Example sentences of "of the [adv] [verb] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 As a result , it is common to find many of the widely supported objectives not explicitly recognized in assessment procedures .
2 Liverpool City Library The local studies group has manorial and estate papers of the widely spread holdings of the earldom ( later , marquessate ) of Salisbury .
3 And she believed the whales would remain at Laspi Bay at least for the summer , and had not heard of the widely criticised plans to take them on a travelling display .
4 If that series were up and running today , one of the widely held myths it would have to counter would be the one which holds that our ‘ generous ’ overseas aid means money is flowing from the rich world to the poor .
5 Finally , there is the tension in the design process between the sense of design as a transformative activity , a positing activity , transcendent of the givens of a problem ( in the sense of both breaking with context and with the form of the immediately perceived requirements — design as defining needs as well as solutions ) and design as a posited activity , that which works from the given which deals with what is real not with what is merely planned or speculated or imagined .
6 Allowing for the categories omitted ( not to mention possible undercounting in some of the slackly administered sub-gaols ) , the true total could be several thousand higher .
7 She reached for one of the freshly laundered robes which were supplied each day for users of the pool .
8 In a formal sense a Nayar taravad was the matrilineal equivalent of the patrilineal joint family homestead that is to be encountered in many parts of rural India but with the peculiarity that the incoming spouses ( i.e. , the " husbands " of the locally domiciled women ) had no legal standing .
9 This sudden and violent less of the abbey , its Abbot and three of its Brethren is perhaps the cause of the locally reported transmutations and the essence of the profoundly poignant atmosphere commented upon by so many visitors so the site — that overwhelming peace , tinged with a hint of sadness .
10 It may be — although we can not be sure because our knowledge is so uneven — that many of the frequently expressed fears of the effects of expanding leisure opportunities on the countryside are exaggerated , that well-publicized cases of overcrowding and ecological damage in the Lake District , in parts of the Derbyshire Peak District or on the Downs in Kent and Sussex are localized and atypical rather than the shape of things to come elsewhere .
11 ( iii ) In the context of their own writing and reading , they should learn about some of the frequently occurring words and roots that have been absorbed into English from other languages , so that they become familiar with the common word-building processes and spelling patterns that derive from them .
12 Interestingly , some of the earliest written texts of Western European culture , the Socratic dialogues , present as conversation what modern writers would present as monologue .
13 One of the earliest documented encounters took place in AD 109 when a dolphin befriended a boy swimming offshore at the Roman settlement of Hippo in northern Africa , and thereafter returned day after day to play with other children , who slowly overcame their initial fear .
14 In securing money for the abbey , Edward was helped by his position as a baron of the Exchequer and keeper from 1248 of the Exchequer seal , one of the earliest known chancellors of the Exchequer .
15 They are one of the earliest known insects , fossils being around from the Carboniferous period , and today there are some 4,000 species worldwide .
16 All the same , Pisano 's work is more truly ‘ madrigalian ’ than some of the earliest published madrigals actually so called , the Madrigali de diversi musici libr. po. de la serena ( Rome , 1530 ) .
17 The other cause , usually in animals convalescing indoors , is a superimposed bacterial infection of the imperfectly healed lungs leading to acute interstitial pneumonia .
18 Indeed , if one considers the whole century , a surprising number of the heavily represented poets remained largely unaffected by changes in fashion , among them , Mary Leapor , Mary Jones , Esther Lewis , Susanna Blamire , Elizabeth Hands , and Joanna Baillie .
19 Olivia , who likes her sleep , soon developed a great loathing for our morning visitors , but all her efforts to drive them away and apart had little success , and spectacularly failed to calm the passions of the energetically copulating birds .
20 After some weeks without Red Cross parcels , people began to arrive early at meals so that they could size up and take the largest of the scrupulously rationed helpings of potatoes , or the thickest of the apparently identical slices of bread .
21 It was , as they saw it , Mrs Thatcher 's abuse of the loosely defined conventions that made such politically conscious people demand constitutional reform , one cardinal feature of which should be a properly articulated status of citizenship .
22 One of the most debated areas of anatomy is the early history of the vertebrate nasal and hypophysial regions already mentioned above .
23 This passage is the source for one of the most debated features of Marxist social theory , known as the ‘ base and superstructure metaphor ’ : the idea that the economic ‘ material base ’ of society determines developments in the ‘ superstructural ’ realms of law , of politics and of people 's ideas generally .
24 The honour of the most SOTW awards goes , to no-one 's particular amazement since they make millions of records every fortnight and are beloved of rock hacks everywhere , to THE FALL .
25 Not surprisingly , this lava lake is one of the most photographed features in Hawaii , and the crater has been labelled in suitable post-card terminology ‘ The House of Everlasting Fire ’ .
26 Chelsea , named after a Joni Mitchell song Chelsea Morning , will now become one of the most photographed children in the world .
27 Working in Grendon must be one of the most difficulkt places for an officer becausec we 're telling them they 're not dependant on their uniform but their personality and ability to relate to people .
28 One key strand , reflected in a number of the separately authored chapters , warns that relative poverty among women in the US is being re-fuelled by increasing numbers of older women without adequate pensions living alone through divorce or separation .
29 For the next ten years their father was posted from one naval establishment to another , around most of the strategically retained vestiges of the British Empire , from Hong Kong to Aden , to Gibraltar , to Singapore and finally to Malta , and Alex and Victoria , rejoining the family during holidays , became seasoned travellers .
30 For many of those who do take the text seriously however , Christian teaching on the subject of wealth is summed up either by one of the easily remembered phrases from the Gospels such as ‘ Sell all that you have and distribute to the poor , and you will have treasure in heaven ’ ( Luke 18:22 ) or ‘ You can not serve God and Mammon ’ ( Luke 16:13 ) or that ‘ It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God ’ ( Luke 18:25 ) or by the way in which the members of the Jerusalem Church as recorded in Acts of the Apostles shared their wealth according to the principle ‘ From each according to his ability , to each according to his need ’ .
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