Example sentences of "of [v-ing] up [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I returned to Copenhagen early this morning and was in the process of catching up on loss of sleep when your serenade on the doorbell awakened me .
2 Conspiracy was an old common law offence , frequently charged and much in need of bringing up to date .
3 Social phenomena have a disconcerting habit of climbing up to positions of eminence from which they conveniently repudiate their humble origins ; we must not be misled by this .
4 If such a position were copied by a club player less skilled and using a less powerful hand-and-arm action , the clubface would stand little or no chance of squaring up on impact .
5 According to Lotus associate director Albert Adams — a world authority on composites and the man who , 30 years ago , was told by Chapman to ‘ learn all about glass-fibre ’ — it could be from the escalating costs of tooling up for pressed-steel car production .
6 There was a risk of ending up like Tunney .
7 He made a point of checking up on people who got in the way of the Path of Joseph .
8 For if he considers himself in some small way a specialist , not only can he spend a good proportion of his time teaching what he likes and probably , therefore , understands better , but he also has more of a chance of keeping up to date on his chosen subjects , particularly if he has support , as many of the teachers I observed had , from local subject advisers , associations or selective in-service programmes .
9 If you have another part-time job , or domestic commitments , then bank nursing can be a very flexible way of keeping up to date professionally .
10 At present the fiction that each MP acts on his own judgement and takes a discriminating part in legislation is preserved by insisting that members must be present and pass through the lobbies night after night , though in fact such activity makes no material difference , but seriously impedes MPs in their task of keeping up to date with their special interests and with their constituency work .
11 Or is it women who are calling the shots — weary of living up to men 's fantasies , preferring instead to watch actresses they can identify with , both physically and emotionally ?
12 To say nothing of saving up to 45% on the running costs .
13 The system I would like to see is solicitors being given the job of approving up to £500 of legal aid work , with spot checks on quality , taking off any who are found to have abused it . ’
14 Would I perhaps welcome the security of a helicopter , or welcome the security of waking up in bed to find that it was all a dream and I had n't actually gone hill-walking at all because I had a date with Gerard Depardieu ?
15 There was also the necessity of waking up in time to catch the transport to work .
16 ‘ Boyz N The Hood ’ draws on Singleton 's own experience of growing up in South Central LA .
17 In Women and Psychology ( Williams 1979 ) , for instance , Ladner 's paper ‘ Growing up Black ’ , which describes the specific experiences of growing up in US cities in the 1960s , has to stand for the effects of both ‘ race ’ and class on gender .
18 After their winning match against Crewe Alexandra , the Shots polished performance improved their league position by four places , and left them with an outside chance of going up into Division III .
19 Oh , and I 'm thinking of going up to London for the best part of next week . "
20 We have to be early tomorrow because of going up to London you see .
21 One night , ten days after the funeral , as Louise was thinking of going up to bed , Nora began to talk about Constance and her future .
22 ‘ But what 's the point of going up to Luxor if you never get a chance to see anything ? ’ asked Nanette .
23 At the moment it was the traditional tale of going up to Jackson 's at 10 in the morning after an all-night session at Dobell 's — wine we drank in those days , Poppet , wine that was wine not this filthy MUCK — and demanding double portions of oysters all round and when it came to pay no one had a penny , so Dobell , who even then still had the charm of a boy of twenty , and a slim waist to go with it , said he would bring in one of the engravings from his collection , and Gaston , who always recognised a gentleman — not like the CLODS who run hostelries nowadays — with tears in his eyes said it was an honour , an honour to serve Mr Dobell and his friends .
24 I do n't like the idea of getting up in front of everyone and saying : ‘ I 'm a junkie .
25 But you do n't want to have people sort of splitting up into groups like you say , sort of standing around which will be a bit embarrassing .
26 In fact the conductor actually makes matters worse by indulging in all sorts of slowing up at phrase ends , making the thing into rather an elephantine procession .
27 AQRO1 is a new reverse-osmosis system from Aquatechnics ( UK ) Ltd , capable of removing up to 95% of all contaminants from tapwater — up to 35 US gallons per day .
28 In none of the examples studied is there any evidence of a longshore drift towards the west in the shape of piling up of material on the east-facing sides of the groynes .
29 Miguel had provided a carriage and pair for the newly-weds , and they had the privilege of riding up to Casa Madrid , where they rested and freshened up while the rest of the guests walked up the hill .
30 we go on hoping and fighting and imagining , despite whatever goes wrong with anybody but the Tory Party is diverting itself with internal feuds and in focusing attention on whether Mr Major will remain Prime Minister or not and this is presumably so that they may ignore the real issues of how to the get the country onto some shared basis of consensus , trust and pragmatic politics which would give our society a chance of facing up to questions of economics , politics , pollution and living together in community in the sort of world we 've actually got .
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