Example sentences of "of a [noun sg] [verb] that " in BNC.

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1 How much of a benefit has that been , the fact that people are seeing you i as a as a professional who you know , who works for social services ,
2 Examples such as the one above suggest that the linguistic label for an object is part of the representation of a scene containing that object , even if the scene has not been described .
3 Who can think of a word to describe that jungle and that girl all by herself .
4 Can you think of a word to describe that jungle where the girl went ?
5 But it 's not really that much of a boast given that they also have bigger buttocks , breasts , and just about everything really .
6 Every husband or wife in the middle of a row knows that .
7 The final result of a referendum showed that of the 9,123 native Andorrans eligible to vote 74.2 per cent had said ‘ yes ’ to the changes and only 25.8 per cent ‘ no ’ .
8 ‘ Roman is far too much of a man to do that . ’
9 What sort of a man does that , eh ?
10 For example , it may come as something of a surprise to find that , during the English Civil War , the Parliamentarian party , which controlled London and the mint in the Tower , emphasised its legitimacy by continuing to issue coinage in the king 's name , whereas at the Royalist mint of Oxford the king 's coinage proclaims : ‘ RELIG PROT LEG ANG LIBER PAR ’ ( ’ The religion of the Protestants , the laws of England and the liberty of Parliament ’ ) .
11 What sort of a person did that make her ?
12 A control contract is subject to shareholder approval by a majority vote ( including any shares held by the dominant undertaking : but , in the case of a company whose shares are listed or publicly traded , the domestic regulatory authority may — as the Stock Exchange presently does — ban an interested shareholder from voting in this type of situation ) ; such a contract may therefore allow predators who have obtained board control of a company to make that company effectively subservient to an external body without the formalities of a takeover .
13 ‘ We entered the ‘ body ’ of a corridor coach that was in a state of semi-completion … different woods used in various parts of the construction .
14 ’ Li Shai Tung nodded and eased himself back on to the great saddle of a turtle shell that was placed beside the pool .
15 Without any disrespect to them , we appreciate that Howard Wilkinson is n't the sort of a manager to make that decision without a lot of thought .
16 The mood of Bank Holiday reflects that of a nation knowing that war must come , but other films dealt more directly with the storm clouds building up on the other side of the Channel .
17 The idea that there was a golden age of family obligations in the past was born out of a desire to ensure that increasing numbers of elderly people ( and other dependent groups ) in the population did not become too heavy a burden financially upon the wealthier classes ; hence the anxieties about whether working-class people had an adequate sense of ‘ filial affection ’ , which can be documented from at least the nineteenth century .
18 When someone notices the Chancellor 's announcement of a tax cut that is a perception ; when they approve or disapprove , that is an attitude .
19 The preservation of the marsupials in Australia was explained in terms of the breaking of a land-bridge connecting that continent to the rest of the world before the appearance of the placental mammals .
20 Incubation of the CFUP/CCLO duplex with both wild-type Dcm enzyme and S-adenosyl methionine ( SAM ) leads to formation of a DNA/protein adduct that is stable to 10 min boiling in 2% SDS and subsequent electrophoresis through a polyacrylamide gel containing 2% SDS indicating presence of a covalent bond between DNA and protein .
21 It is for the court to determine the true construction of a statute delineating that area .
22 ‘ What kind of a jerk pays that money ? ’ she asked me .
23 ca n't see Why are we all of a sudden making that noise ?
24 Why is the car all of a sudden making that noise ?
25 Left alone in solitary splendour , I could see them crouched behind the car , the flash of a hip-flask indicating that inner man and inner woman were being warmed .
26 Erm , the idea is that letters are uniquely sep specified by different combinations of features , but certain letters would share more features than others So the idea is that you might consider that the letter X is made up of two features line going that way , whoops , yeah , and a line going that way , which when they 're viewed together make the letter X. The letter Y is made up of a line going that way and a line going that way .
27 When they do go , spit will have one hell of a job rebuilding that side — and he s not good enough to do it .
28 ‘ The first time I took him for a walk without a harness , he had a bit of a job to work that out as well .
29 Banks rather than state grants have been used for investment capital as part of a strategy to protect that autonomy .
30 Then the criteria which would ensure the spread of some trait — say sharp teeth — in a population would be identical to those ensuring the spread of a gene causing that trait : if sharp teeth increase ‘ fitness ’ ( that is , chances of survival and reproduction ) , then genes causing teeth to be sharp will increase in frequency .
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