Example sentences of "of [noun pl] for [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In the case of sodium chloride , there are two moles of ions for every mole of NaCl(s) .
2 Thus , competitive equilibrium models , with all markets clearing , have been used to investigate the incidence of different taxes , whereas a quite separate literature , using aggregate demand/monetary models , has examined the implications of taxes for the level of employment and the rate of inflation .
3 There was no place in Müller 's scale of values for a loser .
4 What causes offence is that he merely represents a shifting of values for the mass of young people .
5 Nevertheless , it seems clear that there are relatively few ranges of values for the numbers that would allow the development of any form of intelligent life .
6 The second option is to sell the property along with the company but ensure that the price received for the company fully reflects the range of values for the assets .
7 Study the following table of values for the equation y = x + 1 .
8 Gerhard Stoltenberg ( the federal Defence Minister — see p. 36597 ) resigned in April 1989 as CDU party chairman in Schleswig-Holstein , following a period of setbacks for the CDU , including the scandal surrounding the former ( CDU ) Minister President , Uwe Barschel — see pp. 35722-23 ; 36045 ) .
9 Modern audiences — I can hear Letterman saying this — wo n't go for the idea that Claudia , who is in some senses — although we ‘ re not spelling this out , okay — a new woman , would take part in the killing of lions for a documentary .
10 In R. W. Cairns Ltd. v. Busby East Church Kirk Session , 1985 S.L.T. 493 , it was held that proper specification is required in the statement of reasons for a decision .
11 To impute that Dr Runcie has been an unsuccessful archbishop by quoting falling numbers in that part of the Anglican Communion which is the Church of England is to ignore a whole complex of reasons for a reduction in church-going , including , no doubt , the encouragement of a highly competitive and success-orientated society .
12 There are a variety of reasons for a belief that structural adjustments to the EC budget are not over .
13 Armed with the written statement of reasons for the dismissal , an employee is in a position to begin proceedings before the industrial tribunal .
14 Wilt offered a grab bag of reasons for the SCO pull-out , all involving fears that MIPS will fail to command a market of any size .
15 One of reasons for the survival of the S&C into the 1980s had been its ability to handle diverted WCML trains ; this continued despite withdrawal of Intercity services in the winter 1982–3 timetable .
16 A recent example is Case C-358/90 Compagnia Italiana Alcool v. Commission , in which the Court annulled a Commission decision of 18 October 1990 rejecting a bid for the purchase of a large quantity of alcohol made from wine out of Community intervention stocks , on the grounds that the statement of reasons for the decision was insufficient .
17 7.4 There are a number of reasons for the decision to use Personal Interviews as an Instrument of Assessment in PSD :
18 You will find a variety of reasons for the differences , none of them anything to do with yourself ( and of course you may be right ! ) .
19 There were a number of reasons for the lack of success .
20 As a research-based organisation , AEA 's future is dependent on the work done in its laboratories to provide a constant flow of products for the marketplace ; in 1992–93 , we invested £21 million on in-house R&D .
21 He got to his feet , leaving a handful of coins for the bill , then came round to her , bending to give her a swift , hard kiss on the mouth before striding off .
22 There was the usual faff of getting back to the aircraft to get the flying bag , complicated by the imminent arrival of VIPs for the World Fishing Convention .
23 It would seem that groupings of authorities and academic institutions which are geographically close have much to recommend them in terms of the potential savings on travelling expenses , and this is clearly also true in terms of projects for the creation of teaching materials which need to bring together a number of practitioners from different schools on a regular basis .
24 Mr Curran revealed the council was advancing a number of projects for the district including a major new tourist facility in Newcastle and a marina for Killough .
25 Mada Joyce and a neighbour bent over the cooking fire arguing over the best decoction of herbs for the girl 's condition .
26 Normally , I get my flowers on Oxford Street just after 7.0 p.m. when the barrowboys have knocked off and gone to the pub , leaving loads of blooms for the Westminster Council rubbish collectors later on .
27 The importance of authorities for the generation and maintenance of conventions has led on occasion to ill-conceived attempts to explain the nature of authority exclusively by reference to conventions .
28 It seems to be clear that not enough use is made of solicitors for the solution of legal problems .
29 The possibility of the Transkei becoming a base of operations for the ANC does not , suddenly , seem far-fetched .
30 This was the second full year of operations for the company and chief executive , Robert Bauman , commented , ‘ the key objectives of the merger have been achieved and we are now focusing on growth and we have made dramatic strides in our new product programme ’ .
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