Example sentences of "of [adj] people [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 One complaint against step aerobics has been the number of unqualified people taking the classes .
2 Be that as it may , millions of old people make the necessary adjustment .
3 Millions of old people joined the Townsend Clubs that sprang up across the nation .
4 This is why a mix of different people has the potential to dovetail and become a cohesive team .
5 Three quarters of British people believe the quality of the nation 's education is declining .
6 of Scottish people oppose the proposals of the Scottish Constitutional Convention .
7 Hedges are an example of the readiness of ordinary people to bend the language to suit their purposes .
8 Eighteen months ago the CBI suggested that the HSE take on a number of extra people to monitor the burgeoning biotechnology industry , but this has not been done .
9 But the presence of Gladis Villalobos and other parents of disappeared people ensured the tragic reality was not forgotten .
10 The first reaction to the gold prospecting came when a group of concerned people formed the group Mining Awareness following press reports in March 1988 of gold finds in Conamara and Mayo .
11 If those recommendations were sensitively applied they would greatly enhance the prospects and ability of disabled people to enjoy the benefits of public transport by travelling wherever bus routes may take them .
12 Nevertheless , despite the growth of the disability movement and the struggles of disabled people to control the decision-making processes which shape their lives , little attention has been given to the say that young disabled people have in controlling their education .
13 One aspect of this has been the Care in the Community programme , which has seen the closure of many long-stay institutions and which has resulted in large numbers of disabled people re-entering the social arena , but still having to struggle for basic rights of access .
14 The fall in the number of young people entering the labour market because of the drop in the birth rate , combined with a rise in those going into further and higher education , will contract that source significantly .
15 Concern over the rising cost of public expenditure on pensions , and the shortage of young people entering the labour market , because of falling birth rates in the 1970's , may reverse the trend towards early retirement .
16 Changes percolate through gradually , much helped of course if there are major social and economic changes , such as the shortage of young people entering the labour market , which will inevitably open doors for women .
17 At the same time the downturn in the number of young people entering the employment market has emphasised the need for a greater proportion of young people with the skills which successful businesses will require .
18 Future projections show a marked fall in the numbers of young people entering the labour market .
19 In this respect the key variable in the 1980s is the large number of young people entering the rural labour market , following the baby boom of the 1960s .
20 Even so , her own assessment of the needs of young people confirmed the general impression of a positive emphasis in the interwar years .
21 Longstanding racial tensions and complaints of persistent police harassment of young people underlay the incidents .
22 You are very welcome to send recruitment literature into schools for use in Careers guidance and counselling , and Careers Teachers will certainly be pleased if you offer to spend time with groups of young people explaining the nature of the employment you offer .
23 Glenand was set up almost eleven years ago on the initiative of a group of local people to service the community , to provide jobs for local people and to provide training for young people in the Andersonstown and Glen Road areas ( hence the name — Glen And ) .
24 A vast number of local people performed the menial tasks ; people of mixed race found jobs most appropriate to their status as buffers between the white managerial class and the mass of indigenous employees .
25 They jogged on through the crowd of frightened people leaving the area , while the wizard took great mouthfuls of cool dawn air .
26 We fill thought space but do n't forget there are a lot of creative people preparing the programmes just to ensure there will be an adequate choice .
27 A frenzied throng of waving people barred the attempts of Drew , on the shoulders of four of his largest supporters , to advance .
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