Example sentences of "of [pers pn] with [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It is hoped that they do , because it can be shown that theories that include gravity are either finite or nonrenormalizable ; that is , if one has to make any infinite subtractions , then one will have to make an infinite number of them with a corresponding infinite number of undetermined remainders .
2 Plenty of steps , most of them with a rich reward for the climber , such as those that lead to the Lindenhof .
3 ( iv ) Certain electoral practices , some of them with a long and disreputable history , are forbidden .
4 Keith Ramsey supplied three of them with a long-range shot 15 seconds from time , but Gerald Lee marshalled his team through .
5 The Wapping area involved four or five local authorities and the plan was to leave each of them with a high degree of autonomy but with some rather unconsidered federal situation over the whole area .
6 Nathan nodded his thanks as the waiter presented each of them with a leather-bound menu .
7 Evelyn watched the two of them with a little smile on her face .
8 The actual question appeared each time on the screen in front of them with a seven point scale with labels at the end points — 7=VERY WELL and 1=NOT VERY WELL .
9 ‘ I 've ended up most of them with a full confession , once we 'd worked it out .
10 In that aim it is abetted both by nature conservation bodies — duped by the MoD 's tendentious Defence and the Environment prospectus of three years ago , into believing that the area 's interests are best served by the public being kept out — and by factions within the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority , most of them with a military background , who also tug their forelocks to that aim .
11 yeah , the , that 's the awful part I tried one of them with a big bit here and I tried it on and it looked like a tit on a pimple , I said god what am I gon na do ?
12 Registration at an exchange was not to be compulsory for the unemployed ; their large numbers and the mismatch of many of them with the available jobs would have led the scheme into immediate crisis .
13 I suppose one of the things about Neighbourhood Watch , if , if it worked properly , is that you , there 's a group of you with a common interest , and you could deal with a situation like that a bit better than you could if you were on your own .
14 Ha I have to go along here some , to some of you with a bossy statement of you know , this inclusive as opposed
15 Those of you with a nautical leaning can enjoy a view of the lighthouse at Northforeland , along with some pleasant sea views as you glide along the coast , claim the organisers .
16 [ reading ] " When you read this letter you will be far on your way to your father and mother where you have so long desired to be , and I hope I shall forbear thinking of you with the least shadow of that fondness my foolish heart had entertained for you .
17 picture the opponent standing in front of you with the left leg and fist leading .
18 She lathered herself languidly beneath the refreshing jets of water , letting the spray caress every hot , sticky part of her with a glorious wave of sensual awareness .
19 As she clung to the powerful width of his shoulders , trembling from head to foot with the force of her emotions , he grasped the softness of her buttocks and drove deeply , irrevocably into the silken white-hot sheath of her with a harsh , abrupt shout of victory , his lidded gaze brilliant with triumph …
20 Blanche squinted thoughtfully , fixing the man in front of her with an inquisitive stare .
21 The photograph of her with the older woman was well done , though .
22 We were sitting cross-legged on either side of him with a vast array of tiny dishes on finely worked brass trays stretching before us , and entirely lit by Aladdin lamps on specially wrought stands .
23 She felt as distant from Dada as on that faraway teatime when he had turned down Dora 's Dolls ' House in favour of his photograph album though now she thought of him with a gentle benevolence , the distance between them was changeless .
24 He was sitting at the table and staring ahead of him with a dark , brooding expression .
25 I 'd have liked to have cut the face off of him with a few choice words .
26 Even those who do not share his political opinions readily pay their tribute to the range of his intellect and the graciousness of his character ; more remarkable still , even those whose intellectual qualities are the equal of his , but whose moral qualities have degenerated in contact with the sordid atmosphere of politics , never speak of him with an affected amusement as a religious bigot or a narrow-minded moralist ; in the remarks of these latter politicians I often detect a tone of rather wistful regret , as if they were conscious in themselves of a loss for which the world they have gained has by no means compensated .
27 Abraham got the bounce of the ball and made the most of it with a cracking shot .
28 Jack faded out of it with a 76 in the third round , though , and then had that fantastic 65 in the last round — all too late .
29 We came out the other side of it with a temporary chauffeur , a good profit and a really first-rate new name : that of Hamilton de Souza .
30 you do n't have to draw round it , just draw a picture of it with a nice broad stem and a round head , now Mark what was left ?
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