Example sentences of "of [noun pl] [noun sg] and the " in BNC.

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1 Their chapter includes recommendations from the Institute of Personnel Management and the House of Commons Employment Committee which are designed to improve the situation of older people in employment and on moving into retirement .
2 So that 's another situation and as we 'll talk about and I hinted at yesterday er the dreaded vote of thanks situation and the the er giving of the gold watch and er and the being a best man at a wedding or even a bride or groom at a wedding er again is a is a way of helping this Aldershot method is a way of helping you to get your thoughts together and put them across effectively .
3 By the sending out of legates , papal representatives with very exalted powers , and by the appointment of judges delegate and the encouraging of litigants and petitioners to bring their cases to the papal curia , the bishops ' powers were kept firmly to the pastoral side .
4 Politics joined with economics in the decline of incomes policy and the rise of monetarism as the appropriate weapon in the fight against inflation .
5 One issue which will be debated is the ‘ ownership ’ of sports coverage and the access to clips for News Programmes .
6 His wide grasp of the practicalities of sports administration and the problems inherent in the voluntary nature of sport and its governing bodies enabled him to bring sound judgement in policy formation within the CCPR .
7 The best bit of leeds pressure and the noisiest participation from the crowd came in the next 10 mins or so .
8 So in other words you 're covered by the , well you 're covered by both the Sale of Goods Act and the Trade Descriptions Act .
9 Historical examples of this myopia and distortion are the Bay of Pigs Fiasco and the US interventions into the Dominican Republic , Vietnam , El Salvador and Grenada .
10 Castells has now moved on to new areas of research , one of these being new forms of communications technology and the threats and opportunities represented by such developments.3 Meanwhile , however , his emphasis on consumption set the tone for a very thriving area of urban sociology by later writers in this tradition .
11 The central problem of arms reduction and the elimination of nuclear weapons remains .
12 However , ( apart from points noted in ( iii ) ) , no direct causal relationship or correlation has ever been established between the US balance of payments position and the euro-dollar market 's growth .
13 One won the overall champion of champions title and the other finished in third place .
14 Over the years she had developed a discerning palate and acquired an encyclopaedic knowledge of the needs and habitat of vines , the locations of particular vineyards , the reliability of chateaux bottling and the suitability of a wine with a specific food .
15 The vilification of Arthur Scargill , the unbalanced emphasis on picket-line violence and intimidation , the failure to explain issues at the heart of the strike , the criminalization of striking miners , the unquestioned assumptions of police neutrality and the fundamental contradiction between the reality experienced by striking communities and the distorted presentation of that reality through the mass media — these were the key components of the media 's ideological policing of the strike .
16 The wise use of police discretion and the genuine effort not to go too far in their protest on the part of the pickets and demonstrators is the formula for resolution of this aspect of conflict .
17 If you accept the amendment of er Noble Lord , Lord MacIntosh , he would say it set an upper and a lower limit o o of the size of erm o of police authority and the chances are then that the number will gradually i inflate so that it 's always the highest number , that is that is obtained .
18 Instead of drumming the trivial facts of physical geography of yesteryear into the heads of reluctant freshmen , introducing classes should teach the concepts of systems analysis and the flows of energy , mass , momentum , and information through various environments of our planet .
19 This had necessitated a large number of meetings , particularly for the Socialisation of Industries Committee and the Social Services Committee : ministers had tended to bring too many items to committee ; senior ministers had wanted to keep an eye on their more junior colleagues , and as a result a heavy burden fell on a handful .
20 Lambert kept on going and made height as fast as possible , to clear the angry patter of small-arms fire and the explosive stutter of machine-guns .
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