Example sentences of "of an [noun sg] for a " in BNC.

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1 Such a strategy , says Parkin , is adopted by professions like law and medicine , where long periods of training , very often only marginally relevant or even unnecessary to the actual performance of the job , restrict the numbers of those prepared , or able to afford , to forgo the rewards of an occupation for a long period .
2 Where once it was sufficient of an adventure for a lone girl to enter the deserted mansion at the far end of the village , today the element of adventure , of venturing , can be plausibly obtained at the end of a plane flight .
3 Rather , a patent is an agreement between an inventor and a government that the former shall enjoy the exclusive right of exploitation of an invention for a prescribed period while the community at large shall have access to its benefits .
4 She 'd heard of an opening for a showroom model at one of the better fashion houses on the Via Monte-napoleone ; despite the agency 's insistence on scouting all jobs itself , she had gone around to the house and applied for the position herself , listing International Models as representing her .
5 Poor Charles Bradlaugh , returned time after time by the electors of Northampton was first found by the courts ( on the application of an informer for a penalty ) to be disentitled to affirm ( since , having no religion , he had no religious objection to taking the oath ) ( in Clarke v Bradlaugh ( 1881 ) 7 QBD 38 , reversed but not on this point in Bradlaugh v Clarke ( 1883 ) 8 App Cas 354 ) .
6 That firm will have welcomed the recent announcement of an order for a further three of these ships .
7 The landmarks are ‘ Existence of an Equilibrium for a Competitive Economy ’ by Kenneth Arrow and Gerard Debreu ( published in 1954 ) and ‘ General Competitive Analysis ’ by Mr Arrow and Frank Hahn ( published in 1971 ) .
8 For the position as regards the attendance of an applicant for a renewal at the meeting of the licensing board at which his application is to be considered , see s.15 .
9 This required physicians to notify parents within 48 hours of an abortion for a minor , and spelled out well-defined exceptions to this rule — notably medical emergencies , court approval of the minor 's right to abortion and coverage of the issue by state laws .
10 ( 1 ) For the purposes of arts 5 and 7 ( see above ) : ( a ) the value of an action for a sum of money , whether specified or not , is the amount which the plaintiff or applicant reasonably expects to recover ; ( b ) an action for specified relief other than a sum of money : ( i ) has a value equal to the amount of money which the plaintiff or applicant could reasonably state to be the financial worth of the claim to him , or ( ii ) where there is no such amount , has no quantifiable value .
11 Nonetheless , a member 's record of achievement in respect of CPD is likely to become one of the criteria applied to the approval of an application for a fellowship .
12 In the matter of an application for a warrant of further detention ( H.C. , 1988 ) , the continued detention was found to be invalid as the stated reason was that the suspects might impede the arrest of others , a factor which was irrelevant in terms of section 37(2) .
13 It is apparent from section 13 that a basic valuation is necessary to the consideration of an application for a further advance .
14 Accordingly , in relation to paragraph 2(k) of the originating summons I will answer the question in the affirmative , subject to the question being limited to the existing documentation in use by the Woolwich Building Society and subject to the request for the structural survey being part of an application for a further advance .
15 This principle may be infringed when a member of a board takes part in the granting or the rejection of an application for a licence in which he has a personal interest .
16 ( 3 ) In relation to building control , the certificate from the appropriate authority ( a ) in the case of an application for a new licence , should state ( i ) either that a warrant for the construction of the premises has been granted under section 6 of the Building ( Scotland ) Act 1959 and a certificate of completion has been granted under section 9 of that Act , or that no warrant for construction of the premises is required ; and ( ii ) either that a warrant for the change of use of the premises has been granted under the said section 6 or that no such warrant is required ; and ( b ) in the case of an application for the provisional grant of a licence , should state ( i ) that a warrant for the construction of the premises has been granted under section 6 of the said Act of 1959 ; and ( ii ) either that a warrant for the change of use of the premises has been granted under the said section 6 , or that on completion of the construction of the premises in accordance with the warrant a warrant for the change of use will be granted , or that no such warrant is required .
17 ( 4 ) In relation to food hygiene , the certificate from the appropriate authority should , in the case of an application for a new licence , state that the premises to which the application relates comply , or , in the case of an application for the provisional grant of a licence , would comply , with the requirements of regulations made under section 13 of the Food and Drugs ( Scotland ) Act 1956 relating to construction , layout , drainage , ventilation , lighting and water supply or concerned with the provision of sanitary and washing facilities .
18 Increasing concern over the effects of dredging sand and gravel from submerged offshore banks was reflected in our call for a full Environmental Assessment of an application for a licence to dredge part of the Helwick Bank off Gower .
19 The Guidance tells us that interim orders represent a substantial , if temporary , intervention in the child 's life and " should not be regarded as routine parts of an application for a full care or supervision order " ( vol 1 , para 3.38 ) .
20 The advantages of an introduction for a company are lower costs and the benefit of having the market price of the shares before raising further capital .
21 But one feature of a catalogue of an exhibition for a living artist which is different is the likely inclusion of reminiscences from colleagues and members of the artist 's family , who may make enlightening comments .
22 Claims that LTP is associated with a specific increase in the AMPA receptor-mediated component of the synaptic response , have formed the basis of an argument for a purely postsynaptic change , on the assumption that a presynaptic change would result in a similar increase in both AMPA and NMDA receptor-mediated components .
23 As a condition of this appointment you are required to accept that if the appointment is not renewed or extended at the end of the period referred to you will not be entitled to claim any rights to complain of unfair dismissal under the Employment Protection ( Consolidation ) Act 1978 , as amended , which authorizes the exclusion by agreement of any such claim in the case of an appointment for a period of one year or more .
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