Example sentences of "of [art] [num] [noun pl] [art] " in BNC.

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1 In five of the six companies the environmental issues are determined mainly by the planners within the planning department itself and in a totally informal way .
2 In five of the six cases the main focus of the headline was on the woman 's marital status : Church wife 's boy lover ; Young wife 's sexy games ; Sex in Jacuzzi for wife and lover , aged 12 ; A ‘ sex mad ’ wife 's schoolboy lovers ; A wife 's ten boy lovers .
3 She spoke recently of the strain of the six days a week work schedule that she said had left her shattered .
4 On each of the six nights the auditorium was packed to capacity with a seating of 1,500 .
5 Betacom is giving each of the six finalists a Betacom Venture cordless telephone ( £79.99 ) .
6 Erm firstly that if an existing employment use falls to another land use , this is what Mr Allenby was just saying , the subsequent release of employment land onto the market does not come out of the sixty hectares the structure plan 's asking for , that 's what that 's what Mr Allenby just said , I hope he wo n't come back on it , major point .
7 International donors have delivered only about a quarter of the 200,000 tons of promised food aid — a fraction of the million tons the country needs .
8 Hair apparently benefited : of the 120 volunteers a total of 37 stated that the condition of their hair had actually improved whilst almost all the remainder reported no deterioration whatsoever .
9 With counting complete in all but 14 of the 20,120 constituencies the CDU had won 34.4 per cent of the vote ( 40.82 per cent in the March general election ) ; the Social Democrats ( SPD ) 21.3 per cent ( 21.88 ) ; the reformed communist Party of Democratic Socialism ( PDS ) 14.6 per cent ( 16.4 ) ; the League of Free Democrats ( BFD ) 6.7 per cent ( 5.28 ) ; the Democratic Peasants ' Party ( DBD ) 3.8 per cent ( 2.18 ) ; the German Social Union ( DSU ) 3.4 per cent ( 6.31 ) ; and New Forum 2.4 per cent ( 2.91 ) .
10 By the 1780s Bath and Bristol as well as London were the receivers , via Exeter , of the 500 vanloads a year which were sent from Brixham in Devon .
11 Of the two groups the former are more biassed towards persuasive selling , whilst the latter tend to be order-takers .
12 Of the two combos the 2x10 is the more compact , at 23″H x 20.5″W x 16″D , whereas the 1155 has a height of 27.5″ .
13 They thought the division of the two provinces a check on Russian influence .
14 The men were the brothers of Patrick Welsh , one of the two men a jury had just cleared Mr Thompson of killing by using his Jaguar to force their van off the road and into a wall and lamp post .
15 Of the two archers the younger was tall and fair with a ruddy complexion , the other was of medium height and stalwart build , his hair grizzled at the temples , his eyes grey , his mouth well set above a firm chin , and his expression one of habitual good-humour , as though of a man at peace with himself if not with the world .
16 It had originally been intended to include the Independent Women 's Union , which had campaigned jointly with the Green Party , but the two parties split after the Independent Women 's Union unsuccessfully demanded a larger share of the eight seats the list had won .
17 In each of the five situations the court will consider all the circumstances and decide whether the parties in fact intended that a partnership be brought about .
18 In four of the five patients an increase in baseline pressure of 5–10 mm Hg preceded the peristaltic contractions .
19 At the end of the five years the society 's variable interest rate will apply .
20 At each of the 40 junctions the driver made two judgments .
21 In each of the ten years the UK accumulated net assets ( net flows abroad ) and the data again show considerable variation during the period , ranging from net outflows of £0.7 billion to £14.3 billion .
22 Count how many of each of the three products the shop has on its premises
23 Mr Nicol said that in each of the three cases the restriction of access to the public conflicted with the principle of openness which applied to all legal proceedings .
24 On one of the three pages a nude Amaranth had been photographed playing croquet .
25 At the same time , in two of the three models the equilibrium outcomes could be quite bad from the welfare point of view .
26 Of the three flea-pits the town boasted my favourite was the pavilion , at the Coatham end of the prom .
27 By the last of the three weeks the Gofer teams were performing brilliantly .
28 Furthermore , at each of the three parties an identical cake was served : same size and same shape .
29 Oddly enough , at the end of the 205 hours the subjects claimed that they could go on longer , that after the fifth day things had got easier , and indeed offered to stay awake for another day if paid at the ninth day 's rate .
30 In each of the seven categories the rational and political model indicators provide a framework for analysing the budgetary approach that is being used in a particular school .
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