Example sentences of "of course you [modal v] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 Of course you might want to take a very purist line and say that it is bad manners to remind others of their bad manners .
2 Of course you might have to share a slice or two !
3 And of course you 'll want to meet each other before the thing is finalised .
4 Of course you 'll sleep with her .
5 Of course you 'll come back .
6 Well of course you 'll need those anyway .
7 George continued with deliberate diffidence : ‘ It 's all rather confidential I know of course you 'll respect that ; the problem is rather whether you feel you can disclose anything from your side without an official request from Security and I 'm sure you 'll understand why we 'd rather avoid that at this stage … ’
8 ‘ That 's not what I meant — of course you 'll get over the rotten bastard .
9 Of course you 'll get a bit of heat , get a bit of heat from it , yeah
10 Of course you 'll have to , ’ Father Devlin boomed cheerfully , ‘ it 's only to be expected . ’
11 Of course you may borrow the house , and I wo n't mention it to anyone . ’
12 Of course you may specify a time : ‘ Come away from the edge of the platform immediately ! ’ ,
13 Of course you may get some probably some very good people a added , I do n't know wh wh wh they 'll be none of us knows , er they 're are going to nowhere that they 're going to get their expenses , they 're also going to get their allowances , I do n't know what those allowances will be er and I would n't assume that they 're necessarily going to lessen their independents because they receive allowances , but it is weakened , it is weakening the powers of the local institutions which are an essential part of our democratic society in this country .
14 I must be mad , Mrs Phelps told herself , but to Matilda she said , ‘ Of course you may try it . ’
15 ‘ Why , Ruth , of course you may take it ! ’
16 And I will have a piece of tape which says , ‘ Well yes of course you would expect the Chairman of the County Council to get food poisoning in this particular restaurant because we have prosecuted him three times .
17 Of course you would survey the outside
18 Though of course you would have done anyway .
19 Of course you shall go back , but not before you tell me what 's upset you , ’ he retorted roughly .
20 It will take me a long time to correct & copy , though : when I have done so , of course you shall have it .
21 And of course you shall live the life which you have decided on — as Mama and I have lived ours — even if it means that we lose you . ’
22 Of course you must do things your own way , I was silly expecting you to take a big risk with me when you can get along quite nicely alone . ’
23 Why , of course you must leave all your worldly goods to him .
24 Of course you must go .
25 Of course you must go somewhere else . ’
26 Of course you must go .
27 Of course you must go .
28 Of course you must come with us , Henry , dear .
29 Of course you must appreciate I can not guarantee he will see you . ’
30 There are several methods you can use and of course you must find the one which suits you best but , as a starting-point , here is a simple and effective one : Lie on your bed or sit in a chair with a back which is high enough to support your neck and head .
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