Example sentences of "of [pers pn] by [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The question was wrung out of me by the absurdity of it .
2 I could do what was expected of me by the crowd , or I could do what he trusted me to do .
3 And she got hold of me by the neck like th I told you to go to school did n't I .
4 and Macpherson of Cluny J. ) given on 18 January 1991 refusing them the relief claimed in their applications for judicial review of decisions made in relation to each of them by the Secretary of State for the Home Department .
5 Strikes grew more frequent and violent , the harsh suppression of them by the government increasing hostility towards the republican regime .
6 Both managers said they would assess managerial competence by a person 's ability to achieve the goals expected of them by the organisation .
7 Sharon gets to wear nice clothes , live in two swankyhouses ( one of them by the beach ) , chainsmoke , and be enigmatic about whether or not she 's a killer bimbo .
8 Addition of records and subsequent sequential processing of them by the provision of overflow areas ;
9 Oh well you 've quite enjoyed that and you 've had a few of them by the smell of you .
10 Examples of the last of these are , consumption of the goods by the seller or a resale of them by the seller when he has no right to re-sell .
11 The Government was severely embarrassed by a similar action brought in 1988 by Harriet Harman , now a front-bench Labour MP , and Patricia Hewitt , formerly press secretary to Neil Kinnock , over covert surveillance of them by the security service , MI5 .
12 She was running a whole chain of them by the time he went to university .
13 While going through the worst of the tantrum season , keep in mind that most children grow out of them by the time they 're three — this thought will help you to cope when you just feel like hiding !
14 The girls got up to leave , and he grabbed one of them by the arm , rough in his treatment .
15 Is participation voluntary and welcomed by the clients , or is it demanded of them by the action system , the change agent or even by some extraneous system , as in some parent-teacher associations ?
16 The only clues to the identity of the telephone bidders was that German was spoken to one of them by the saleroom staff .
17 Yeah , well , no I 'm thinking that these , these applications have to be in both of them by the end of September and I do n't
18 By the word of the Lord were the heavens made and all the host of them by the breath of his mouth ( Ps. 33:6 ) .
19 ‘ Francesca 's got four brothers , see , two of them professional singers , two of them by the grace of God ordinary working stiffs in respectable offices . ’
20 They both gasped as the breath was knocked out of them by the impact .
21 She also became a celebrated beauty through the depictions made of her by the photographer Julia Margaret Cameron [ q.v. ] and the painters Brown , D. G. Rossetti , Burne-Jones , and Val Prinsep [ q.v . ] .
22 She got hold of him by the hair and dragged him to the police station , ’ he said .
23 Lee got hold of him by the collar .
24 She caught hold of him by the hand and half ran , half pulled him across the room to the door .
25 But his father caught hold of him by the arm .
26 I got hold of him by the scruff of the neck and took him along to the police box and rang up for the wagon .
27 And she at bed time she gets hold of him by the scruff of the neck and
28 Krishna Kumar Rawal ACA of 74A High Street , Wanstead , London having been found guilty of misconduct within the meaning of Bye-law 76(a) in force at the material time and liable to disciplinary action under Bye-law 76(a) ( i ) in that he at Ilford and Wanstead between 18 November 1987 and 1 April 1990 failed to account properly and promptly for monies held on behalf of a client and in that he at Wanstead between 18 November 1987 and 6 January 1992 failed to account properly and promptly to a client for interest received in respect of monies held on behalf of the said client and having been in breach of Bye-law 76(a) ( iv ) in that he at Wanstead between 3 December 1991 and 18 June 1992 failed to provide information required of him by the Investigation Committee in exercise of its powers under Bye-law 80(a) was reprimanded , fined £1,000 , ordered to take advice from the Professional Referrals Service and to pay £1,000 by way of costs .
29 Philip James Cattlin ( ACA ) of 97 Judd Street , London having been found liable to disciplinary action under Bye-law 76(a) ( i ) in that he in London between 17 March 1992 and 15 September 1992 being sole proprietor of a firm of Chartered Accountants , failed to cause that firm to comply with an order of the Disciplinary Committee made on 17 March 1992 that it pay costs in the sum of £500 and having been found liable to disciplinary action under Bye-law 76(a) ( iv ) in that he in London between 14 August 1992 and 15 September 1992 failed to provide information required of him by the Investigation Committee on 14 August 1992 in exercise of its powers under Bye-law 80(a) and in that he in London between 19 May 1992 and 4 August 1992 failed to satisfy a judgment of the County Court that he pay a sum of £5,634 and having been found liable to disciplinary action under Bye-law 76(a) ( iv ) in that he in London between 7 January 1992 and 4 August 1992 failed to provide information required of him by the Investigation Committee in exercise of its powers under Bye-law 80(a) concerning a judgment of the County Court was excluded from membership of the Institute and ordered to pay £1,000 by way of costs .
30 Philip James Cattlin ( ACA ) of 97 Judd Street , London having been found liable to disciplinary action under Bye-law 76(a) ( i ) in that he in London between 17 March 1992 and 15 September 1992 being sole proprietor of a firm of Chartered Accountants , failed to cause that firm to comply with an order of the Disciplinary Committee made on 17 March 1992 that it pay costs in the sum of £500 and having been found liable to disciplinary action under Bye-law 76(a) ( iv ) in that he in London between 14 August 1992 and 15 September 1992 failed to provide information required of him by the Investigation Committee on 14 August 1992 in exercise of its powers under Bye-law 80(a) and in that he in London between 19 May 1992 and 4 August 1992 failed to satisfy a judgment of the County Court that he pay a sum of £5,634 and having been found liable to disciplinary action under Bye-law 76(a) ( iv ) in that he in London between 7 January 1992 and 4 August 1992 failed to provide information required of him by the Investigation Committee in exercise of its powers under Bye-law 80(a) concerning a judgment of the County Court was excluded from membership of the Institute and ordered to pay £1,000 by way of costs .
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