Example sentences of "of make [noun] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 But none of these models or any others that we are aware of make allowance for possible differences in root turnover rates within an ecosystem type , nor are root turnover rates intrinsically linked to soil temperature .
2 Since probabilities can be multiplied as well as added , one way of making effects among small probabilities comparable with effects when the probabilities are nearer 0.5 might be to look at ratios rather than differences .
3 The fact that he is capable of making discs of superlative quality is also in no doubt , as this stunning new Stravinsky disc strikingly bears out .
4 That they will also feel more confident of making contracts with local authorities and that any fears they may have might be allayed .
5 And in the particular art of making programmes for preschool children , without being violent or patronising , we have some the finest producers anywhere .
6 Some matters were easy to spot , for example , the importance of making provision for pre-nursery children if parents were to be actively involved on the premises .
7 This lays down a general statutory objective of making provision for new or better ways of providing legal services and a wider choice of person providing them , while maintaining the proper and efficient administration of justice .
8 According to the quantity theory , money is held only for the purpose of making payments for current transactions .
9 The cost of making materials for nuclear weapons , and the risk of being caught in the act , are the biggest obstacles facing countries tempted to gate-crash the nuclear club .
10 It is assumed that , whereas the businessman maximizes profit to maximize his personal utility , the bureaucrat maximizes his budget and thereby his salary , perquisites of office , public reputation , power , patronage , ease of managing the bureau and ease of making changes to public policy which he believes to be in the public interest .
11 In 1709 , when the position of France in the war of the Spanish Succession appeared desperate , the foreign minister himself , the marquis de Torcy , went incognito to The Hague to explore the possibility of making peace on acceptable terms .
12 His conjecture , then , is just one way of making sense of certain anatomical facts across species , evolutionary hypotheses , and observations of impairments of linguistic functions on the part of human patients who had suffered different sorts of damage to their brains .
13 Durkheim opened the floodgates and offered what amounted to a radically new way of making sense of social institutions and their inter-relations .
14 The 1950s was the golden age of interest-group theory in America and if it could " explain " American politics then there was the tempting presumption that it could do the job of making sense of British politics as well .
15 They have devious ways of making money from bereaved people 's misery , whether by knocking on the door after a death , offering to clear the house for cash , including any objects of value ; or by offering solace in exchange for cash or fees .
16 Lindblom argues that policy-making under incrementalism takes the form of ‘ partisan mutual adjustment ’ , referring to the practice of making choices among different alternatives not on the basis of a particularly rigourous evaluation of the ‘ best ’ means to achieve a desired ‘ goal ’ .
17 Do n't pay a large deposit , and be wary of making payment in full before the work is completed ( many retailers will let you hold back up to 10% of costs until you are satisfied with the work ) .
18 Sir Alfred was in love with the Cosworth idea of making engines for other people , but I felt we had to restore our position in F1 first .
19 The hypothesis about the importance of making connections between different strategies will be extended to the learning of mathematics , and also to the teaching of children whose intelligence is normal but who have specific difficulties with reading and with mathematics , the hypothesis being that these children fail because they do not make a strong enough connection between different strategies .
20 In Ireland , Barbara had learned a method of making cheese with unskimmed cow 's milk and when she returned to Ayrshire she introduced the new process .
21 This report describes the referral patterns of women during pregnancy and the effect this has on the interpretation of perinatal risk ; compares crude perinatal mortality rates between different maternity units ; shows how adjustment for case mix influences the initial rates ; and suggests ways of making analyses of perinatal mortality rates more relevant for evaluating obstetric and neonatal care .
22 The potential for conflict and the difficulty of making decisions in marginal situations is obvious , especially when the possibility of sanction by your employer , client or Institution is taken into account .
23 It may have been a stopping-place for drovers — but he could still do Dr Johnson the honour of making lemonade from fresh lemons .
24 The invention in World War I of the Haber process — a method of making ammonia from atmospheric nitrogen — began the modern era of artificial fertilizers , and thus increased atmospheric pollution by compounds of nitrogen .
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