Example sentences of "of the [noun sg] have [art] " in BNC.

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1 A shot aimed at the right side of the green has every chance of landing in the bunkers .
2 All members of the church have a contribution to make to the preparation , especially in the light of our growing awareness of how different vocations within the church are complementary .
3 The interior of the church has no triforium and only a small clerestory .
4 The eastern end of the church has an apse of Byzantine form , that is , semi-circular inside and polygonal outside .
5 Each part of the church has the authority — and the responsibility — to act according to its honest perception of God 's will .
6 Since the family were exiled from France there could be no question of the Prince having a political role within the country , even though there was no lack of latent Bonapartist feeling among all sections of society .
7 The bidirectional reflectance of the soil has a considerable effect on that of the canopy ( , ) , see Table .
8 And that 's extremely difficult to do something about the equity target , since National policy , the distribution of income , housing policy , all the things that we tackle on this committee and committees of the council have a very significant effect on the health of the people who live in the city , and it 's not in our control .
9 It might be thought that the clerk of the council has a nobler sound than director-general , for example .
10 But the north of the country has a range of pleasant , wooded hills called the Ardennes .
11 The general right of innocent passage through international straits was asserted by the International Court of Justice to be customary international law , but the extended concept of transit passage through straits in the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea has no conventional forerunner .
12 In their effects on relief positive movements are less spectacular than negative movements of base level , as the relative rise of the sea has the effect of hiding parts of the earth 's surface beneath the sea or beneath thicknesses of alluvium .
13 At last he said to himself , " Even the birds of the air and the fish of the sea have a better life than I , for at least they have companions .
14 Table VI shows that duration since last use of the diaphragm had no effect on rates of endometriosis .
15 The work led Russell himself to conclude that the teaching of the subject had no effect whatsoever on pupils ' political outlook .
16 Those whose dementia progresses rapidly or who suddenly become unmanageable because of aggression or death of the carer have no hope of admission .
17 Both judges decided in favour of the child having a possible cause of action so that each action will proceed to trial .
18 But the system of laws in place at any one time in a democracy worthy of the name has a permanence about it ; partly due to the formality and bureaucracy of the institutions which sustain it , but , more importantly , because of the hydra-headed nature of the social processes which it facilitates .
19 The configuration of the shore has a large bearing on tide heights and range , tending to increase in bays and funnel-shape inlets like the Bristol Channel and St Malo , near the Channel Islands , in France .
20 Members of the Institute have the use of extensive field experimental grounds .
21 Every teacher at whatever level of the hierarchy has a certain reservoir of skill , experience , aptitude and common sense , sufficient to enable some jobs to be accomplished swiftly , easily and confidently , but not others .
22 We 'll be discussing it this afternoon and Labour members told us and no doubt they 'll tell us again that the users of the centre have a democratic right to be consulted about how it was run Do n't tenant farmers have the right to be consulted ?
23 In an action to recover these fees it was held that the registrar of the cemetery had no right to demand fees for recutting and repainting but that there being no suggestion that any unpleasant result would follow from non-payment the plaintiff must be taken to have paid voluntarily .
24 In this way the students become aware that each movement of the kata has a specific purpose , and knowing that makes it easier to remember the kata sequences .
25 It is an Aboriginal understanding that the fauna and flora of the landscape has an ‘ increase centre ’ — an area of high electro-magnetic energy , where the performance of correct rituals will release the life essence or Kurunba stored there and bring about the desired increase .
26 The wall of the artery has a normal architecture without signs of vasculitis , atherosclerosis or aneurysm formation .
27 Many of the medical supporters of the legislation had a history of involvement in hospital and sanitary work among the poor , as local medical officers and poor law doctors — work which reinforced their commitment to the acts as part of the wider politics of public health .
28 Nearly two thirds of the total had a history of smoking .
29 I dropped down and crawled to the front of the wood to have a look .
30 Furthermore , while the main thrust of the treaty had a very clear specification of the timetable and the procedures to be followed , it was rather vague on several other points which were announced only in terms of general principles .
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