Example sentences of "of [adj] [noun pl] ' [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Part of the burden was thereby eventually eliminated as the prices of advanced countries ' exports to the primary producers rose — reducing the deterioration in the terms of trade .
2 Their soft , fleshy , heavy contours — hardly the image of the perceived quintessential woman — were those of professional painters ' models ; what was important for Penn was that they were comfortable with their own bodies and not shy of intimacy with the camera .
3 Their soft , fleshy , heavy contours — hardly the image of the perceived quintessential woman — were those of professional painters ' models ; what was important for Penn was that they were comfortable with their own bodies and not shy of intimacy with the camera .
4 A by-product of Labour leaders ' responsiveness to the new thinking may be that the party relieves itself of some commitments which have been electoral liabilities in the past .
5 The position is less clear in the case of the 3,000 miles of inter-urban routes , which account for 60 per cent of Regional Railways ' track .
6 PTE grants in fact provide a hefty chunk of Regional Railways ' revenue , and within each area the executive can stipulate exactly the services it wants .
7 The government on May 31 introduced legislation to determine the value of political parties ' assets and for the expropriation of the assets of those parties existing on Oct. 7 , 1989 .
8 For some years the growing number of bank collapses had been putting pressure on the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation ( FDIC ) , the government body which guaranteed the safety of private savers ' deposits in most , but not all , of the federally approved banks .
9 According to Stephen Howard , the company 's founder and chief executive , Make Systems is the only supplier of network planning software to use device-specific libraries to model the performance of specific vendors ' routers and time division multiplexers .
10 This tension surfaced in particularly acute form on the morrow of the first proletarian revolution as the Bolsheviks attempted to construct a system of coordinated workers ' control over industry in face of the proliferation of relatively independent factory committees .
11 A review of the training content of junior doctors ' work is long overdue : a recent survey found that only 3% of juniors ' working time was spent on training .
12 Editor , — I have no solution to the problem of junior doctors ' hours , but Jeremy Wight 's allegation that the Junior Doctors Committee was duped by ‘ the hierarchy of the BMA ’ requires comment .
13 For example , Guy 's is seeking to tackle the problem of junior doctors ' hours .
14 Extension of allied forces ' mandate
15 The Dane , though shy and retiring and lacking a sense of humour , has knitted together a unified policy for the agency , which spends every year some £400 million of European taxpayers ' money .
16 an analysis of European politicians ' careers ;
17 Part of the evidence here comes from genetic analyses ( e.g. twin comparisons ) of normal subjects ' performance on ‘ creativity ’ tests .
18 FRED 3 proposes that an analysis of total shareholders ' funds between amounts attributable to equity and non-equity interest be disclosed on the face of the balance sheet .
19 To get an approximate feel for the size of the loss , in 1985 according to the National Income and Expenditure " Blue Book " , £4046 million was spent on gas , out of total consumers ' expenditure of £213,208 million .
20 They hailed the Paris Commune of 1870–1 as the first authentic workers ' revolution and a prototype of the ‘ dictatorship of the proletariat ’ , the transitional form of strong workers ' state which would have to exist between the shattering of capitalist control and the eventual abolition of all class divisions under advanced communism .
21 The meeting denounced the contradictions of rich countries ' policies which " took with one hand — by protectionism — what they gave with the other — development aid " , while an OECD divisional head noted that " the question of migration relates directly to the need for a different co-operation and development policy and for trade liberalization " .
22 Although belated , the gesture will win Mr Kaifu kudos in Washington , and guarantee a warm welcome for him at the London summit of rich countries ' leaders in July .
23 One reason why this recession is causing such alarm is that it has touched parts of rich countries ' economies that other recessions did not reach .
24 On Nov. 4 , the 13th anniversary of Iranian revolutionaries ' takeover of the US embassy in Tehran [ see p. 30150 ] , the authorities announced the arrest of a US resident , Milton Meier , a travel agent , who was said to have confessed to spying .
25 For example , the size of agricultural labourers ' families , one of the poorest paid occupational groups , remained high .
26 UP leaders Gabriel Jaime Santamaria and Benito Súarez Garcia had been murdered in November 1989 and February 1990 , and the murder of agricultural workers ' trade union leader Sebastian Mosquera had led to a strike of 26,000 banana workers in September 1989 .
27 During the Depression years mothers often called at the better-off houses in the neighbourhood to try and find places for their daughters and one woman recalled employing a succession of unemployed miners ' daughters to whom she paid 5/ a week .
28 The South Eastern Society of Chartered Accountants ' diamond jubilee appeal has received a welcome boost from Olympic gold medal winner Sally Gunnell .
29 The library is at the Copthall Avenue end of Chartered Accountants ' Hall , Moorgate Place , London EC2 .
30 The Securities and Investments Board has welcomed the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors ' decision that its members should be authorised via membership of the Securities and Futures Authority , rather than the RICS seeking recognition in its own right .
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