Example sentences of "of [art] [det] [noun pl] i " in BNC.

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1 In his first letter from there he makes a significant little admission to Theo , and encloses a sketch : ‘ I should like to begin making hasty sketches of some of the many things I meet … but as it would probably keep me from my real work it is better not to start . ’
2 ‘ One of the many things I do n't understand is why Riddle was so generally disliked , even hated .
3 ‘ It 's one of the many things I acquired a taste for at school .
4 Ines Oppenheimer comments : ‘ I actually think I have had a more interesting career as a result of the many changes I have made .
5 Not the least of the many surprises I got on returning home was to find that all that had changed .
6 Only one of the many newspapers I read mentioned the fact that the assailant was black and it was with the most extreme difficulty that I was able to ascertain from reporters and policemen , who all refused to be named , that the callous passers-by were also black .
7 Besides , it makes more sense to me to believe your brother was the victim of one of the many enemies I 'm sure he made in the course of his life .
8 Of the many books I have read , the ones whose authors showed that they possessed the most joy and happiness were Epictetus , Seneca , Tagore , Thoreau , Kabir , Raidas , Ramakrishna , Rumi , W.H. Davies , Vinoba Bhave .
9 One of the many caveats I want to make about these still-experimental calculations is that they are not typical at all socio-economic levels .
10 But with Karen such frankness was out of the question , and without her cooperation , getting rid of Dennis looked like just another of the many pipe-dreams I had indulged in over the years .
11 ‘ The frets were one of the few things I actually bought for the guitar .
12 Er , one of the paradoxes of the modern era as er , pointed out by Tom Peters , not by me , one of the few things I do not claim original thought on , erm , is , is that it 's not that we , people think that we do n't have enough information at our fingertips and are constantly striving to gather more and more , the opposite is actually true .
13 And your cousin was one of the first one of the few women I ever knew , who could take shorthand in Welsh .
14 One of the few skills I possess is the ability to type with ten fingers .
15 In fact , it was one of the few times I had seen him act in a civil way towards his stepmother .
16 He knew I worked with Malcolm because he was one of the few teachers I could have a conversation with about something more than homework or football .
17 And Keith is one of the few Englishmen I know who really likes Spencer , the rest dismiss him as representative of an imperial , conservative , rural English idyll .
18 Darts is one of the few sports I 've got the right build for .
19 ‘ He is one of the few teetotallers I know who can be entertaining after dinner . ’
20 I say ‘ the wife ’ with impunity as Doreen is one of the few wives I know who actually calls herself that .
21 That is a fact , he wrote ( and Goldberg typed ) , one of the few facts I can swear to , though I find it impossible to explain .
22 Erm , so we are particularly pleased to have you here because we know as well that the G M B is in the forefront of erm establishing activity within Europe , one of , one of the few unions I think is that the only unions will have an office open in Brussels .
23 One of the few occasions I ever saw him and the only one in which we sat face to face .
24 We sat on a tree that had been felled and ate some very tasty ham sandwiches -one of the few picnics I have ever been to .
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