edward .
22 In the mud , which the shelling had now turned to a consistency of sticky butter , troops stumbled and fell repeatedly ; cursing in low undertones , as if fearful of being overheard by the enemy who relentlessly pursued them with his shells at every step .
23 I had no idea how long we were going to be at Lille , or whether I stood any chance of being accepted by the Legion at all .
24 Mutual distrust in Germany had , it is clear , bred a situation in which each side 's peace proposals had no chance of being accepted by the other .
25 These are only two examples of cases where it should be possible for a non-trading corporation , which asserts that its reputation is capable of being damaged by the defamatory statement , to sue for libel .
26 He collects it from the door when it arrives to spare her the embarrassment of being seen by the boy .
27 This has placed the Institute in the position of being seen by the majority of its members and the public as inept ’ .
28 This makes it highly soluble and capable of being absorbed by the body .
29 Wild water buffaloes come to drink at the villus , where their calves run the risk of being snatched by the jaws of a large mugger , the marsh crocodile of the Far East .
30 This reduces the likelihood of being swayed by the heat of the negotiating battle and of accepting a deal which , with hindsight , should have been rejected .
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