Example sentences of "of [art] [det] [noun pl] and " in BNC.

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1 The proprietors are happy to provide dinner with prior notice or to direct you to any of the many pubs and restaurants within a three-mile radius .
2 External aspects of religion such as temples , statues , reliefs and paintings of the many gods and goddesses , sacred object , writings and burial customs survive as a unique testimony to that religious experience but its inner meaning and significance are far more intangible .
3 That does not take account of the many closures and redundancies announced since the end of 1989-90 which have halved again the number of jobs in the north-west .
4 Quelch was inevitably involved in most of the many disputes and debates of the decades before 1914 ; and not only in Britain , for he was a constant attender at international conferences of the European Left .
5 Of the many castles and stately homes to visit , Chiddingstone , Hever Castle , Penshurst Place , and Hatchlands are all fairly local .
6 Summer gales were rarely of long duration in our experience , and if it blew really hard we used to snug down in the lee of one of the many anchorages and take to the hills for a change .
7 During the evening , you can unwind in one of the many bars and restaurants ; there is even a disco !
8 A very lazy way to spend a day in the sun , is to buy a ‘ day ’ ticket , and hop on and off the boats and in and out of the many cafes and restaurants dotted around the lake .
9 It would be difficult to build water-gathering reservoirs of the size of those found in other Parts of the Pennines in the Dales because of the many eaves and potholes that would carry the water away .
10 Our 84 years young Vice-President had the honour of being presented to Her Majesty The Queen when , accompanied by the Duke of Edinburgh , she officially opened the D.L.F. 's new Centre in Harrow Road , London , W.9 and saw demonstrations by physiotherapists and occupational therapists of some of the many aids and equipment available .
11 The exhibition describes the architectural development of Edinburgh and how this was influenced by Europe , with illustrations and explanations of the many buildings and areas which make Edinburgh a truly European capital city — particularly Holyrood Palace , Edinburgh Castle , the Old Town , New Town , Royal Mile and the port of Leith .
12 Contrary to the popular myth of largely extempore worship , there is a more or less set liturgical pattern for most of the services of the former Congregationalists and Presbyterians , who , together with the Churches of Christ , form the United Reformed Church .
13 Which the present administration of central government are doing their best to , under the same hammer as it was in those days , so it 's just , this is just a repeat performance of the those days and the government today .
14 Linked to egalitarianism and associated with many of the same writers and thinkers has been the drift to collectivism .
15 It is built of the same materials and shows the same Moorish features of decoration and construction ( 415 ) .
16 The second capacitor is connected through a ganged switch to the one-tenth tappings of the same windings and so on .
17 The only point that I would make is that if you are giving an opiate it will have many of the same effects and if I had to choose , I would probably prefer the opiate to diazepam .
18 A more recent collection , which reflects some of the same debates and also considers their implications for the economic geography of the UK is The Geography of De-Industrialisation edited by Ron Martin and Bob Rowthorn ( London and Basingstoke , Macmillan ; 1986 ) .
19 This led , through X The Unknown ( 1957 ) , which parodies the complacency of the authorities towards the radiation threat and Quatermass 2 ( 1957 ) , in which the visiting monsters come much closer to taking over the world , to the cycle of horror films that started with The Curse of Frankenstein ( 1956 ) , moving away from immediate contemporary concerns towards mythological narratives that touched some of the same fears and terrors .
20 The Sleeping Saloons of the same era were of the same dimensions and weighed about 40 tons .
21 An overall poverty of colour , and the use of slightly larger ( but still well-cut ) tesserae in mosaic 7 , produce many of the contrasts of this mosaic with mosaic C. The latter , therefore , remains a more accomplished design , but it is difficult to avoid the conclusion that some of the same craftsmen and some identical plans or ideas were employed at Verulamium .
22 2.17 This exercise has been described in a different way by Lord Diplock in Mallett v McMonagle [ 1970 ] AC 166 at p174 : The purpose of an award of damages under the Fatal Accidents Act is to provide the widow and other dependants of the deceased with a capital sum , which , with prudent management , will be sufficient to supply them with material benefits of the same standards and duration as would have been provided for them out of the earnings of the deceased had he not been killed by the tortious act of the defendant , credit being given for the value of any material benefits which will accrue to them ( otherwise than as the fruits of insurance ) as a result of his death .
23 The Court held on the one hand that the protection of the Directive was a matter of public policy and so the worker could not trade away his right under the Directive to the maintenance of the same terms and conditions , even if ‘ the employee obtains new benefits in compensation for the disadvantages resulting from an amendment to his contract of employment so that , taking the matter as a whole , he is not placed in a worse position than before ’ ( point 15 ) .
24 Good meadow hay consists of the same grasses and clovers as a good pasture .
25 The reliability of the sedimentation tube methods , as determined by good reproducibility of results from repeated analysis of the same samples and by analysis of multiple sub-samples from individual sediments , has been recorded by many workers .
26 Acne may be a case of a few spots and blackheads , or it can be a highly distressing skin disease with redness , inflammation , pimples and even scarring .
27 Similarly , in the case of a local authority , formal authority to make decisions will rest with the full council ; but in reality it may well be that power is in the hands of a few councillors and chief officers such that the locus of decision making may be far removed from the full council meeting .
28 Well I suppose at the , one of the best things , best examples of the difference was that my wife when she saw this house , knew that it was a house in which she could be happy , in which her tastes and , could spread themselves , erm rather than her tastes having to be curtailed by lack of space and lack of accommodation , erm , the fact that I had a garage which was essential er next to my house instead of some er quarter or twenty minutes ' walk away from where I lived as happened in London also made a terrific difference to comfort , erm the fact that there was a garden instead of a few windowboxes and a couple of tubs , all these things I think made one appreciate the fact that you 'd come , not only into a new town , but into a new way of life probably the fact that we had a staircase inside the house , which was the first time that we 'd had a staircase between our bedrooms and our living rooms
29 Whilst the daisies look fine as they are , they will look quite stunning with the addition of a few butterflies and these are great fun to create .
30 The rest of us left Addis Ababa by train on the morning of 1 October 1933 , arriving three hours later at Mojjo , which consisted of a few sheds and huts .
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