Example sentences of "of [art] [adj] [noun pl] to " in BNC.

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1 Chantries were not limited to the laity ; some of the more senior clergy certainly availed themselves of the system and numerous chantry chapels survive in most of the monastic-foundation cathedrals to abbots and priors .
2 A lease , because of the involvement of the landlord ( who is not or who at any rate in his capacity as landlord is not a member of the firm ) , needs not only an appropriate declaration that the named partners joined as lessees hold the term on trust but also : ( a ) a declaration that possession of the demised premises by partners who are not trustees of the lease shall not by itself constitute a breach of the usual covenants against parting with or sharing possession ; ( b ) a provision which dispenses with the landlord 's consent ( or makes it automatic ) to an assignment of the demised premises to partners other than the original lessees or to the vesting of the premises in new trustees for the firm .
3 Reining up , the Regent found himself master of the southern approaches to Berwick , and cutting off Edward of England from his own territories and sources of supply .
4 Bede says that he subjected the kingdom of the southern Saxons to severe oppression and their bishopric was soon absorbed within the diocese of Winchester ( HE IV , 15 ) .
5 A group which has received particular attention recently are the unskilled labourers moving from small-scale , mainly agricultural , work on the peripheries of the industrial economies to the economically successful regions .
6 Thus the crucial determiner of the therapeutic experiences to which the child will be exposed is whether or not the child is categorised as ‘ having ’ a particular condition .
7 After three years , 10m of the bonds have been redeemed , leaving 25 per cent ( i.e. 10/40 ) of the remaining bonds to be redeemed in the following year and 75 per cent ( i.e.30/40 ) of the remaining bonds to be redeemed in the final year .
8 After three years , 10m of the bonds have been redeemed , leaving 25 per cent ( i.e. 10/40 ) of the remaining bonds to be redeemed in the following year and 75 per cent ( i.e.30/40 ) of the remaining bonds to be redeemed in the final year .
9 On February 15th President F.W. de Klerk announced that most of the remaining obstacles to constitutional negotiations with the African National Congress ( ANC ) had been cleared away .
10 Finally , some sites may experience problems if they are restricting the use of the available units to specific operation types — it is no good having a TK50 available for a Primary copy if the only unit available is either not a TK50 drive , or is set to Secondary copies only !
11 Finally , some sites may experience problems if they are restricting the use of the available units to specific operation types — it is no good having a TK50 available for a Primary copy if the only unit available is either not a TK50 drive , or is set to Secondary copies only !
12 Soviet spokesmen could argue that although the USSR had for decades proselytised the notion of a national liberation or solidarity ‘ front ’ of Third World states , aligned at least politically to the Soviet bloc , it had not created regional groupings or coalitions of states militarily tied to the USSR or the Warsaw Pact and it had supported the opposition of the non-aligned states to military blocs .
13 As my right hon. Friend the Prime Minister has said many times , we should work as hard as we can in the heart of Europe to lead our partners away from the cause of Euro-dirigism and Euro-protectionism , which if allowed to develop under the influence of Madame Cresson and such people would render the entire Community less competitive in global markets and blight the prospects of the developing countries to the south and east of the existing Community .
14 It probably evolved because if you do computer simulations erm you find out that one of the stable equilibria to which er differing or same size sex cells leads is one with a very large cell and one with a very small cell .
15 It is the plan of agitators and the way of sensational writers to confound the two in one , to talk of ‘ starving millions ’ and to tack on the thousands of the working classes to the tens or hundreds of the distressed .
16 The region of temperature over which the viscosity of the liquid increases to the glassy level is called the " glass transition " .
17 Vietnam 's co-operation in the Cambodian peace process had removed one of the major obstacles to normalization , but there remained the issue of approximately 2,300 US service personnel reported missing in action ( MIAs ) in the war and still unaccounted for .
18 The multiplication of agencies as a means to greater bureaucratic efficiency may be objected to on the grounds that one of the major obstacles to the successful implementation of government programmes has been found to be the existence of numerous competing administrative bodies which so many programmes seem to involve because of overlapping policy fields and jurisdictions ( Gunn 1978 ) .
19 One of the major incentives to the founding of the firm in 1823 was the need to provide for the S&DR which started in 1825 .
20 Before I left for San Francisco I spent a few days wandering the considerable length and the decidedly inconsiderable breadth of the Canal , newest of the major approaches to Balboa 's ocean .
21 Acquiring a dominant position by merger has been one of the major routes to achieving dominance in recent experience in the UK and US .
22 So they actually took a very active role against it , and had been the allies of people like the National Consumers ' League on other issues , but on this one they really differed , and were one of the major blocks to passing the legislation .
23 Indeed one of the major conclusions to be drawn from the historical and sociological discussion in this chapter is that a proper analysis of the operation of ‘ race ’ as an element in British society and education requires an understanding of its interrelationship with the structured and cultural divisions which derive from class and gender relations , in the context of an understanding of Britain 's past imperial domination and its continuing legacies .
24 One of the major changes to which our society must give meaning is the increasing number of people over the age of retirement , especially those in their 80s and 90s .
25 Women 's access to occupational pension benefits , particularly those derived from their own ( not a husband 's ) paid work record , is a crucial issue in the light of the major changes to retirement pension provision enacted in 1986 ( see Groves , 1991 ) .
26 Some of the major questions to be asked are : what changes are occurring in the economic relations with former client states — Cuba , Mongolia and Vietnam — and how far is this affecting the latters ' future economic development ?
27 Some of the major features to be included in the March issue
28 Some of the major features to be included in the August issue
29 In the view of one of the major contributors to the debate about when and how the concept should be deployed , however , this is not the result of semantic ambiguity .
30 The consistent appeal of the major parties to the ‘ nation ’ and their attempt to project an image of governmental competence ( and also to brand their rivals as incompetent ) has both reflected and reinforced this trend among the electorate .
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