Example sentences of "of being [verb] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This process of being stimulated by theory to carry out further research , and research contributing to the building-up of theory , is essentially what scientists call a ‘ feedback mechanism ’ .
2 The Teleworking Project is designed to test the feasibility of being employed at home but with a high-tech link to a central office base .
3 Drink , drugs , sex and scandal are part of the fabric of Scottish football , but remarkably , in the entire history of the game , only one player has stood accused of being drunk in charge of a football .
4 It was on an overseas tour with Newcastle that Gallacher earned the dubious notoriety of being the first player to be accused of being drunk in charge of a football .
5 If Hughie Gallacher was the first Scot to be accused of being drunk in charge of a football then his namesake , Patsy Gallacher , had already gone one better .
6 No mother of a case had worked at a nuclear establishment before her child 's conception , and no mother had a record of being monitored for exposure to ionising radiation at any time before diagnosis ( table V ) .
7 He suffered the severest form of tetraplegia short of being condemned to life on a ventilator. — PA
8 Instead of being condemned to death he felt condemned to life , like these worker-convicts in the rain and cold and mud of a no-man 's land .
9 Perry Anderson , who lives part of the year in Sherman Oaks while he teaches as UCLA , was reminded of what his parents saw in December 1941 , after they landed in San Francisco after three years of being bombed in South China .
10 Neither is fair , in the sense of being related to income , and thus ability to pay .
11 had the future of their country and their children to consider , and it was their duty as men and husbands to use their utmost efforts to bring about a condition of things , where their wives would be in their proper sphere at home , instead of being dragged into competition for livelihood against the great and strong men of the world .
12 Some unsaturated fats are chemically altered in the process of being made into margarine .
13 It also allowed execution against the trust property itself , instead of being bound to condemnation in a sum of money .
14 Since the Observer 's leaks , indignant ministers do not want to give the impression of being bounced into publication .
15 Jonah , disliking the task for unexplained reasons which might have had something to do with a fear of being stoned to death by the partying Ninevites , ran away .
16 There is no suggestion that Christians today view mental illness or epilepsy as the result of being possessed by evil .
17 In practice it made very little difference whether an actor , writer or director accused of being tainted with Communism claimed the right to be silent or not .
18 Furthermore , this comparison becomes even more shocking when it is remembered that the population at risk of being killed at work is less than half those who could be ‘ murdered ’ .
19 VAT on equality monies paid when properties are exchanged is also capable of being treated as consideration on which stamp duty is payable .
20 Plaid Cymru president and Caernarfon MP Dafydd Wigley said : ‘ The Liberal Democrats run the risk of being treated with contempt by the electorate if they decide to prop up such an unpopular Tory regime . ’
21 In a now well-quoted passage from her account , in which she was trying to capture the feeling — commonly reported by schizophrenics — of being flooded by stimulation , she wrote :
22 She , too , saw her lucky number looming : ‘ I dreamt of being dressed in silk and satins , and on the side of the angels ’ .
23 For six years Rita has lived the knife-edge existence of an illegal immigrant : invisible to the social services and institutions that citizens and landed immigrants can count on ; and constantly afraid of being discovered by immigration officials and deported .
24 This was understandable in the fear of being sent for service abroad , and there were riots in 1778 when enforced recruitment was tried .
25 ‘ There was general anticipation of regulations which would insist that more difficult wastes were burned instead of being sent to landfill . ’
26 The gipsies , instead of being sent to prison for stealing a pony , were only fined for stealing potatoes and oats .
27 Whilst Bunyan might have rejoiced at being used to belabour the inanities and vanities of the Church of England , it is difficult to know what he would have thought of being commemorated by memorial windows in Elstow parish church and Westminster Abbey .
28 It was mistakenly assumed that this trend represented a return to more traditional literary values ; an examination of such works reveals a postmodernist contestation of the conventional boundaries between genres and an intertextual mixture of writings , of which the fragmented subjectivity of the writer was itself a discourse capable of being plundered in order to generate text .
29 The chance of being hit by lightening is 200,000 to one .
30 I hardly remember what Mrs Girdlestone looked like , other than that she was plump and elderly , and gave an impression of being prepared for battle ; but I was touched when I saw the tea that had been laid out ready for me , imagining the two ladies conferring about the slices of bought ham , the thin bread-and-butter , and the bought cake .
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