Example sentences of "of [noun pl] [verb] the [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 He advised the committee on imperial defence , was sent out to Petrograd as deputy to Viscount Milner [ q.v. ] at the Allied conference in 1917 , and in 1929 he went to Versailles for the committee of experts reviewing the Dawes plan for German reparations .
2 The year also saw a fair number of attempts to stimulate the UK market — introductory offers of 50% discount ( OUP ) , money-off vouchers ( LTP ) and extra discount ( CUP ) .
3 As the focus of roads linking the Atlantic ports of La Rochelle , Bordeaux and Bayonne with the flourishing maritime trade of the Mediterranean , Toulouse was an important commercial centre .
4 On Jan. 10 , following a third round of discussions to resolve the Ayodhya dispute , Hindu and Moslem leaders belonging respectively to the Vishwa Hindu Parishad ( VHP ) and the All India Babri Masjid Action Committee ( AIBMAC ) agreed to the setting up of expert panels to examine documents in support of their claims over the site ; the panels would submit a report by Feb. 5 .
5 A recent poll showed that only 2% of Germans regarded the United States as a suitable model for their newly united nation — Switzerland topped the pops .
6 As we shall see management of cases using the LM scale is based on the quantity of medicine the patient takes .
7 A perusal of the French text shows that it uses the phrase ‘ exigences importantes ’ , which appears to bear a family resemblance to the phrase ‘ exigences impératives ’ used in the french texts of judgments following the Cassis de Dijon case law and rendered into English as ‘ mandatory requirements ’ .
8 After more than five years of talks , outstanding difficulties centred on ( i ) whether it could be acceptable under GATT rules for the EC to make direct payments to farmers to compensate them for cuts in subsidies ( a key part of plans to reform the EC 's Common Agricultural Policy ) ; ( ii ) the volume of EC grain exports ; and ( iii ) EC demands for limits on US exports of cereal substitutes to the EC .
9 Senator Gary Hart , who in 1985 was busily courting public attention for his attempt on the American presidency , declared that ‘ we are all members of the community of nations surrounding the Pacific .
10 This holds good on condition that we are restricting our attention , as in this study , to syntax ; once we take the broader view which embraces speakers ' knowledge of vocabulary as well , then we must admit a real analogue to this relation since speakers are quite aware that their language habitually uses , for example this set of words to instantiate E , and that set of words to instantiate P ( or , in most languages , various sets of words to instantiate the Ps occurring in various different intensional patterns ; see Appendix B , Section 7 ) .
11 The Greek government has decided to build a massive complex of dams to divert the Akheloos River , endangering protected wetland areas which host thousands of wading birds including several endangered species .
12 There was also evidence to suggest that 35% of the total number of packets reaching the Upazila Health Complexes were not distributed ; a proportion was kept as buffer stock , the rest was wasted ( ie. its shelf-life was allowed to expire ) .
13 While flexibility is impressive enough , an estimated 0–60mph time of 9secs makes the Paseo only modestly quick .
14 On Thursday angry crowds stormed the Tripoli embassies of countries supporting the UN sanctions , which will be applied from April 15 unless Libya complies .
15 Recently dug up by archaeologists on Merseyside were a group of statues named the Terry Darracotta Army . ’
16 Yesterday 's crucial talks were guarded by riot police with armoured trucks and water cannon , following fears of a major demonstration by French fishermen who are also seething over the level of imports flooding the EC .
17 The extension of the disclosure obligation to arrangements was imposed as a direct result of criticisms following the Guinness affair .
18 This month I 'd like to take the opportunity to look back at the current series of articles featuring the Pentatonic scale , taking stock of our command of the scale all over the fretboard .
19 William Craig , the Minister for Home Affairs , refused to take the advice of moderates to ban the Paisley demonstration and although there was a considerable police presence , nothing was done to stop the Paisleyites blocking the civil rights marchers .
20 A record number of visitors visited the Maastricht European Fine Art Fair this year : 35,400 people , compared to 27,500 last year a rise of 29% .
21 The number of visitors attending the Los Angeles Art Fair from 3 to 6 December this year was 20,114 .
22 According to this thesis , the distribution of responsibilities left the GLC and MCCs with too little to do , but with access to large rating resources : ‘ This generates a natural search for a ‘ strategic ’ role which may have little basis in real needs ' ( DOE 1983b:3 ) .
23 The fleet of balloons studding the Swindon skyline took second place to the collision but the organisers were trying to get a message across .
24 The survey was commissioned by the viral Hepatitis Prevention Board ( VGPB ) to identify perceptions of the occupational risk of hepatitis B , to assess current measures to protect against hepatitis B and to identify the readiness of organisations to support the VHPB 's aim to improve action on hepatitis B as an occupational hazard .
25 The belt of ophiolites following the Indus and Tsangpo valleys marks the boundary between the Eurasian Plate and the Indian Plate and to the north the presence of acidic volcanic rocks indicates the subduction of oceanic lithosphere prior to the collision of the Indian and Eurasian land masses .
26 Although such problems still need to be overcome and further extensive field trials are required , it is likely that varieties of plants expressing the Bt toxin will be commercially available by the late 1990s .
27 Distribution of seats following the Aug. 2 elections to the Croatian Chamber of Deputies [ see p. 39064 ] was as follows .
28 Each session will be led by a panel of participants representing the UK 's film and television industries .
29 The Dutch types were overwhelmingly preferred during the 1940s , when there was a general boom for dual-purpose breeds in Britain , but a few Canadian animals were preserved , bolstered by Canadian gifts of heifers to promote the Holstein in Britain which led to the formation of the separate British Holstein Society in 1947 .
30 The commission of cardinals overseeing the Vatican 's financial affairs announced on Oct. 26 , 1989 , that the Vatican 's budget deficit for 1988 had amounted to US$43,500,000 .
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