Example sentences of "of [noun pl] [verb] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He indicated that multiparty elections would be held in six months at the earliest , and appointed a commission of experts to draft a constitution , as well as an election law and an election timetable .
2 A panel of experts did a spot assessment of 10 Indian medical journals and found only one , The National Medical Journal of India ( NMJI ) , to be of international standard .
3 Yes , we 'll encourage people to stand on their own two feet , but we 'll also seek to aid those who for a variety of reasons need a bit of extra help .
4 The Control Server family of products includes an SQL Monitor for the remote monitoring and tuning of client/server applications , a Configurator for capacity planning and design monitoring of databases , and a Backup Server for large database backup and recovery .
5 He argues that : ‘ the financial relationships between central and local government can also be characterised as a complex set of interactions involving a range of government institutions and placing a premium on networking skills …
6 The barren moonrock and dust can not evolve into anything whereas the tiny cartwheel of molecules becomes a foetus , then a baby , then a full human being .
7 Thus , the integrin family of molecules provides a mechanism whereby interaction with the extracellular matrix can cause rearrangement of the cellular cytoskeleton and signal changes in gene transcription through the activation of oncogenes and nuclear transcription elements .
8 Table 15 indicates that 45% of authorities experienced an increase in allocated money , while 31% had the same amount and 11% had less for 1984/5 .
9 Other additional areas that are related to managerial skills , such as publicity , and industrial relations/local authority structure , were listed by a further 15% of authorities , so that this topic in general figured quite highly as one for which a considerable number of authorities perceived a need for external course provision .
10 As evidence of the difficulty of eschewing individualism he criticises a number of attempts to elaborate a conception of the state as the tool of the ruling class which are individualist .
11 For him , trade unions were an example of attempts to create a substitute for Gemeinschaft ; one appropriate for the new era of capitalist industrialisation .
12 This has led to a series of attempts to reinscribe a place for , and a relation with , the other as other , outside the sphere of mastery and therefore , logically speaking , both infinite and beyond the scope of knowledge .
13 It is in this context that the Conservative party presented its new programme for the third term , following the Queen 's speech ; a set of policies lent a coherence by the inner city problem :
14 A massive range of policies included a Job Opportunities scheme for the long-term unemployed ; " Head Start " to provide pre-school education for poor children ; " Upward Bound " to provide college places for the poor ; adult literacy programmes ; Volunteers for Service in America , a type of domestic peace corps ; Neighbourhood Youth Corps to provide part-time jobs .
15 The timing and mode of formation of stylolites remains an area of contention in sedimentary petrography , although many stylolites show evidence of at least some component of their formation relatively late , if not necessarily deep , in the diagenetic history of their containing sediment ( Fig. 5.22d ) .
16 ‘ Foundationalism ’ means that an external set of phenomena imposes an order on , or serves as a ‘ foundation , for , a given cultural practice .
17 On Feb. 21 Yeltsin 's opponents in the Russian Federation Supreme Soviet condemned his leadership and in an apparent attempt to oust him they succeeded in getting the backing of the required one-fifth of deputies to convene an emergency sitting of the Russian Federation Congress of People 's Deputies on March 28 .
18 The Chamber of Deputies introduced an amendment which meant that politicians discovered making payments in order to secure votes could be sentenced to up to six years in prison .
19 On Aug. 10 the Chamber of Deputies approved a state reform bill on privatization .
20 In late March the Chamber of Deputies approved a bill relating to the regulation of the banking sector , sometimes referred to as the " Amato law " after Giuliano Amato , the Socialist Treasury Minister in the previous De Mita administration who had been one of its prime movers .
21 On Nov. 21 the central Chamber of Deputies approved a bill endorsing a number of dialects and locally used languages for optional use in primary schools , government offices , and broadcasting .
22 Fed up with waiting for $15m , one group of creditors filed a petition in an American court in March to force MGM-Pathe into liquidation .
23 Barron and Baron ( 1977 ) had children of a variety of ages compare a word with a picture to make either a rhyming decision or a meaning decision .
24 The National Union of Seamen declared a strike after the tragedy , one of the major concerns being over health and safety practice and legislation at sea .
25 The European Commission believes that it is of great importance for the completion of the internal market that a further protocol including the right of artists to claim an exhibition royalty be attached to the Berne Convention .
26 I ran out of wrist in a perfume store , so sat and sipped coffee outside a brasserie and watched a team of artists paint a trompe l'oeil scene on an adjacent wall .
27 Like birds , fish produce a variety of calls to attract a mate .
28 And there indeed they are — an odd little cluster of houses built a century and a half ago , in a jumbled assortment of all the styles available at the time .
29 In this country , lead pipe was traditionally used for the water system ( the word ‘ plumbing ’ derives from the Latin word for lead ) , but this has now largely been replaced by copper , and an increasing number of houses have a copper plumbing system .
30 Rostov wondered if the scarcity of firearms indicated a shortage of the materials for making gunpowder .
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