Example sentences of "of [noun pl] [to-vb] in the " in BNC.

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1 There is a tendency therefore for young teachers to be unwilling to go to a rural school ; and for over a third of headteachers to live in the nearest large town .
2 But they are being forced to do it by fragrant Virginia , who 's actually trying to reduce the ability of dentists to perform in the National Health Service as they want to do , and as they always have done .
3 When he was king he was normally accompanied by the clerks of the royal chapel so he had plenty of opportunities to indulge in the pleasures of ritual .
4 Modules under development at this stage will provide a wide range of opportunities to specialise in the Sciences and to develop further vocational competences .
5 There is a similar wide variety in the scale of teaching and learning equipment provided , which can be explained by a number of factors : the financial provision made to schools by central or local authorities , the type and efficiency of supply and distribution mechanism ( bureaucratic centralised distribution systems seem universally inefficient ) , differences in attitudes and capabilities of communities to help in the provision of services or equipment to schools or individual children , the initiative and morale of teachers , the richness or poverty of the school environment .
6 There was a flurry of imports to follow in the years to come .
7 Thus even if we accept that the duty of directors to act in the best interests of shareholders can be equated with a duty to maximize profits this does not provide us with any real assurance that the wishes of the shareholders are being executed by the directors or that we have a satisfactory way of controlling the discretion accorded to directors in the name of the Rule of Law .
8 At the more concrete level of legal rules , we find that many of the difficulties which the law has faced in defining the duties of directors to act in the best interests of the company stem from a conflict between the traditional contractual model of the company and the corporatist countervision .
9 SOME shock results on the first day of the French Olympic classes regatta at Hyeres yesterday showed that there could still be plenty of surprises to come in the race for British team selection .
10 ‘ If you needed to see me — for any particular reason — there are thousands of places to meet in the City .
11 Darwin 's view was that dreams prevented delirium by allowing trains of ideas to continue in the absence of sensory input — if they were to be suspended in sleep like the voluntary motions , ( which are exerted only by intervals during our waking hours ) an accumulation of sensorial power would follow ; and on our awakening a delirium would supervene , since these ideas caused by sensation would be produced with such energy , that we should mistake the trains of imagination for ideas excited by irritation ; as perpetually happens to people debilitated by fevers on their first wakening ; for in these fevers with debility the general quantity of irritation being diminished , that of sensation is increased .
12 The bacteria fed initially on the various carbon compounds that had taken so many millions of years to accumulate in the primordial seas .
13 The main thrust of Friedman 's paper was to displace what he regarded as an ill-informed and misguided optimism among post-war Keynesians concerning the ability of governments to intervene in the economy to achieve particular policy objectives .
14 If such people with planned social care can be kept in their own homes it is worth pressing for flexibility of resources to put in the extra help needed .
15 And I remember one time he gave me a list of things to do in the morning — fill this with potatoes , put the beans up on the shelves , brush the yard and then you can go out .
16 Parisians saw the shape of things to come in the wooden triangulation towers which were set up throughout the city .
17 It is not clear why any of the clergy should be disqualified ( as opposed to restrained by their own professional ethics ) at all , except that in the case of the Church of England some sort of case can then be made out by reason of the right of bishops to sit in the House of Lords .
18 There are at least three dimensions to this : the relationship between corporate and enforcement agencies ; the nature of laws against corporate activities ; and , probably the greatest of them all , the power of corporations to intervene in the process by which corporate behaviour becomes incorporated in criminal law .
19 A further Council of Ministers resolution adopted on Sept. 26 authorized the use of soldiers to assist in the harvest .
20 Some people have moved out of towns to live in the countryside , sometimes adopting a second part-time job in the rural area , while many inhabitants of rural areas have been able to obtain jobs in towns .
21 This will not so much create a two-tier structure within the Division , as enable a wider spectrum of students to participate in the profession , allowing them to stop off , by way of academic attainment , economic circumstances or job notice , at different levels , secure in the knowledge that they have professional status , capable of being upgraded if they so wish .
22 ‘ We have achieved our two objectives — to encourage young chefs to look out for and use British ingredients in their recipes , and also to find a delicious selection of dishes to use in the British menu promotion later this year . ’
23 The attitudes of women to work in the home are very likely to be related to other attitudes they hold — such as those to paid employment , to marriage , to child-socialization , to leisure activities and so on .
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