Example sentences of "of which [be] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 However , new research is confined to three studies , two of which are considering the question of protective clothing .
2 Under the terms of the 1972 Constitution nominal political authority is held by a unicameral Supreme People 's Assembly ( SPA ) , the 615 members of which are elected every four years from a single list of candidates .
3 Under the terms of the 1972 Constitution nominal political authority is held by a unicameral Supreme People 's Assembly ( SPA ) , the 687 members of which are elected every four years from a single list of candidates .
4 David Fielding 's set has his familiar white walls and floor , with a series of coloured backdrops on to one of which are projected a distant view of the palace and a nearer one of a stag .
5 Following a casualty which results in the total loss of a vessel the remains of which are causing an obstruction or a danger to other shipping , the Policyholder may be requested by a Harbour Master or Receiver of Wrecks to remove the vessel .
6 In addition , it prescribes a national curriculum , consisting of up to eleven foundation subjects , three or four of which are to form a core .
7 These changes , coupled with increased marketing activity from producer and retailer alike , have caused the once mass food markets to fragment into a wide range of market segments , upon each of which are Positioned a whole variety of different foodstuffs .
8 , Animaline , a British animal-welfare organization , has called for a tourist boycott of Malta , to persuade that country to ban the shooting of migratory and native wild birds , hundreds of thousands of which are killed every year for sport .
9 The book follows the design of the successful RCN research series , the aims of which are to encourage an understanding of nursing research .
10 The bistable has some important uses in information handling , some of which are to make a circuit latch , to make binary counters and frequency dividers also to store data — that is , to provide computer memory .
11 Another important development is the Child Care Open Learning Project , part of the Gatsby Project , which has led to the availability of the Open University Courses ‘ Caring for Children and Young People ’ ( P653 ) and ‘ Working with Children and Young People ’ ( K254 ) both of which are making a wide range of knowledge and research available to many practitioners and others .
12 A semiconductor product is defined as : an article the purpose , or one of the purposes , of which is the performance of an electronic function and which consists of two or more layers , at least one of which is composed of semiconducting material and in or upon one or more of which is fixed a pattern appertaining to that or another function .
13 With a few exceptions , all fish have a swimbladder , the function of which is to allow the fish to float and maintain equilibrium in the water .
14 This device should more accurately be described as a freewheel , the intent of which is to allow the blades to rotate at high speed while the motor is idling or stopped .
15 None of which is to say the record labels are not trying hard to stretch country where they can .
16 Spadefoot toads have a number of anti-predator tactics , one of which is to inflate the lungs and hence the body , which may fool the snake into thinking the toad is larger than it really is and act as a deterrent .
17 Enter Rooms for Windows , a shell that takes the metaphor of a building to give not just multiple desktops , but also multiple environments , each of which is called a room .
18 They describe two companies , one of which is experiencing a rapidly decreasing profit margin and is therefore loath to invest .
19 We linked up with the Daily Express to help run the campaign , part of which is to champion the cause of Marine Nature Reserves .
20 The term ‘ flight recorder ’ is normally taken to include both the flight data recorder ( FDR ) which records the value of selected flight parameters like airspeed , altitude , magnetic heading , etc. and the cockpit voice recorder ( CVR ) , the primary purpose of which is to record the crew conversation .
21 SCOTVEC and centres have been engaged in an extensive development plan , the aim of which is to explore the issues which arose from the Consultative Paper of February 1987 ( ‘ SCOTVEC Higher Education Provision ’ ) and which were detailed in the Policy Paper ( ‘ Advanced Courses Development Programme : A Policy Paper — March 1988 ’ ) .
22 Through the billowing smoke , shadows can be seen writhing about , one of which is wearing a devil mask that leers out of the fog and shakes its horns to the hellish racket .
23 The writ of habeas corpus deals with the machinery of justice , and is essentially a procedural writ , the object of which is to enforce a legal right .
24 The fact of canonization puts any work beyond questions of establishing its merit and , instead , invites students to offer only increasingly more ingenious readings and interpretations , the purpose of which is to validate the greatness already imputed by the canonization .
25 A push button switches in the amp 's ‘ Enhance ’ circuitry , the effect of which is to condition the high order harmonics of the distorted sound , reputedly offering a less ‘ fizzy ’ tone than one might expect from a transistor amp .
26 As you know , SCOTVEC and colleges have been engaged in an extensive development plan , the aim of which is to transform the approach to the Advanced Courses provision .
27 He resigned his seat on the BDA 's executive on accepting this challenging task , the principal aim of which is to remedy the shortage of sign language tutors and interpreters .
28 Moreover , not having a job strikes at that aspect of citizenship which involves the carrying out of social duties , one of which is to earn a living for oneself and one 's family .
29 This new PSW initiates the interrupt handling routine , a first task of which is to save the accumulator array .
30 It passes under a bridge , on the reverse of which is written the ominous words ‘ YOU ARE LEAVING THE AMERICAN SECTOR ’ .
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