Example sentences of "of the [noun pl] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 At the start of the talks the Jordanian and Palestinian delegations asserted Palestinian refugees ' " right of return " ( as embodied in UN General Assembly Resolution 194 of 1948 ) , despite US appeals not to raise the issue .
2 One of the problems the European traders encountered early on in their attempt to develop longer trade routes , was that peoples in South-East Asia who produced spices highly regarded in Europe did not , for their part , show any great desire for European products .
3 But if you hammered you had to careful to miss the joints : the felloes were dowelled together and if you hit one of the joints the wrong way , the dowel was certain to break .
4 Its preferred approach was more informative reporting of disciplinary and appeal committee hearings — until now it has only released details of the charges the accused has been found guilty of , and the final ruling .
5 For 84% of the farms the practical type courses already provided by the ATB were thought to be the most suitable method of providing training .
6 I was watching w Top of the Pops the other night and it had a song on called Do the Buster .
7 Indeed , it was pointed out in Henry Kendall ( 1969 ) that if the seller is himself the manufacturer of the goods the implied condition will normally apply .
8 Now in pursuance of the premisses the said lords spirituall and temporall and commons in Parlyament assembled for the ratifying confirming and establishing the said declaration and the articles clauses matters and things therein contained by the force of a law made in due for me by authority of Parlyament doe pray that it may be declared and enacted that all and singular the rights and liberties asserted and claimed in the said declaration are the true auntient and indubitable rights and liberties of the people of this king dome and soe shall be esteemed allowed adjudged deemed and taken to be and that all and every the particulars aforesaid shall be firmly and strictly hold en and observed as they are expressed in the said declaration .
9 As I grew up in Kensal Green — which is just up the road from Ladbroke Grove — it became one of the areas the first wave of black immigrants came to .
10 Precision was not markedly decreased : in four of the searches the extra records were all false drops ( e.g. , " skiing " and " sky " become conflated ) , and in another six there were some false drops .
11 Gerard Fusil was only too aware of the dangers the 175 racers faced between the Caribbean and the Pacific coasts of a country aptly nicknamed the Switzerland of Central America .
12 The relations between the elements must be such that from any three of the elements the fourth can be uniquely determined .
13 The evidence already cited on the worsening position of the poorest in the unemployment stakes suggests that these assumptions will lead to an underestimate of the difficulties the poor have in finding work .
14 Calandrini 's excellent contacts with leading Puritans , such as William Kiffin and Sidrach Simpson [ qq.v. ] , helped to ease many of the difficulties the Dutch community in London faced during the turbulent 1640s .
15 I think Britain is in a mess , I 'm ashamed of some of the things the present government have done .
16 And Leeds acknowledges that one of the things the other things that needs to be taken into account by North Yorkshire if if R P G two is to be conformed with , is the need to revitalize West Yorkshire .
17 Here are some of the things the French find funny about Britain : LOLLIPOP LADIES : They find the uniforms hilarious .
18 I think one of the things the American companies often do is that , rather than set up on a green field site , they often buy into an existing company , erm , and therefore it 's , it 's , it 's a , it 's a somewhat different form of investment to the
19 In the upper levels of the hills the occasional pools had grown to three times their normal size , and turned every bowl of rushy upland into marsh , where the army laboured perilously for every half-mile of painful progress .
20 Comparing two spectra , which involves taking into account band shapes and intensities as well as frequencies , is one of the tasks the human eye/brain seems to do rather well .
21 She saw to the side of one of the houses the faded sign for Morgan and family , boot and shoemakers , fastened over what appeared to be little better than a shed .
22 On several of the islands the entire plant , boiled in water , was used for dying wool a greenish-yellow colour .
23 Before the advent of the Europeans the latter lacked any contact with more ‘ advanced ’ cultures ( except in so far as the influence of the Aztecs and other peoples of Central America may have percolated northward ) , whereas Siberia , as part of the ‘ Old World ’ cultural complex , was subject to many influences ( however remote ) from the great civilizations of Eurasia .
24 On the end of the sandbars the first two hours of the flood are best .
25 Of the Anglo-Catholics the professional thinker in Amsterdam was Michael Ramsey .
26 Regardless of the changes the near future may bring , the central importance of the head as an exemplar of personal and professional qualities will remain .
27 It found that in 20% of the cases the white man advanced further than the black .
28 Alison Fell , novelist , poet and editor of the anthologies The Seven Deadly Sins and The Seven Cardinal Virtues is joined by Michele Roberts for an evening of fiction .
29 Improvements in firms ' procedures were deemed necessary in many of the firms the Joint Monitoring Unit ( JMU ) visited , but in many cases firms were already implementing them by the time of our visits .
30 Mr. Thomas would enquire of the customers the exact requirement , take a quick look to find a suitable joint and signal to his assistant , Mr. Dimmer , who was stationed inside the shop .
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