Example sentences of "of at [adv] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The Ministry of Agriculture collaborated on the dog study and circulars have gone out urging villages to fence in their garbage dumps to deprive the animals of at least that source of food , but there is no wave of popular enthusiasm for slaughtering dogs wholesale .
2 Nuclear DNA content of at least 10000 tumour cells in each block were measured with an EPICS C flow cytometer .
3 We find a simple splitting into two states only for molecules in which there is a single halogen atom , lying on an axis of at least 3-fold symmetry .
4 Persistent diarrhoea was defined as a chronic doubling of the frequency of defecation before irradiation and a minimum frequency of at least 14 bowel actions a week .
5 Alternatively , if she has been employed by you for a continuous period of at least five calendar years into the qualifying week for 8 hours or more each week , then she is also eligible .
6 All an underwater turbine needs is a current of at least 1 metre per second in a stream or river at least 3 metres deep .
7 staffing levels are double the norm — the major cost element — this allows a ratio of at least 1 care staff to 4 residents , excluding management and domestic staff .
8 The system would mostly operate a service of at least half-hourly frequency , but the Twotowns North line would incorporate the existing BR express service between Shrewsbury and Wellington with Metro stopping trains at the alternate half-hour .
9 A considerable amount of freedom — I do n't think anybody would dispute that — but you are actually using public resources , you 're using erm highly expensive equipment , do you really not feel that in that situation some measure of at least financial control is essential ?
10 The proposed SAS suggests that such supporting evidence will normally include forecasts and budgets , as well as statements of borrowing facilities , covering a period of at least one year from the date the directors approve the accounts .
11 But despite the differences of opinion that exist — ones that are generally between individuals rather than any factions based on club or country — there is one area of consensus that prevails : That any new laws be given a trial period of at least one year .
12 Depression in the previous twelve months was experienced by three times more women who had experienced maternal loss or separation ( of at least one year ) in childhood than by women with no such childhood experiences .
13 To return to characteristics of the sample : the forty women interviewed were all aged between twenty and thirty , were married , and the mothers of at least one child under five .
14 We know of at least one person whose army consists entirely of Goblin wolf riders !
15 Appointees have to fill in monstrous forms providing full details of their financial affairs , listing all their jobs , addresses and trips abroad in the past 15 years , and supplying the names of at least one person who knew them in their various abodes .
16 Finch points out that the job description of some Scottish police officers requires them to enlist the co-operation of at least one person in every street who is willing and able to pass on useful information .
17 Although the tags will point to the required record addresses directly , accessing or retrieving these synonyms requires a head movement of at least one cylinder .
18 ( c ) where a recognised body ceases to have at least one shareholder who is able to exercise voting rights in respect of at least one share .
19 ( c ) a recognised body shall , notwithstanding sub-paragraphs ( 4 ) ( c ) and ( 5 ) ( a ) of Rule 5 , at all times have at least one member holding a share or shares in the circumstances set out in Rule ( 5 ) ( 2 ) ( a ) ( ii ) of these rules and able to exercise voting rights in respect of at least one share in the body , except that the recognition of a body shall not expire solely because :
20 ( ii ) the death of a member has left a recognised body with no member able to exercise voting rights in respect of at least one share in the body provided ( a ) that within three months of the death the recognised body has at least one member able to exercise such voting rights , and ( b ) that until proviso ( a ) has been fulfilled either at least one share in the body is beneficially owned by a solicitor or a recognised body or the only personal representative in respect of at least one share in the body is a solicitor or a recognised body .
21 ( ii ) the death of a member has left a recognised body with no member able to exercise voting rights in respect of at least one share in the body provided ( a ) that within three months of the death the recognised body has at least one member able to exercise such voting rights , and ( b ) that until proviso ( a ) has been fulfilled either at least one share in the body is beneficially owned by a solicitor or a recognised body or the only personal representative in respect of at least one share in the body is a solicitor or a recognised body .
22 This could be because the word was misspelled in the original script ( user dependent error ) , or due to mis-recognition of at least one character ( recogniser dependent error ) .
23 If auntie Beeb has a decent tape of the performance I know of at least one customer for the CD transfer !
24 In summary , our observations are consistent with the presence of at least one exon of the proto-oncogene ERG in the complex PCR probe and suggest also that we have trapped exons from one or more other genes .
25 Despite the extra work involved in moving records about to ensure that all possible records are held in their home addresses , compared with the less restrictive requirement of at least one home record discussed earlier , this stricter file housekeeping pays off when retrievals outnumber additions and deletions .
26 The threat of at least one multi-million-dollar fine facing Koons and Sonnabend compounds their financial woes at this moment .
27 Compost-making on a farm scale is yet uncommon in Britain ( it has been practised for over 4,000 years in China ) as it involves a very careful balance and mixing of ingredients , control of ventilation and moisture , and the extra work of at least one turning .
28 However , there will always be a pause of at least one minute between successive stages .
29 Each inflation was maintained for one minute and separated by a gap of at least one minute for inflation with the subsequent volume .
30 He knows of at least one competitor who is prepared to accept this price .
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