Example sentences of "of [noun pl] [coord] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The monarch thus became formally dependent on Parliament for consent to the raising of taxes and for the passage of legislation .
2 Could it be that the stripes are intended not for the eyes of lions but for the eyes of other zebras ?
3 What is clearly needed now is for rigorous western-style clinical trials to explore the efficacy and safety of formulations of herbs and for the pharmacology of these herbs to be investigated .
4 The electorate , for its part , no longer votes on the basis of the calibre of the candidates , but rather votes for a programme of policies and for the party which they wish to see form a government over the next 5 years .
5 In addition , the analysis indicated that each of the main functional divisions ( ie operational , support and business ) should be at executive level so that all aspects of College activities would be reflected in the development of policies and in the overall management of the College .
6 Under an agreement reached on March 2 , 1990 , between the CPD and the conservative Independent Democratic Union ( Unión Democrática Independiente — UDI ) , representatives of pro-Aylwin parties would occupy the posts of president of the Chamber of Deputies and of the Senate .
7 Society seeks to rectify the effects of this divergence of private and social interests by imposing limits or prohibitions on certain kinds of emissions or on the use of polluting processes ; other techniques , such as taxing the production of harmful wastes , are also available to force companies to ‘ internalise ’ the full costs of its activities .
8 The Labour Party 's housing policy emphasized the development of council estates generally on the edge of cities or within the various new towns where land was much cheaper .
9 It is measured in the repossession of houses and in the lack of new house starts .
10 This work has dealt with the relative merits of various strategies ( such as tit-for-tat ) when players who recognize each other meet repeatedly , and more recently with ensembles of strategies and with the effects of occasional errors .
11 The quality of resolution depends not only on this absolute number of pixels but on the number of colours and intensities which can be utilised at each pixel .
12 Some Moslem students who had been visiting the Mosque were set upon as they left by a much larger gang of Copts and in the fracas at least one of the students appeared to have been killed .
13 In these circumstances I think it clear , given the diversity of immunities and of the policies underlying them , that it is not enough to ask simply whether Parliament can have intended to abolish a long-standing right of silence .
14 I am coming more and more to the view that the evolution of life , like the evolution of continents and of the stratigraphical column in general , has been a very episodic affair , with short " happenings " interrupting long periods of nothing much in particular .
15 In passing , it is also important to note that the practice in some Health Authorities of issuing annual financial reports in addition to these statutory accounts was recognized by the Manual as voluntary reports , complementing the Statement of Accounts and outside the formal external audit .
16 B. ‘ That , subject to the passing of Resolution A , before this meeting , the Directors be and they are hereby empowered pursuant to Section 24 of the Companies ( Amendment ) Act 1983 to allot equity securities ( as defined by section 23 of the Companies ( Amendment ) Act 1983 ) for cash pursuant to the authority conferred by such resolution as if sub-section ( 1 ) of the said Section 23 did not apply to any such allotment provided that this power shall be limited to the allotment of equity securities in connection with a rights issue in favour of shareholders and to the allotment ( otherwise than pursuant to a rights issue as aforesaid ) of equity securities up to an aggregate nominal value of IR£1,772,100 .
17 If the terms are too one-sided , they may provoke customer resistance , leading to a battle of forms or to the loss of potential custom and a bad trading reputation .
18 He was vice-president of the Royal College of Pathologists and of the Royal Society of Edinburgh and he served on many university and Health Service committees as chairman .
19 Mud and other solid matter taken from the beds of watercourses or from the ground over which a discharge has been made in the past may also be collected for analysis .
20 Time and again I have met folk who have been warmed by the Spirit to perceive the beauty of Christ in the life of a group of believers or in the story of the New Testament , and have come to faith that way .
21 Denktash had been rebuked by Boutros-Ghali on Nov. 6 for being " in total opposition to all UN resolutions , to the society of nations and to the Security Council " , refusing to accept the return of refugees , insisting on two separate states and separate sovereignty , rejecting the proposed map and refusing to hand over Varosh , the Greek suburb of Famagusta , to UN administration .
22 Harland is in discussions with a number of parties and in the case of Vickerys , which makes equipment for the paper and water industries , a potential purchaser has signed a letter of intent .
23 Another element of Pareto 's attack on classical democratic theory is in his contention that the governing elites , whether characterised by the residue of combinations or by the residue of persistence of aggregates , are motivated not by morality or reason but by these common basic sentiments which are in themselves morally unspecific and illogical .
24 Glasser thunders on : ‘ Both Lilian and Mary invested too much emotional capital in their opposition to father , whose influence naturally remained dominant , try as they might to escape ; and this imbalance distorted their view of relationships and of the world . ’
25 The rewards will be improvements in the quality of relationships and in the effectiveness of the school , measuring how the school has become a nicer place for all , calls for changes to be shown across a range of measures :
26 The inundations that came later with the four major ice ages between three million and 10,000 years ago played a dramatic part in the distribution of animals and in the evolution and survival of some of the unique species and subspecies of the Oriental Region .
27 Many kings in the past have kept collections of animals and in the 12th Century A.D. King Henry I founded the first British zoo .
28 Earlier , clashes with riot police had been reported when 10,000-15,000 demonstrators marched on the presidential office in Taipei on Sept. 9 to demand a plebiscite on Taiwan rejoining the UN as an independent country , on the release of dissidents and on the repeal of sedition laws .
29 They are furthermore not on the ends of words but in the middle : ‘ mariner/tarried in ’ , ‘ timber felled/Nimbrethil ’ , ‘ silver fair/silver were ’ , ‘ like a swan/light upon ’ .
30 Competition between love of words and of the world they seek to represent expands in Ulysses .
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