Example sentences of "of the [noun pl] [pers pn] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The mature reader , of whatever age , takes liberties with the text : ‘ Proficient readers can go directly to the meaning of the passage being read , only sampling the print for confirmation of the hypotheses they have made about the meaning intended by the author .
2 Medical experts no longer approve of this method of dieting — largely because of the limits it places on the intake of cereals , fruit and root vegetables .
3 ‘ If we had stuck away some of the chances we had in the first half then we 'd have won it . ’
4 ‘ We could play the US again tonight , it could go along the same pattern and we would end up winning 4–2 or 5–2 because of the chances we created . ’
5 And I would also point out that we are not proposing excessive development , in one of the papers I 've I 've put round , and I repeat the point I made it earlier .
6 I have also enclosed a few of the papers I referred to at the beginning of the meeting , plus a travel claim form which you are welcome to use .
7 It 's all part of the games we play to make our reunion , when it comes , more blissful .
8 ‘ Well he might be a bit faster because he 's lighter — but in most of the games he does n't stand a chance , said Hawk . ’
9 Most of the games he owned were very old and substandard but the one saving grace in his collection was a game called Rambo .
10 So many of the games I 've seen here have been dominated more that ever by the boot .
11 When he introduced his national health service , a wonderful scheme , everything was free , it was paid of the taxes you know , as it should be as Beveridge envisaged you see ?
12 Yes , we accept full responsibility for the quality of the holidays we provide .
13 At the beginning of the holidays I spent a week with a school friend in London , and towards the end another week with another friend in Bedford .
14 And he does not like to be reminded of the gaffes he made as deputy chairman — branding the young unemployed as workshy , or musing on Radio Ulster whether Ian Paisley might like to be prime minister of a united Ireland .
15 This was a need that Pat Bateson , Gabriel Horn and I had hammered out in many long discussions about our imprinting experiments , and which we had tried to meet in practice in the design of the controls we had used in the early 1970s .
16 It is ironic that by privileging sexual difference Scruton shows himself the victim of precisely the modern intensification of sexuality which in other ways he might regard as contributing to a legitimation of the perversions he repudiates .
17 Because palimpsest histories do precisely that , mingling realism with the supernatural and history with spiritual and philosophical reinterpretation , they could be said to float half-way between the sacred books of our various heritages , which survive on the strength of the faiths they have created , … and the endless exegesis and commentaries these sacred books create .
18 of course that is a point that we 've made all the way through , it 's not if nobody would bid , it 's if the franchising director was not satisfied with the quality or the long term viability of the bids he 'd received
19 The writers and compilers of the stories we have been looking at in this chapter knew that .
20 Children should experiment , for example , with dramatic improvisations of the stories they read and write ; they should experience and take part in the performance of poetry ; they should listen critically to radio plays .
21 Through their wide experience of the stories they have read and hear , they should be helped to increase their control of story form , recognising , for example , that events take place in a setting , which needs to be described , and that the outcome has to be made explicit for the reader .
22 1 Choose one of the stories you told your partner .
23 1 choose one of the stories you told last time .
24 Of the stories I have in mind , Othello and Desdemona , Samson and Delilah , Dido and Aeneas , only the third is spoken of , and it is spoken of oracularly .
25 ‘ A pity it 's necessary — unexpected drama , I mean , ’ said Jane , thinking of the stories she had heard of the bonhomie of the war , in contrast with the stiff , glib cult of the eighties .
26 It is for this reason that for the central part of the projects we selected representative variables that occur frequently and can therefore be quantified in terms of the full range of speaker-variables .
27 According to Education Research 1992 , the current edition of the SOED 's register of the projects they manage , ‘ sponsored research also enables less experienced researchers , including teachers , to be supported and encouraged ’ .
28 Both the Schools Council and Nuffield approaches shared in most of the projects they supported an essentially instrumental view in that they were based upon the managerial assumption that the initiators determined the content and progress of the programme ( although Arts and the Adolescent ( Schools Council , 1975 ) was a notable exception ) .
29 More democratic and collaborative pedagogies , as proposed by Troyna and Carrington ( 1990 ) and exemplified by some of the projects they have developed , are a step in the right direction .
30 The World Bank has admitted that many of the projects it funded in Brazil during the 1970s and 80s resulted in massive environmental degradation and the eviction of over 100,000 poor farmers and their families , many of whom were forced into the shanty-towns of major cities .
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