Example sentences of "of [noun pl] take the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The scheme has also provided for the building of roads to take the goods to market , and other projects to help ease the transition .
2 Within the range of a single tree species , there may be very distinctly different assemblages of birds taking the fruits .
3 A number of schools take the idea further and produce their own Christmas cards based around a design created by one of the children .
4 Here he writes that with the succession of avant-gardes taking the place of established avant-gardes there is a certain ‘ épuration ’ of poetry in which the latter is ‘ reduced ’ to its own ‘ proper materials ’ .
5 Now , of course , there was nothing to be heard at all , nothing to be seen but the sudden , wheeling pallor of one more set of headlights taking the curve in the Silcaster road , far beyond Aurae Phiala .
6 The various lines of dancers took the prefix of the cinema building they were appearing in .
7 It 's probably just a case of a couple of screws to take the cover off .
8 A firm statement could not , however , be made because of the relatively small numbers of patients taking the individual NSAID with or without second line drugs in this study .
9 Well so you 're just gon na carry on being nice and get loads of friends take the piss out of you .
10 However , the Court of Apothecaries took the view that Miller had been paying the increased rent for some years and declined to sanction the proposed allowance .
11 Obviously it may be too early to answer some of these questions fully , but the fact that I , in common with the majority of arts teachers working in secondary schools in this country , have been grappling with the very difficult process of assessing , marking and moderating the work of the first batch of pupils to take the GCSE examination will , I believe , give added force to some of the things I intend to say .
12 Turn it over to a couple of men to take the place apart , or leave it alone .
13 Despite the recent growth in the numbers of students taking the Dip.HE , it is difficult to be optimistic about its future .
14 This shows clearly the weighting for individual assignments as approved by the moderators , names of students taking the area of study , student registration numbers , marks gained by students for each assignment and total marks achieved by each student expressed as a percentage mark .
15 Dan Sperber takes Lévi-Strauss to task for claiming that kinship systems should be regarded as a language with the circulation of women taking the place of the circulation of words :
16 The first definite report of women taking the side of the men comes in early August , when it was announced at the quarterly general meeting of the Edinburgh Typographical Society that in the office of Neill & Co , 51 " female compositors had intimated their intention of tendering notices on Friday 5 August " alongside the men .
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