Example sentences of "of [art] [noun pl] i [verb] " in BNC.

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1 And I would also point out that we are not proposing excessive development , in one of the papers I 've I 've put round , and I repeat the point I made it earlier .
2 I have also enclosed a few of the papers I referred to at the beginning of the meeting , plus a travel claim form which you are welcome to use .
3 So many of the games I 've seen here have been dominated more that ever by the boot .
4 At the beginning of the holidays I spent a week with a school friend in London , and towards the end another week with another friend in Bedford .
5 Of the stories I have in mind , Othello and Desdemona , Samson and Delilah , Dido and Aeneas , only the third is spoken of , and it is spoken of oracularly .
6 So , I would say that the design , the actual literal design , the graphics part of the projects I work on , is twenty percent of the work and the rest is all trying to explain and get it understood .
7 ‘ One of the projects I worked on recently was in Queen Street with the Department of History and Applied Art .
8 Unfortunately , I wrote to him in rather a hurry , and did n't take copies of the notes I sent him .
9 I know I 've never had some of the breaks I deserve but I do n't allow myself to dwell on this .
10 It 's this neck of the woods I do n't know .
11 ‘ When you 've seen some of the problems I 've seen you 'll realise how lucky you are . ’
12 He continued : ‘ One of the problems I have is that people talk to me of political theatre and non-political theatre .
13 One of the problems I have with what you 've all been saying so far is that you 've talked about encouraging a sense of warmth and security , well maybe we ought to confront the fact that the world is not a warm and secure place and deal with those kinds of issues , and say and put it squarely before children .
14 Although this is an isolated example it is typical of the problems I encountered and which led me to the conclusion that the product simply is n't ready for release into the market in its current form .
15 I 've lost count of the times I 've made a good catch and returned the next night ( or day as the case may be ) only to blank or , at best , catch a fraction of the previous night 's catch .
16 Some of the Members I interviewed would like wider shots and more panning and reaction shots .
17 When watching parliamentary television , I have not often felt that there was an unfair political balance and none of the Members I interviewed raised this matter , except that one Liberal Democrat believed that the smaller parties were squeezed out of live coverage on Tuesdays and Thursdays .
18 In one of the tenses I singing
19 ‘ If Neil 's taken any notice of the hints I 've dropped , it should be a new car . ’
20 I have to confess , I 'm afraid — and now we have come to the point of this long and circumstantial detour , of a sort which I assure you will not recur in these reports — that under the pressure of the circumstances I did a very foolish thing .
21 There were on the film set few of the moments I had come to dread during the run of the stage show — when he 'd slap me down , or even when he would encourage me , egg me on . ’
22 This article presents some of the documents I have discovered at the Minutier Central , Archives Nationales de France .
23 On Top Of The Pops I told her I was in love with her — and she laughed like a drain .
24 This puts me in mind of the last Top of The Pops I watched , a show replete with beflared , poncho 'd , kaftan 'd persons doing psychotropic ‘ dances ’ , tripping out and boogieing at the same time .
25 Some of the answers I got .
26 One of the psychiatrists I spoke to while preparing this book said that in his therapy groups for people with anxieties , he asked them to make lists of their day 's worries .
27 A lot of the models I saw had snags you had n't really got ironed out .
28 On several of the meres I fish I can tell to within a few minutes when I will get bites .
29 In spite of the occupations I have followed for the last thirty years , shreds of science remain .
30 One of the areas I looked at first was the so-called ancillary services — that is cleaning , catering and laundry .
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