Example sentences of "of [pers pn] [v-ing] [adv prt] the " in BNC.

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1 I have here a copy of the committee which was formed that night , and also a copy of the minutes , I 'll give each Councillor one , and then they can read it at their leisure , instead of me taking up the whole meeting .
2 I spent a long time diving frantically after them , jamming the sheet at a bunch only to see half of them streaking out the other end , and I might have gone on indefinitely had I not felt a gentle touch on my arm .
3 Beautiful women , dressed in anything from the flamboyantly obvious to the understatedly elegant , weaved in and out of the crowds , some of them hanging on the arms of men old enough to be their grandfathers .
4 Come on , come on , he thought , and pictured the three of them plummeting down the last thirty feet into the basement .
5 Our link up with adidas has certainly provided a boost to membership , with many of you taking up the option to join and receive a free headband or wristband for their trouble .
6 There may be lots of others which do very similar things , but I think this is a question of you working out the criteria for your placement that you want , you know ,
7 His career was not without its less attractive moments , and it is sad that many fans will remember the famous picture in the 1981 Wisden of him kicking down the stumps after having an appeal refused in New Zealand almost as readily as they will recall his wonderful bowling ; yet even in dissent he was physically graceful , and the picture is positively balletic .
8 The sight of him hanging on the Cross — are we really supposed to worship that , defeat and death ?
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