Example sentences of "of him and the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But the noise of him and the flapping was good enough sign too .
2 Instinct took control of him and the noise of the men behind him died to a whisper .
3 They stayed like that for a long time , sometimes moving , sometimes still , the hardness of him and the warmth and softness of her blended into one .
4 For Owen the resolution of the conflicting pressures and the demands made of him and the unit staff takes place through an education philosophy that reconciles the interests of the child , the school and the LEA .
5 It had taken a long while , Harry thought as he glanced fondly at Cora-Beth , before he had got over Madeleine 's rejection of him and the shock of her marriage to Dunbar .
6 Somebody used to sit on the carpet at one end of the room with a walking stick and a chalk mark in front of him and the contestants used to have to come up to him and try to rub the marking out and he used to rap the hands with his walking stick .
7 It was also a terribly brave putt for Gordon to hole under all that pressure and I was proud of him and the rest of the team that afternoon .
8 Sometimes in the middle of a celebration , Christmas or Easter , she would think of him and the knowledge of how he had been murdered would cast a shadow over everything .
9 After it 's over we cut to another scene and there 's somebody who might be the little guy again and he 's still strapped to a chair but this time it 's a tall hospital chair with wheels and a little fold-away table in front of him and the straps holding his torso would be easy to undo but his hands are limp .
10 And the scent of him and the taste of him were making her giddy .
11 For some reason Sophie was reluctant to mention her first sighting of him and the effect it had had on her .
12 He said : ‘ Many of them were aware of him and the job he does , but the first thing they did was to rush over and ask him for his autograph . ’
13 He was swigging hot chocolate , his tatty carrier bag on one side of him and the tin of biscuits on the other .
14 We are proud to have been supporters of him and the team .
15 With a hiss a door irised open up ahead of him and the car slipped through , coming out into a great sunken pit , in the centre of which stood the squatly rounded shape of the interplanetary craft .
16 Hitler 's speech on 20 July after the attempt on his life was turned into a criticism of him and the regime .
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