Example sentences of "of [noun pl] as he [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 The only sounds in the room were the scratching of his pen-nib as he made each entry , and the chink of coins as he counted them out of the cash box — and the heavy breathing of Marcus Judge , who sat at the other side of the desk , his eyes fixed upon his son .
2 Mortimer almost ran headlong into a patrol of Germans as he traversed a long gallery , but the Germans were hampered by uncocked weapons , and Mortimer downed two of them with his Browning before ducking behind a turn in the wall , his men loosing a volley of rifle fire into the surviving guards .
3 Aycliffe coughed , and his glance drifted away to rest unseeingly on the shelves of books as he spoke .
4 We are in exile now and we have no money , " he would tell people who came to Morocco and asked to be paid for past services to the crown , It was not quite true , but certainly no longer disposed of the sort of funds as he had done when he was in power .
5 He could see the roof of Belmodes as he turned towards where Rose lived .
6 Immediately , Dora put her expression to rights , even squeezing out a polite smile of thanks as he set her glass in front of her , the epitome of a well-bred Englishwoman who never reveals her feelings before servants or foreigners .
7 The driver was being helped from his smashed vehicle , unleashing a stream of obscenities as he emerged .
8 Police had to erect barriers to keep crowds back as Charles was warmly greeted by hundreds of wellwishers as he arrived at Dundee 's City Square .
9 She felt Mr Browning 's arm round her and the gentlest of pressures as he pushed her into a seat .
10 Had Forbes lived longer , he might have founded at Edinburgh a school of naturalists as he hoped , and which was impossible at that date in London ; and he might have written a major work .
11 Gerard O'Hara ( 18 ) died in a hail of bullets as he sat watching television with his mother Bridget at their home at North Queen Street , Belfast , almost a year ago .
12 I did not think of following him , my feet seemed rooted to the sandy path and I saw him through a mist of tears as he appeared to melt through the door , which closed behind him .
13 Well you have to tell a load of lies as he said well it 's a right shambles , nobody would go and see would they ?
14 Shadows drifted past him like fronds , dappled with refracted sunlight , tied with thin streams of bubbles as he sank slowly into the welcoming depths of the ocean , under the incurious eye of the great Whale … .
15 He then ran off towards the Alexander yacht club and is thought to have smashed a couple of windows as he made off .
16 Civil war was the spectre which haunted much of sixth-century Gaul , or so it seemed to Gregory of Tours as he wrote the preface to the fifth book of his Histories .
17 ‘ Or did he want a couple with the same number of children as he had ?
18 In a large field he did not have the clearest of runs as he challenged as a result of which he finished fast but too late having to settle for fourth place to the Ebor winner Quick Ransom .
19 He smelled frying bacon and heard the chatter of women as he walked across the tiled hall and let himself out through a side door .
20 Erm so we walked in and out of carriages as he sought a pair of seats together and erm squashed down , he had me like penned into the window , like I 've got my bag and my umbrella in between ha , and I 'd already told him I was going out with someone .
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