Example sentences of "of their [noun] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Then he saw — or rather heard , for the clip of their boot-studs on the flagstones was what first caught his attention — a file of boys in football kit making their way along a covered path linking the courtyard to the playing fields that lay behind the school buildings .
2 Now they have finally agreed to an Ulster Branch request for an evening fixture and will fly into the province immediately after wrapping up the English part of their trip on the previous Wednesday .
3 Lucky chance put massive reserves of oil within the national boundaries of some barren and desolate desert kingdoms and political will has , through the organized power of OPEC , turned some of their rulers into the richest men in the world .
4 Also , they were perhaps inclined to adopt the world view of their respondents at the expense of other perspectives ( such as those of young women for example ) — something for which ethnographers are often criticised .
5 On Jan. 10 , following a third round of discussions to resolve the Ayodhya dispute , Hindu and Moslem leaders belonging respectively to the Vishwa Hindu Parishad ( VHP ) and the All India Babri Masjid Action Committee ( AIBMAC ) agreed to the setting up of expert panels to examine documents in support of their claims over the site ; the panels would submit a report by Feb. 5 .
6 Three ICI Pharmaceuticals scientists have received the Society for Drug Research 1991 award for drug discovery in recognition of their contribution to the discovery and development of Zoladex , ICI 's treatment for prostate cancer and breast cancer .
7 It might also involve staff in duplicating much of their contribution to the decision-making process — for example , making ‘ presentations ’ to the governors ' sub-committees when relevant agenda items were being discussed .
8 Greater involvement may lead to increased job satisfaction and security for all staff , but it also follows that as support staff become more aware of the value of their contribution to the school economy , they acquire a more powerful bargaining position .
9 Science staff also spent other money as part of their contribution to the general Challenge topic .
10 encourage and reward groups on the basis of their contribution to the organization as a whole , or at least , to large parts of it , rather than on individual group results ;
11 In order to obtain the most benefit from intergroup competition , organizations need to reward groups on the basis of their contribution to the common good , encourage intergroup communication and collaboration , and avoid win-lose issues between groups .
12 They are proud of their contribution to the essential safeguarding of our country .
13 Dalton found that in industrial plants conflict between line managers and staff specialists arose from the ambition and individualistic behaviour of staff officers , their efforts to justify their existence and gain acceptance of their contribution to the work of the organization , and their dependence on approval by line managers for access to higher staff positions .
14 Chlorofluorocarbons ( CFCs ) need to be completely phased out because of their contribution to the greenhouse effect , say two researchers at the University of Munster , Germany .
15 Couns Walter Ferrier , Len Poole and Gwen Popple received ‘ freedom scrolls ’ in recognition of their contribution to the community .
16 This was supposed to account for the value of their contribution towards the stockpiling of plutonium as fuel for future reactors .
17 They scrambled to their feet , feeling distinctly stoned , and picked their way over the outstretched legs of their friends to the door .
18 Lairds , and even peers , found it worth their while to seek the attention of their friends among the lords of parliament when an appeal in which they were concerned was about to be considered .
19 We quickly made the acquaintance of everyone in our lane which was part of a very scattered village , and after the children started school there were always some of their friends around the house .
20 The Indians then anoint the tips of their arrows with the poison .
21 SOUTH Africa will today give England manager Geoff Cooke an unexpected gift — a sneak preview of their line-up for the Twickenham Test in a week .
22 made a Lady , or made I mean she was given that title , or actually I 'm dead against the fact it was her husband who was given the title , erm but to abstract away from that at the moment , somebody who 's been in public service all their lives and who 's devoted much of their life to the cause of the people , I mean I realize that an awful lot of people would think that Margaret Thatcher has n't done that , but let's say that , for the sake of the argument , that at least that 's what she intended for the time being
23 There is not a parent of teenage children who is not worried out of their life about the use of cocaine , Ecstasy and heroin , especially when our children can obtain them almost without question anywhere in the country , even in the constituency of South Hams .
24 Anybody linked with the Republican cause would be in peril of their life under the Fascists .
25 Then there are the ‘ freshwater ’ eels , who spend most of their life in the rivers of western Europe .
26 Pupils between the ages of 5 and 16 spend a great deal of their life within the school walls .
27 Students are not eligible under this scheme if they : have not been ordinarily resident within the European Community for the three years preceding the start of their course at the University ; or are on an exchange programme where fees are waived ; or have attended a course normally lasting more than two years and have received a UK statutory award for this study .
28 The other is the idea of political equality which presupposes that ‘ the weaker members of a political community are entitled to the same concern and respect of their government as the more powerful members have secured for themselves , so that if some men have freedom of decision whatever the effect on the general good , then all men must have the same freedom ’ ( Dworkin , 1978 , p. 199 ) .
29 This idea of political equality , he suggested , presupposed that ‘ the weaker members of a political community are entitled to the same concern and respect of their government as the more powerful members have secured for themselves , so that if some men have freedom whatever the effect on the general good , all men must have the same freedom ’ .
30 Yesterday , neighbours told of their shock at the murder in their quiet road in a pleasant part of the town .
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