Example sentences of "of [adj] [noun sg] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 The conference , organised by the World Bank and European Investment Bank and successor to one held in Barcelona in 1989 , aimed to draw up a programme of technical assistance to protect the Mediterranean from pollution .
2 In addition to clear definitions of energy , power as the rate at which energy flows , and efficiency which is any ratio of energy flows , Odum and Odum ( 1976 ) propose three principles of energy flows ; the law of conservation of energy ; the law of degradation of energy which introduces entropy as a measure of technical disorder to signify the extent to which energy is unable to do work ; and the principle that systems which use energy best survive , which is the maximum power principle or minimum energy expenditure principle .
3 However , we interpreted this as being the result of cytoplasmic staining overlying the nucleus , rather than nuclear staining .
4 They were down to the last roll of flowered wrapping paper– The shop had the look of a battlefield the morning after .
5 According to the underplating model the addition of volcanic rock thickens the crust and the resulting isostatic adjustment leads to the formation of a broad hot-spot swell up to 2000km across and an increase in surface elevation of up to 2000 m .
6 Outward signs of selfless generosity override the expression of personal needs and insecurities , except when the relationship is threatened by the advances of a third party .
7 Under the title ‘ Tender is the North ’ suggestive of saunas and birch twigs London is hosting a festival of Scandinavian culture encompassing the visual arts , music , literature and drama .
8 However , in Hopkins ' case the aim of reforming intervention remained the overt regulation of working-class behaviour , especially of working-class women .
9 A Department of Labour inspector visited the factory on 28 May .
10 A form of feudal tenure governed the relations of the Christian peasantry to their Ottoman overlords .
11 Richard Saunher of the Organization of American States ' Department of Regional Development informed the April 1987 Sustainable Development Conference , in London , that ‘ a concern for sustainable development certainly does not consciously guide our work .
12 Between the wars , the incidence of regional deprivation heightened the problems of these areas , already afflicted by a backlog of unfit housing , congestion and overcrowding .
13 A strong sense of regional identity characterises the Boards and has undoubtedly assisted in breaking down the traditional divisions between capital and labour .
14 Nevertheless , negative planning controls and the positive inducements of regional policy leave the basic initiative about locational decisions with the company .
15 167 ) says that the Corinthians despised craftsmen less than did other Greeks ( note the negative formulation ) and a recent survey of Corinthian territory confirms the exceptional variety of goods manufactured there .
16 The reorganization of local government described in Chapter 4 confirmed that local government was indeed part of a much wider state system , and the 1973 oil crisis followed by the onset of economic depression deepened the pressures on that system .
17 These low rates of economic activity reflect the requirement to have formally retired from paid work in order to receive the state retirement pension in Britain .
18 British fascism was born of the failure of economic conservatism to check the rapid decline of Britain in the inter-war years .
19 According to a member of the United States delegation , a spirit of economic warfare permeated the conference .
20 However , it is questionable whether this recantation at the level of economic theory provides the clue as to the practical reasons why the road to the high inflation of the 1970s was littered with the wrecks of attempts at incomes policies .
21 Moreover , the absence of economic growth limited the government 's effectiveness to supply and fund the expanding demand for services .
22 Much of it has been in the nature of self-examination : not least because the achievement of a high rate of economic growth became the central aim of political endeavour .
23 At the same time the imperative of economic growth to minimize the contradictions of capital , creates an apparent dependence on the logic of scientific and technological progress .
24 Bret Schundler , the new mayor of Jersey City , seems to be a quite normal Republican of the Jack Kemp mode , the type whose belief in the ability of economic growth to balance the budget does not commend them to Mr Perot .
25 Some critics also argue that any qualification of economic determinism threatens the distinctiveness of Marxism .
26 In both chapters we begin with descriptive material and then move on to issues of economic importance involving the institutions .
27 Having refurbished two bits of year-old evidence to support the new Libyan thesis , he now weighed in with a two-year-old intelligence report about a meeting in Tripoli before the bombing — in mid-November 1988 — at which the Libyans were said to have taken over responsibility for the attack from the PFLP — GC after Jibril 's West German cell was broken up .
28 Perhaps it is better , rather than roaming back into the recesses of geological time to consider the sudden and simultaneous extinctions that happened in Our geological yesterday .
29 The cerebellum is located at the top of the brainstem below the cerebrum , and works as a sort of administrative computer regulating the rate , sequence and force of motor movements .
30 Large areas of administrative action avoid the discipline of public justification .
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