Example sentences of "of at [adv] [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The Ministry of Agriculture collaborated on the dog study and circulars have gone out urging villages to fence in their garbage dumps to deprive the animals of at least that source of food , but there is no wave of popular enthusiasm for slaughtering dogs wholesale .
2 There is often considerable contrapuntal interest , although not always : some of the arrangements degenerate into a languid succession of chords that do little to retain the interest of at least this listener .
3 We thought that a risk ratio of at least this size would be required for age to drive clinical decision-making .
4 If a firm has a good product idea , but is short of capital to expand and exploit the commercial opportunity itself , licensing allows the earning of at least some profit , or more precisely , royalty , without having to commit scarce financial resources .
5 Improved recognition rates can be achieved , the process is no slower , and has obvious leanings to parallelisation of at least some stages of the recognition process .
6 The commons had shown themselves increasingly adept at procuring political concessions in return for grants of taxes , and although they were at their most effective when they enjoyed the support of at least some sections of the nobility , they had gained substantially in experience and cohesion by the time the crisis of 1340–1 arose .
7 The motivation to achieve at school in the face of what are the deflecting influences of at least some school teachers in some cases takes the form of a challenge .
8 But he said he hoped the assurances from BC deputy chairman , Albert Wheeler , would provide ‘ a seedbed for the re-growth of at least some trust ’ .
9 It is the belief of at least some hypnotherapists that the inability of some patients to be hypnotized is due to their subconscious fear that they will be unable to cope with what may come up and that they might go to pieces .
10 They associated it particularly with fertility , and modern research is revealing that the moon does influence the reproductive cycles of at least some creatures .
11 The timing and mode of formation of stylolites remains an area of contention in sedimentary petrography , although many stylolites show evidence of at least some component of their formation relatively late , if not necessarily deep , in the diagenetic history of their containing sediment ( Fig. 5.22d ) .
12 Broadly speaking , there is dependence in the early stages of the lifespan ; independence during adulthood ; and the likelihood of at least some degree of dependence again in old age .
13 The presence of at least some specialist assistance has been shown to be essential for raising the standards of the whole team .
14 British empiricism , and to a lesser extent German idealism , must have entered the bloodstream of at least some subjects .
15 By such means it is possible , within the Lancashire Coal Measures for example , to demonstrate that very rapid sedimentation alternated with very slow sedimentation and that the former was responsible for the bulk of at least some parts of the record .
16 If the quotation used by the qualitative sociologist is not too far from the heightened dialogue of the literary artist , it follows that , with only a little licence , one may use the work of at least some novelists much as one might use that of fellow ethnographers .
17 Firstly , they showed that improving the vitamin A intake of at least some populations of young African children can substantially reduce their mortality .
18 Existing users of at least some footcare products , especially competitive brands .
19 Britain DOES expect the UN to take up its offer of at least some troops .
20 AEG AG says that three quarters of its operating loss of $125m for 1992 came from the microelectronics operations and the rest from its engines sector , and further losses are likely this year — it sees an operating loss this year of at least another $125m ; it says that its automation technology unit also made a loss on sales down by 1% .
21 For although I am sure he never had the chance to encounter a tiger beneath the dining table , when I think over all that I know or have heard concerning him , I can think of at least several instances of his displaying in abundance that very quality he so admired in the butler of his story .
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