Example sentences of "of [noun pl] have been used " in BNC.

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1 A number of definitions have been used both by the institutions and by researchers .
2 In the university sector a number of definitions have been used .
3 It is possible that this unexpected increase may not have occurred if a greater number of subjects had been used for the shadowing tasks .
4 Governments , however , have on occasions intervened in foreign exchange markets to influence their respective rates of exchange , although a greater variety of currencies has been used now that exchange rates are no longer pegged exclusively to the dollar .
5 To avoid the waste of pupil time which arises from duplication of teaching in differing phases of schooling when the gap itself creates discontinuity , a variety of organizations have been used by LEAs to make sure that primary and secondary schools make clear to each other , first , what is being provided and later , as achievements and the needs of learning change , to help them to plan together to create a complementary or continuous curriculum between the phases .
6 A number of methods have been used to repair damaged ground , including building broadwalks , experimenting with chemicals to harden soils and reseeding worn areas .
7 Skeletal element proportions based on total numbers of bones have been used as the basis for Fig. 3.1 comparing two kestrel samples with four barn owl samples .
8 In the case of foodstuffs a whole host of additives have been used to flavour , colour , emulsify and preserve the products in question .
9 A variety of substances have been used to plug the biopsy tract during needle withdrawal , one of which is ivalon , a polyvinyl foam ( 150–300 µ particle size ) .
10 Once a certain number of cheques have been used , your bank may send you a new book automatically .
11 A range of techniques has been used to avoid this problem , including chromatographic cellulose fibre powder to remove PCR inhibitors from the samples .
12 A number of approaches have been used to achieve this definition .
13 Recent vault clearances of over 2,000 coffins of the period 1729–1865 from St Marylebone Parish Church and Christchurch , Spitalfields , 18 exhibit a change in attitude ; for here , whilst it was not unusual to find wedding rings and dentures in situ , there were two instances — both men — of day-clothes having been used in place of the shroud : one in military uniform , the other an octogenarian macaroni with his walking stick , sporting an outfit more suited to a man sixty years his junior , as did the coiffure of his wig .
14 In charting development within the group two samples of boys have been used to reduce the task to manageable proportions .
15 When schematic drawings of faces have been used as stimuli visual hemifield asymmetry has been found to be a function of several factors , including the degree of similarity between the stimuli to be compared and the inter-stimulus interval employed ( Patterson and Bradshaw , 1975 ) .
16 If this process is done with a proper crimping tool there is very little chance of serious damage , although in this case it seemed by the damage done to the line that a normal pair of pliers had been used .
17 Since 1936 the Hall of Mirrors has been used as a concert hall .
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