Example sentences of "of [v-ing] one [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 There is even an echo of the testing time of his twelfth year in the fourth book in the sequence , The Betrayer , when he has to find a way of helping one of the Confederates , involved in a misguided conspiracy against the young Emperor , without being disloyal to his ruler .
2 Bending and brushing away overhanging thorn branches , I sidled through the water in vain hopes of seeing one of the otters that lived here , according to Mrs Knelle .
3 And in the process of unloading one of the bundles , it split open and the manager found the cannabis concealed inside it .
4 Let's be honest with ourselves ; I 'm a small but vital link in the business of producing one of the most important daily newspapers in the world .
5 They concluded that , especially in relation to fluvial processes , explanations that ignore the role of human activities run the risk of eliminating one of the most significant variables and perhaps an appropriate note on which to end this chapter is their affirmation that ( Graf , Trimble , Toy and Costa , 1980 , p. 281 ) :
6 PIETER Muller read the messages of hate , shrugged and got on with the job of becoming one of the best centres in the world .
7 Right from indie godhead McGee 's Madonna invite to the fact that Therapy ? — once a hopeless band from Belfast — are on the verge of becoming one of the three most important new bands in Britain .
8 At Forest , in the nightmare season 81–82 , he had fallen into all the usual high earning traps , plus the unusual one of becoming one of the city 's leading gay scene makers .
9 It was presided over by Ernest Ayliffe who had retired as President at the beginning of Congress , but had accepted the honour of becoming one of the BDDA 's first " Grand Councillors " .
10 For example , having gone straight ahead without referring to the chart gallery I created the default Pie Chart and was dissatisfied because I could find no way of exploding one of the slices .
11 Even more importantly , as Mikhail Gorbachev gradually allows so many officially forgotten barbarisms from the Soviet Union 's past to slide into the glare of public scrutiny , so the prospect grows of solving one of the post-war era 's most persistent enigmas .
12 When Topaz had first seen the two men riding close to where she was lying behind some rocks , the idea of appropriating one of the horses had n't occurred to her .
13 Sometimes , this is the result of observing one of the above terms ( designs , subjects etc. ) as it is submerged within another ; on other occasions it is the result of observing barely perceptible changes in one of these terms between different mosaics .
14 The thought of asking one of the Royal family for money to breed owls seemed a bit out of order ; however , Suzy explained that the scheme was designed to help young people just like myself set up projects or businesses which are of benefit to the local community , as well as themselves .
15 He 'd once thought of asking one of the Venetz sisters out , but they were pretty well inseparable ; a turndown did n't worry him so much as the prospect of being accepted by one and so giving offence to the other .
16 He 'd been thinking of asking one of the two who had entered the front room during Slater 's monologue — the more attractive of them — for a dance even as Slater was telling him how desirable Richard Slater was .
17 Production-wise , Lawrence considered the obvious step of recruiting one of the '70s luminaries to the studio seat but found his aspirations nixed by circumstance .
18 is covered by built-up areas , earning the county the unenviable distinction of having one of the most developed coastlines in Britain .
19 If you are thinking of having one of the larger , shaped baths , make sure it will fit through your bathroom door !
20 Although many countries satisfy PLAN 's eligibility criteria , Tanzania ranks extremely high in terms of having one of the lowest per capita GNPs , low life expectancy , low primary school enrollment rates .
21 As noted , the rate equations ( 7.4 ) are stable , but the standard technique of modulating one of the parameters , for example y , extends the phase space sufficiently to allow chaotic behaviour .
22 Thijs Lijbregts , who took over from Rinus Michels after Holland won the European Championship , has the additional pressure of managing one of the fancied teams while his best player , Ruud Gullit , is struggling to recover from a knee injury that has so far necessitated four operations and is threatening his career .
23 Determined to honour the family tradition of social responsibility , she forgot her various ailments , put aside her various unfinished manuscripts , and took on the onerous commitment of managing one of the most important zinc factories in the United Kingdom at a time when women were virtually excluded from the boardrooms of business and commerce .
24 what kind of things do you want to have audio described , so there are , I mean there 's still quite a bit , but she got quite excited about the idea of involving one of the proper , well not proper , one of the , you know , official professional market research firms , as well in terms of doing this work , maybe , maybe getting money from the Arts Council to actually pay them
25 The research methods suggest new ways of assessing important factors in urban development , and of exploiting one of the largest and least-used bodies of source material for European towns in general .
26 Giving a ‘ preference ’ means doing anything which has the effect of putting one of the company 's creditors , or a guarantor for any of the company 's debts , into a better position in the event of the company going into liquidation than otherwise would have been the case : subsection ( 4 ) .
27 However , in 1985 , a fortuitous observation made in the Harvard laboratory of the distinguished geneticist and Nobel Laureate , Phil Leder , seemed to offer a way of identifying one of the genes .
28 London Scottish top the table with 16 points , with West in second spot with 14 and Newcastle third on 12 , level with Sale , who have played a game less than the top three and are still in with a very good chance of snatching one of the two promotion slots .
29 The rejection notice attached to the DC suggested that if , instead of modifying one of the public data structures of the module , a new data structure was defined and used , then all would be well .
30 There is truly not a single county which can safely be eliminated from a chance of winning one of the main trophies , although Gloucestershire , cruelly deprived of the English half of their anticipated new-ball pair , David Lawrence and Courtney Walsh , and Leicestershire , would need the biggest swings of the lot to upset the opinion polls .
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