Example sentences of "of [det] [noun sg] to [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ True individualism lies in the proper relationship of each person to society , ’ she said , primly .
2 Erm the idea then is to , to swap your project quality plans around the groups and then for each , the leader of each group to critique those plans , just briefly , a few minutes er and present that to the erm t to the group .
3 Consult diagram 4 and * transfer stitch 1 of each group to needle 4 , in front of stitches 2 , 3 and 4 which should then be replaced on needles 1 , 2 and 3 ( easier than it sounds ) .
4 And the commitment of each discharger to pollution control will vary widely , depending not least upon the organizational status and occupation of the field man 's contact .
5 In my judgment therefore the equivalent of this principle today is the right of each family to home ownership , the need for more diffused and direct ownership of equity capital and the opportunity not just for a formal education but for retraining and post-experience training in later life .
6 However , the contribution of each property to fitness must vary dramatically from year to year as well as from place to place within the field .
7 Indeed , TMA 1970 , s76 provides that a trustee who has authorised the receipt of profits arising from trust property by or by the agent of the person entitled thereto ( the beneficiary ) , shall not if : ( a ) that person or agent actually receives the profits under that authority ; and ( b ) the trustee makes a return of the name , address and profits of that person be required to do any other act for the purposes of the assessment of that person to income tax .
8 But after 10 years of Tory rule , he had had enough of that approach to politics .
9 That was much appreciated by the El Salvadorean Government and helped to bring the perpetrators of that murder to justice .
10 In fact we 've just refused er the application er to change the use of that site to housing , or some of that site to housing , er for the very reason that we want to keep it in employment use and at the same meeting we also refused another site , another major employment site , erm and we want to keep that in employment use as well .
11 In fact we 've just refused er the application er to change the use of that site to housing , or some of that site to housing , er for the very reason that we want to keep it in employment use and at the same meeting we also refused another site , another major employment site , erm and we want to keep that in employment use as well .
12 If a country enacted a bill of rights , then it was likely to be acknowledged as a written but inadequate consolation for the absence of that commitment to liberty which appeared to seep unconsciously and effortlessly through the British system of government .
13 Did you convey any or all of that information to Superintendent ?
14 In spite of that claim to assistance , Montrose told his political manager that he was unwilling to recommend a candidate for presentation to another peer when he was ‘ intirely ignorant what sort of man he is ’ .
15 ‘ She was proud of that piece to camera at the end , ’ murmured Terry , in his flat London accent .
16 However , the literature so far described is concerned almost entirely with social work at the micro level : individuals , families and small groups , much of it using techniques that are of little relevance to community work , for example behaviour modification .
17 But such links remained tentative and seem to have been of little relevance to policy development even if the symbolism was important .
18 Do we really need lots of people sitting around pondering on research topics that are of little benefit to man or beast ?
19 It is on these grounds that we could discount the ‘ rare exceptions ’ referred to by Nossal ( 1975 : 46 , above ) , since the superfluous testing which he condemns has a far greater probability of continuing to be of little benefit to mankind , even in the advancement of knowledge , than the work of Gray , Gallistel , or the early objectives of Blakemore .
20 Hopefully , through the discussion , the basic dichotomy as to whether RMI is an expensive irrelevance of little value to patient care , or is , in fact , a fundamental change in the way health services are managed will be clarified .
21 Heavy use of fertilisers and high stocking rates had maintained a tight-cropped monoculture of little interest to wildlife .
22 Within the last fortnight , we have seen the release on parole of one offender after serving just 22 months of a five year sentence for sexual offences against at least a dozen young boys , and the sentencing of another man to life imprisonment after a sexual orgy resulting in the death of a nine year old .
23 ‘ Livée , perhaps you can be of some help to Citizen Vaubrun , ’ said Mme de Ratho pointedly .
24 It made a number of recommendations for a more disciplined and concerted pre-trial regime , suggesting that a defendant should be given credit for a guilty plea , particularly where there is saving of public expenditure and time , and that there should be a more vigorous policy on credit for pleas of guilty either by way of reduction of length of custodial sentence or the passing of some alternative to custody .
25 However , I have made claims for the relation of this text to action and it is the final part of this book which bears the burden of substantiating that claim .
26 The right hon. Gentleman may be prepared to hand over the government of this country to trade unions abroad , but that is not the position of the Conservative party .
27 that this conference congratulates our Bolshevik comrades of Russia on their splendid efforts to bring about a general peace , and their unflinching opposition to the brigands of international capital , though we deplore the fact that their efforts to stir the workers of all the belligerents to revolutionary action has not so far met with success , yet we promise to do all in our power to awaken the proletariat of this country to class consciousness so that a speedy end may overtake the tyranny of capital .
28 The traditional style of regulation involved members ‘ clubs ’ and the ability of this system to work depended largely on maintaining a relatively small grouping of members through maintaining effective barriers to entry — the Stock Exchange being a prime example here .
29 Given the success of this system to date , it is likely that firms will press for much wider adoption of this strategy for pollution control in the United States ( refer to section 8.11 ) .
30 There are many different versions of this approach to inflation .
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