Example sentences of "of [v-ing] [prep] [art] same " in BNC.

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1 Do n't try to follow both sets of shaping at the same time because it wo n't work and you will find yourself becoming totally confused .
2 From here , instead of returning by the same route , it is possible to descend the mountain 's opposite side by taking the other cog-wheel railway from the Rigi Kulm to Arth , the bottom station near the Arth-Goldau junction station on the Swiss Federal Railway main line from Luzern , Basel , Zurich and the Gotthard line .
3 Make a simple plan of the area and trace or copy shapes of paving to the same scale .
4 In addition , it is obvious that it can not be relied on until there has been a substantial amount of trading between the same parties .
5 After three years of operating under the same roof , the section of Art Basel devoted to contemporary prints will now move to a separate location and take place earlier than the main body of the fair .
6 Since the average rate at which the foreign debt was raised was probably about 25 dinars , its dinar value in early 1988 was about 50 times as great , approximately the same as the change in the cost of living over the same period .
7 This can meet her need temporarily when she is at some crisis point , providing , for all concerned , a trial period of living under the same roof , in this tactful guise of a holiday — without commitment on either side .
8 To believe the gospel , respond to Jesus or receive the Spirit are three ways of looking at the same thing ( 2 Cor. 11:4 ) .
9 Within the natural sciences there was little of that passionate and puzzled confrontation which occurs when there is a clash , not of different hypotheses , but of different ways of looking at the same problem , i.e. when one party proposes not merely a different answer , but one which the other party considers to be impermissible or ‘ unthinkable ’ .
10 But instead of waiting on the same platform for an Edgware train , they made their way up to the British Rail terminus , and in the men 's lavatory the bear got into his bear suit .
11 As he puffed the cigar to life , he shook his head , a man weary of going over the same ground again .
12 the fact of belonging to the same class , and that of belonging to the same generation or age group , have this in common , that both endow the individuals sharing in them with a common location in the social and historical process , and thereby limit them to a specific range of potential experience , predisposing them for a certain characteristic mode of thought and experience , and a characteristic type of historically relevant action .
13 the fact of belonging to the same class , and that of belonging to the same generation or age group , have this in common , that both endow the individuals sharing in them with a common location in the social and historical process , and thereby limit them to a specific range of potential experience , predisposing them for a certain characteristic mode of thought and experience , and a characteristic type of historically relevant action .
14 It moves towards the acceptance of belonging at the same time to a larger enterprise which combines the strengths of sharing and collaboration and the sharpness of keeping an eye out for one 's own survival .
15 It 's difficult really because I mean we 're sort of striving for the same sort of things
16 I think we have got to sort out these problems of restructuring at the same time as those of market and state regulation .
17 Are you still sort of staying at the same or
18 He or she will receive a flow of income over the year and will engage in a flow of spending over the same period .
19 A second charge accused him of having between the same dates — July 1 and August 20 , 1993 — attempted to force Mr McIvor to refrain from giving evidence at the trial of Stephen Wilson .
20 Different types of pupil will gravitate towards different sub-topics , but all will have the common link of starting from the same stimulus ; it will be possible for all children to contribute to whatever may be the concluding feature , such as an exhibition , poster or class booklet .
21 Most sailors soon tire of sailing in the same place all the time and look for new places to sail which will give them variety and a challenge .
22 ‘ Go on — it will cheer you up ’ but I dismissed him like the rest , saying I was not thirsty , despising the thought of drinking from the same grimy bottle which a rogue had .
23 The debt and the facility are under a single agreement or course of dealing with the same lender or group of lenders .
24 Which means when you do business with ANZ you can be sure of dealing with the same bank at both ends of the transaction .
25 Another way of putting across the same kind of message is :
26 If CFC emissions continue to increase at the current rate , they would cause an extra 2C of warming over the same period .
27 He was well placed in the cotton industry and it gave him a generous income ; therefore it had to take precedence , but the monotony of arriving at the same place at the same time every day now bored him as much as had the mechanical frenzy of the bobbins when he arrived .
28 Another but more legally complicated way of arriving at the same result under the subsection is to say that , when the police seek to intervene , it is likely that a belief is likely to arise in the mind of the first victims , that violence towards the police is a likely outcome of the defendant 's conduct .
29 In tailoring user behaviour to fit the system , there is the danger of falling into the same trap as the conventional catalogue , where the tool tailors the task .
30 Was she on the verge of falling into the same trap again ?
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