Example sentences of "of which [be] [verb] for " in BNC.

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1 Legislative power is vested in the bicameral Federal Assembly ( Federalni Shromazdeni ) , which consists of a 200-member Chamber of the People ( Snemovna Lidu ) and a 150-member Chamber of the Nations ( Snemovna Narodu ) , both of which are elected for a five-year term .
2 Legislative power is vested in a unicameral National Parliament , the 109 members of which are elected for up to five years by universal adult suffrage .
3 Legislative authority is vested in a unicameral Parliament , the 46 members of which are elected for four years on the basis of universal adult franchise .
4 Legislative authority is held by a bicameral Congress made up of a 180-member Chamber of Deputies and a 60-member Senate , both of which are elected for five-year terms , the Senate on a regional basis and the Chamber of Deputies by constituencies under a system of proportional representation .
5 In the Kingdom of Denmark legislative authority is vested jointly in the monarch and in a unicameral parliament ( Folketing ) , the 179 members of which are elected for a four-year term .
6 Legislative power is vested in a unicameral National Parliament , the 109 members of which are elected for up to five years by universal adult suffrage .
7 Legislative authority is vested in a unicameral Parliament , the 46 members of which are elected for four years on the basis of universal adult franchise .
8 In his article ‘ Sovereignty and interdependence : Britain 's place in the world ’ , he defines sovereignty as ‘ a nation 's practical capacity to maximise its influence in the world ’ and uses the metaphor of a ‘ bundle of sticks ’ , some of which are exchanged for others , to illustrate that ‘ sovereignty is not like virginity , something you either have or do not have . ’
9 It has 43% of the city 's short stay beds ; the other 57% being in private hospitals , two thirds of which are run for profit and one third not .
10 Brahe complies , and they enter into a description of the accelerator and the experiment , the details of which are covered for the reader ( not for them ) by the engine noise :
11 There are 15 roads , 12 of which are reserved for painting , while Nos. 1 , 2 and 3 are provided with pits and used for over-hauling the electric light equipment of the coaches ' and ‘ 46 , known as ‘ No. 1 Paint Shop Extension ’ , in which there are 15 lines .
12 On the ground floor , the extension houses an area for the many periodicals , some of which are paid for by our own library appeal fund .
13 The Accademia 's curator Annalisa Perissa Torrina has compiled detailed notes on each of the 221 drawings now in the Accademia and has identified the original sources of the reproductive drawings , 124 of which are reproduced for the first time .
14 Altogether there are 32 looms at Sekers , some of which are used for development work .
15 It will affect about a dozen reactors , all of which are used for research purposes only .
16 This year , for instance , the council asked for permission to spend £25m on tackling the town 's housing problems but it has been allocated only £3.8m one third of which is earmarked for improvement grants to private homes and the rest to ongoing council schemes .
17 A multijunction cell , Solarex believes , should be more efficient as it uses layers of different crystals , each of which is optimised for a specific band of the visible light spectrum .
18 Neidhart Wadding : A superfine polyester wadding with a high curl for greater loft , the surface of which is treated for ‘ slip ’ and softness .
19 Some are cash crops , particularly wheat which the farmers sell to the flour mills in Leith and Glasgow , and barley , about half of which is sold for making beer and whisky in Glasgow and Edinburgh .
20 It 's pegged to the ground using 11 pegs , one of which is used for the back guyline .
21 The males have a well developed bursa and two spicules , the configuration of which is used for species differentiation .
22 IBM figures the commercial Unix marketplace is worth some $9.4b right now , 25% of which is accounted for by Unix OLTP solutions , a further 2% by Unix OLTP with a TP monitor .
23 With the ACE ODT developers ' kit for DEC 's R3000-based machines under its belt ( UX No 366 ) , SCO has to decide whether to continue work on HAL , ACE 's hardware abstraction layer , a version of which is required for each port of ODT to an ACE member 's MIPS platform .
24 Of total expenditure of NRs26,600 million ( approximately US$620,000,000 ) , NRs16,890 million ( US$395,000,000 ) was allocated for development , most of which was earmarked for rural areas .
25 But the pre-tax figure of £20.1m was hit by exceptional charges of nearly £1.5m , two-thirds of which was earmarked for an estimated £2.5m of bad debts arising from the difficult trading conditions .
26 The Master of the Merchant Venturers graciously made Merchants Hall available for these dinners , the first of which was organised for the Faculty of Medicine .
27 Improved facilities for cyclists have started to happen at local level , largely because Lothian Region now has a 3-person cycle team , the existence of which was fought for , long and hard over many years .
28 He contributed two articles to the ninth edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica ( 1875–88 ) , for which his father also wrote , and thirty-nine articles to the eleventh edition ( 1910–11 ) , seven of which were revised for the fourteenth ( 1929 ) .
29 Standing in the Townley Room and looking through to the sculptures displayed next door ( Room 83 ) , most of which were intended for public display , one is well aware of the reduced scale and decorative qualities sought by the private collector who wined and dined amidst his collection .
30 The label 's ‘ Shostakovich Film Festival ’ ( ) is music from The Gadfly , Five Days and Five Nights , Hamlet — and , more dubiously , the Tahiti Trot ( which Shostakovich simply orchestrated for a wager after hearing a gramophone record of it — there 's no evidence he ever saw the son , better known as Tea for Two , performed on film or intended that his own version of it should be ) , and the First Piano Concerto ( some of the themes of which were recycled for a Soviet cartoon in 1933 ! ) .
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