Example sentences of "of the [noun sg] has [art] " in BNC.

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1 A shot aimed at the right side of the green has every chance of landing in the bunkers .
2 The interior of the church has no triforium and only a small clerestory .
3 The eastern end of the church has an apse of Byzantine form , that is , semi-circular inside and polygonal outside .
4 Each part of the church has the authority — and the responsibility — to act according to its honest perception of God 's will .
5 The bidirectional reflectance of the soil has a considerable effect on that of the canopy ( , ) , see Table .
6 It might be thought that the clerk of the council has a nobler sound than director-general , for example .
7 But the north of the country has a range of pleasant , wooded hills called the Ardennes .
8 The general right of innocent passage through international straits was asserted by the International Court of Justice to be customary international law , but the extended concept of transit passage through straits in the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea has no conventional forerunner .
9 In their effects on relief positive movements are less spectacular than negative movements of base level , as the relative rise of the sea has the effect of hiding parts of the earth 's surface beneath the sea or beneath thicknesses of alluvium .
10 But the system of laws in place at any one time in a democracy worthy of the name has a permanence about it ; partly due to the formality and bureaucracy of the institutions which sustain it , but , more importantly , because of the hydra-headed nature of the social processes which it facilitates .
11 The configuration of the shore has a large bearing on tide heights and range , tending to increase in bays and funnel-shape inlets like the Bristol Channel and St Malo , near the Channel Islands , in France .
12 Every teacher at whatever level of the hierarchy has a certain reservoir of skill , experience , aptitude and common sense , sufficient to enable some jobs to be accomplished swiftly , easily and confidently , but not others .
13 In this way the students become aware that each movement of the kata has a specific purpose , and knowing that makes it easier to remember the kata sequences .
14 It is an Aboriginal understanding that the fauna and flora of the landscape has an ‘ increase centre ’ — an area of high electro-magnetic energy , where the performance of correct rituals will release the life essence or Kurunba stored there and bring about the desired increase .
15 The wall of the artery has a normal architecture without signs of vasculitis , atherosclerosis or aneurysm formation .
16 At least one member of the committee has no objection to the committee 's papers being publicly available and believes that most data in licence applications could , with little loss to anyone , be made publicly available .
17 They live in an elective dictatorship in which the government of the day has a degree of absolute power that would be envied by rulers who are , on the surface , far more totalitarian .
18 Assuming that the government of the day has a comfortable majority in the House of Commons , executive dominance over the legislature and control over the processes of decision making becomes possible .
19 That in any state in which the distinction is not actually observed between the constitution and the government there is in reality no constitution , because the will of the government has no check upon it , and that state is in fact a despotism .
20 Freedom of the press has a long history , but it is only since 1980 that the right to communicate and the freedom that it entails has been seen as the very centre of human rights , and indeed as a precondition for a meaningful implementation of other human rights .
21 It is worth carrying out this simple exercise to disprove the common fallacy that the shape derived from chopping off the top of the cone at an angle is egg shaped ( the assumption is that the end closest to the base of the cone has a larger radius because the cone is larger there ) , in fact both ends have the same radius , it 's an ellipse — try it .
22 The extreme western edge of the square has the now compulsory big city billboards extolling the virtues of consumerism .
23 The great convenience of the system has an added benefit for the Personnel Manager , as use of the VDU and printout has a rehearsal effect aiding memory recall each time data are accessed .
24 Here relationships are ordered , certainly ; each person of the Trinity has a differentiated function , but all are equal .
25 Talk of a realignment on the centre-left of the spectrum has a long history .
26 The small ribbed orangy-red fruit of the pittanga has a very distinctive , slightly bitter taste .
27 The grain size of the sediment has a direct effect on the percolation rate which is the main control of gradient , the coarser the beach sediment the steeper the slope .
28 The bill must be unconditional and not dependent on the exporter 's subsequent performance , and the purchasing bank of the bill has no recourse against the exporter .
29 The material form of the surplus-product has an important bearing upon this .
30 The cones are concentrated in the fovea , and the rest of the retina has a higher proportion of rods which only provide monochrome vision .
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